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Önéletrajz - Dr. Berlinger Edina


Dr. Berlinger Edina

egyetemi tanár
Végzettségek, tudományos fokozatok
Felsőfokú végzettségek
  • 1989 - 1995
    Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Pénzügy szak (főiskolai)
Tudományos fokozatok, címek
  • 2015, Dr.Habil
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola
  • 2004, PhD
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Doktori Iskola
Szakmai életút
Korábbi és jelenlegi munkahelyek, munkakörök és beosztások
  • 1994 - 2008
    Nemzetközi Bankérképző Központ, oktató, az EFFAS kötvénymodul szakmai vezetője
  • 2014 - 2015
    MTA, KRTK, Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, Játékelméleti Kutatócsoport, kutatási főmunkatárs
  • 2005 - 2018
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, egyetemi docens
  • 2004 - 2005
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, egyetemi adjunktus
  • 1995 - 2004
    Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem, egyetemi tanársegéd
  • 1994 - 2003
    Közép-Európai Brókerképző Alapítvány, oktató
Egyetemi közéleti tevékenységek (testületi tagságok, vezetői megbízatások)
  • 2020 -
    törzstag, Gazdálkodástudományi Doktori Iskola
  • 2015 - 2020
    törzstag, Általános és Kvantitatív Közgazdaságtan Doktori Iskola
  • 2014 - 2020
    szakfelelős, MSc, Pénzügy
  • 2010 - 2011
    szakirányfelelős, MSc, Vállalati Pénzügy
  • 2009 - 2019
    Kari Tanács tag, Gazdálkodástudományi kar
  • 2009 - 2017
    szakirányfelelős, BA, Pénzügy
  • 2008 -
    tanszékvezető, Befektetések és Vállalati Pénzügy tanszék
  • 2005 - 2010
    szakirányfelelős, MSc, Tőkepiac és Vállalat
Felügyelőbizottsági és igazgatósági tagságok
  • 2021 -
    OTP Romania, felügyelő bizottság tagja
  • 2014 - 2019
    Antal László Alapítvány, kuratórium tagja
  • 2010 -
    Befektetések és Vállalati Pénzügy Tanszék Alapítványa, kuratórium elnöke
  • 2009 - 2010
    Pénzügyi Kultúra Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány, kuratórium elnöke
Fontosabb tanulmányutak, kiküldetések
  • 2016, 1 hét
    Bloomberg Központ, New York
  • 2012, 1 hét
    University of Richmond, Bentley University
  • 1994, 5 hónap
    Université Aix-en-Provence
Díjak, címek, kitüntetések
  • 2014, A Magyar Felsőoktatásért Emlékplakett
    Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
  • 1995, Pénzügy szak kiváló hallgatója
    BKE, Pénzügyi Intézet
Médiaszereplést vállal-e rajta?
  • Nyelv: francia
    Beszéd: felső
    Írás: felső
    Olvasás: felső
    Médiaszereplést vállal-e rajta?:
  • Nyelv: angol
    Beszéd: felső
    Írás: felső
    Olvasás: felső
    Médiaszereplést vállal-e rajta?:
Kutatás, szakértői tevékenység

Pénzügyi Kockázatok Kezelése, Vállalati Pénzügyek, Pénzügyi Számítások, Pénzügyi Esettanulmányok, Befektetések


szegények pénzügyei, rendszerkockázat, hitelkockázat, kockázatkezelés, ösztönzők erkölcsi kockázat mellett, működési kockázat, pénzügyi hálózatok, klíring

