Thesis topics
Resident colleagues
Benczes Réka
- Metaphorical framing in political communication
- Visual metaphors and metonymies in advertising
- Metaphorical framing of illness and taboo topics in media discourse
- Social stereotyping in everyday language use
Bokor Tamás
- digital media communication
- human-computer interaction
- digital pedagogy
Havril Ágnes
- Intercultural communication: interdependence of language use and culture
- Verbal, nonverbal communication in the intercultural communication interactions
- Culture shock; cultural diversity; cultural integration in the globalized tertiary education
- Culture and identity: immigration; acculturation; language use
- Gender based communication
- Constructs of worldviews: Cultures, geo-cultural and geo-political issues of Central Asia and the Middle-East
- Media; Media Semiotics
Kárpáti Andrea
- Visual communication
- Fashion communication: history and contemporary trends
- Exhibition communication in museums / trade shows
- Design Thinking in communication
Kovács Lajos
- organizational communication
- film, video, social media (YouTube, Insta, Tik-Tok)
Labov Jessie
- new media/digital media/social media as a cultural phenomenon
- film and television analysis (as well as subsequent hybrid formats)
- media archaeology; historical research on media theory, form and practice
Nagy-Béni Alexandra
- Media framing of violent events in news
- Visual rhetoric in advertising: metaphors, metonymies
- Applications of mass media effect theories
Pelle Veronika
- Media literacy, digital literacy, responsibility in online communication
- Formal and informal media education, digital competences
- Children’s media use, digital parenting
- Current trends and phenomena in new media communication
Rétvári Márton
- Video games and their influence
- Esports
- Virtual reality
- Digital marketing practices
Szabó Lilla
- Figurative language in political discourse
- Metaphors and metonymies in political marketing
- Media linguistics: digital communication and multimodality
- Digital political communication and multimodality
Szántay Antal
- Inequalities in communication and media
- Multilingualism
- Films and history
- History of popular music and culture
- History of communication and media
Székely Levente
- Youth culture (lifestyle, consumer groups)
- Generations, generational differences
- Media consumption (new phenomena and consumption habits)
- Empirical research (regardless of the subject)
PhD Students
Adámi Zsanett
- Intra- and interpersonal communication about adoption – Adoption communication
- Communication within the family
Bialkó Petra
- Metaphors in the discourse of motherhood
Bozdag Utku
- Data-driven content analysis
- Data-driven metaphor analysis in digital political discourse
- Biases and conspiratorial thinking on social media
Cziráky Fanni
- communication in sport
- social psychology related topics in communication
Háló Gergő
- sociology of science
- communication theory
Fekete Balázs Tamás
- environmental psychology
- behavioral economics
Horváth Evelin
- CGI-technology, virtual characters
- AI-based image creation
- image and video manipulation
Illés Tekla
- political incivility
Kelemen Fanni Ráhel
- Branding in social media
Kristóf-Csáki Csilla
- health communication
- artificial intelligence
Mukhangali Kundyz
- News coverage during the war: on the example of X
- Representation of women/children during X-Y period in X media
Muratalieva Aizhamal
- migration/migrant discourses, social identity
- ethnic minorities
Mwangi Zipporah
- Beauty studies in social media, Social media use
Özkan Beste Naz
- business excellence and organisational behaviour
- organizational communication
Sebestény Judit Ilona
- family communication
- family and media
- media portrayal
Strausz Kamilla
- Leadership communication in startups
- Startup companies and investors – how they integrated into the organizational communication
Szabó Kincső
- gender stereotypes and visual rhetoric
Szőke Katalin
- Communicational Practices in the Field of Culture – Artists, Projects, Organizations
Taxner Tünde
- media literacy, media education methods
- storytelling in the media and in organizations
Till Anilla
- sustainability communication
- environmental communication
Uricska Erna
- linguistics and organisational (police) communication
- role of visual communication in organisational brand building
Veloso da Silva Admilson
- Instagram studies
- Youth self-presentation
Vinczéné Fekete Lídia
- academic emotions, student engagement
- instructional communication
- measuring emotions experienced while watching videos
Zivanovic Aleksandra
- Fashion communication
- Advertising marketing Luxury/Sustainable Fashion
- Environmental communication