diákhitel-rendszerek, jóléti rendszerek
Fontosabb kutatások
  • 2018 - 2021, Pénzügyi és lakossági szolgáltatások
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: Felsőoktatási Intézményi Kiválósági Program, EMMI
    További információk a kutatásról: Pénzügyi likviditás alprojekt
  • 2018 - 2019, Bolyai+ kutatási ösztöndíj
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: ÚNKP
    További információk a kutatásról: A Bolyai János kutatási ösztöndíj eredményeinek disszeminációja
  • 2016 - 2019, Bolyai János Kutatási ösztöndíj
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
    További információk a kutatásról: Hitelrendszerek tervezése
  • 2014 - 2015, Játékelméleti Kutatócsoport
    Részvétel formája: a kutatócsoport tagja
    Finanszírozó: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
    További információk a kutatásról: The research group supported by the Momentum Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences aimed at understanding, modeling and solving certain problems within the realm of game theory. The focus of research was at cooperative games, where the players interactions generate externalities, that is, third parties, not directly participating in the activities may get affected. In partition function form games the third party is a third player or another coalition, while in dynamic cooperative games it may well be the future self of one of the acting agents. Besides the theoretical results, the aim was also to apply them in economic models, of these, the applications of power indices and matching models were especially prominent in the research profile.
  • 2012 - 2012, Network analysis of the Hungarian interbank deposit market
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
    További információk a kutatásról: Networks change in time and changes in the network topology may characterize and forecast liquidity crises. We examined the Hungarian interbank deposit market between 2003 and 2012 and investigated the behavior of the players, flows of funding, and the corresponding graph measures. These results can be used as inputs of an “early warning system” and also may help to detect systematically important players.
  • 2011 - 2011, Modeling market microstructure with interacting agents
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: Morgan Stanley
    További információk a kutatásról: The objective of the research project was to investigate a market with interacting agents with a focus ona) the effect of heterogeneous information patterns and beliefs on liquidity, b) the effect of heterogeneous agents hedging their underlying position in a multi-asset market environment on market prices and liquidity.
  • 2011 - 2011, Order execution strategies – How traders do it?
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: MSCI
    További információk a kutatásról: Market players have some ideas about market liquidity tendencies. Based on this, they develop effective order-splitting and timing strategies. In this research project, we performed interviews with different types of traders and investigated how they tried to optimize their trading in practice (typical situations, rules of thumb etc.).
  • 2010 - 2010, N° EAC/47/2009 Feasibility study to examine the potential need for a student lending facility at European level
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture
    További információk a kutatásról: The general purpose of the project was to make lifelong learning and mobility a reality, by reducing financial barriers. The main tasks were:- description and evaluation of present practices- evaluating the Community Added Value (CAV)- creating a new pan-European institution (Erasmus+)
  • 2010 - 2010, N° AO/RPA/PLI-PSZO/Loans/016/09 “The Role of Loans in Financing Vocational Education and Training in Europe”
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: CEDEFOP
    További információk a kutatásról: In cooperation with the Lithuanian Research Institute (PPMI), we investigated the European practice in VET financing and on this background, we identified the possible “best practice” model(s) and formulated policy recommendations on how to develop the financing institutions in Europe in order to support employment and economic recovery.
  • 2007 - 2008, British Hungarian Joint Research Project titled “European Perspectives of Student Lending”
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: British Council, Collegium Budapest
    További információk a kutatásról: The program included COLBUD, British Council, LSE scholars, and the Hungarian Student Loan Center. The project had three objectives: firstly, a comparative analysis of existing student loan systems in HE; secondly, a dissemination of the achievements of the Hungarian Student Loan system, thirdly, exploration of future opportunities in student lending in Europe.
  • 2006 - 2007, Future of Higher Education in Europe, International Comparative Analysis
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: British Council
    További információk a kutatásról: Discussion forums and workshops amongst several teams of European countries. Teams were participating in an international think thank workshop series to determine future strategies and scenarios for the European Higher Education in everyone’s own country. The program was finished with a conference and a book summarizing the findings and conclusions.
  • 2005 - 2007, Complex Systems,
    Részvétel formája: a kutatócsoport tagja
    Finanszírozó: Collegium Budapest, NAP Project
    További információk a kutatásról: COLBUD was a multidisciplinary research institute with the participation of highly respected and known scholars from worldwide. NAP Project was a European Funded mega-project. I was a Senior Research Fellow responsible for the “Risk-Management of a special credit portfolio” project team. We analyzed data on the repayment of the Hungarian student loan system, carried out simulations, designed optimal stochastic control systems to ensure the stability of the system and advised decision makers for the best interventions.
  • 2004 - 2006, Sztochasztikus Rendszerek és Pénzügyi Piacok Modellezése
    Részvétel formája: a kutatócsoport tagja
    Finanszírozó: OTKA 047193
    További információk a kutatásról: The objective of this research was to apply and develop advanced methods of stochastic systems for modeling financial markets. A current challenge in financial mathematics is the development of reliable hedging strategies for incomplete markets. Mathematically, this is a stochastic adaptive control problem in which the dynamics of the system is described by a multivariable switching diffusion process. This major problem could be related to a number of simpler problems. Most of our research topics were related to technical problems that could be handled within the framework of a Ph.D. program. The main areas were: hidden Markov models, models for a stock exchange, stochastic volatility and the relationship between stochastic control and option pricing. In addition, we have studied a few fundamental problems of stochastic adaptive control.
  • 2004 - 2005, Nyugdíjrendszer és diákhitel-rendszer összekapcsolása
    Részvétel formája: kutatásvezető
    Finanszírozó: OM, Deák Ferenc kutatóösztöndíj
    További információk a kutatásról: The objective of the fellowship was to explore how the student loan and pension systems can be interconnected to exploit their synergies. It resulted in a study titled “Joint Model of Pension and Student Loan” in which I worked out and recommended the introduction of a new pension model.
Tagság tudományos vagy szakmai szervezetben, testületben Szerkesztőbizottsági tagságok és pozíciók
  • 2016 - , Gazdaság és Pénzügy, szerkesztőbizottság tagja,
    magyar nyelvű
  • 2016 - , Controller Info, szerkesztőbizottság tagja,
    magyar nyelvű
  • 2015 - , Acta Oeconomica, szerkesztőbizottság tagja,
    idegen nyelvű
  • 2014 - 2018, Közgazdasági Szemle, szerkesztőbizottság tagja,
    magyar nyelvű
Szakértői tanácsadási tevékenységek
  • 2013 -
    KELER KSZF, Kockázati modellek auditálása
  • 2011 - 2011
    Albanian Gorvernment, Worldbank project, Design of student loan system for Albania
  • 2008 - 2008
    Bulgarian Government, Worldbank project, Design of student loan system for Bulgaria
  • 2007 - 2007
    Generali-Providencia Zrt., Speciális strukturált termék árazása
  • 2006 -
    Magyar Posta Zrt., Vállalati likviditáskezelés
  • 2006 - 2006
    Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztérium, Szakiskolai hitelrendszer megvalósíthatósági tanulmány
  • 2004 - 2005
    Diákhitel Központ Zrt., Stabilitásvizsgálat
  • 2002 - 2002
    Magyar Fejlesztési Bank, Diákhitel alternatívák
  • 1999 - 2001
    Oktatási Minisztérium, Világbanki projekt, Diákhitelrendszer tervezése és implementációja
  • 1999 - 1999
    Procent Értékpapír Rt., Kockázatkezelési rendszer kialakítása (kereskedési könyv)
Egyetemi tartózkodási hely
  • Épület: Főépület
    Szobaszám: 279.2
    Mellék: 5212
    Fővonal: 06-1-4825212
    Belső fax:
1093, Budapest, Fővám tér 8.

lásd tanszéki honlap: finance/uni-corvinus.hu
Personal data

Dr. Berlinger Edina

full professor
Qualifications, scientific degrees
Higher education qualifications
  • 1989 - 1995
    Corvinus University of Budapest (predecessor), Finance specialization (egyetemi)
Scientific degrees and awards
  • 2015, Dr.Habil
    Doctoral School in Business Administration
  • 2004, PhD
    Corvinus University of Budapest, Doctoral School in Economics
  • 2018 -
    Corvinus University of Budapest, Full professor
  • 2014 - 2015
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Momentum Grant, Research Group in Game Theory, Senior researcher
  • 2005 - 2018
    Corvinus University of Budapest, Associate Professor
  • 1995 - 2005
    Corvinus University of Budapest (predecessor), Assistant Professor
  • 1994 - 2003
    Central European Foundation for Brokers' Training, Lecturer
  • 1994 - 2008
    International Trading Center for Bankers, Lecturer, head of the EFFAS bond modul
Public activities in the university (memberships in university bodies)
  • 2015 - 2020
    Member of Doctoral School in Economics, CUB
  • 2014 - 2020
    Academic leader of the Finance Master program
  • 2010 - 2011
    Head of Specialization of Finance (Master level)
  • 2009 - 2020
    Member of the Faculty Committeee
  • 2009 - 2017
    Head of Specialization of Finance (Bachelor level)
  • 2008 - 2022
    Head of Department of Finance
  • 2008 - 2021
    Head of Corporate Finance Specialization, Doctoral School in Business Administration, CUB
  • 2005 - 2010
    Head of Specialization of Corporate Finance (Master level)
Membership in board of supervision and directors
  • 2021 -
    OTP Bank Romania, Member of the Supervisory Board
  • 2018 - 2018
    MagNet Bank, Chair of the Supervisory Board
  • 2010 -
    Foundation for the Department, Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • 2009 - 2010
    Foundation for the Development for Financial Culture, Member of the Board of Trustees
Important study tours, delegacies
  • 2016, 1 week
    Bloomberg Headquarter, New York
  • 2012, 1 week
    University of Richmond, Bentley University
  • 1994, 5 months
    Université d'Aix en Provence
Awards, titles, honors
  • 2013, Award for the Development of the Hungarian Capital Markets
    Budapest Stock Exchange
  • 2014, Award for the Hungarian Higher Education
    Ministry of Human Resources
  • 1995, Best Student in Finance
    CUB, Institute of Finance
Language skills
Media appearance
Language skills
  • Language: French
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance: Yes
  • Language: English
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance: Yes
Research, professional activity

corporate finance, financial calculations, case studies in finance, investments, financial risk management, causality in finance (data analysis)


financial inclusion, operational risk, systemic risk, credit risk, risk management, corporate governance, financial networks, financial regulation, behavioral finance

student loan systems, welfare systems
Major research projects
  • 2021 - , Financial Liquidity and Sustainability
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: National Office for Research, Development, and Innovation - NKFIH, K-138826
    Further info about research: We investigate financial liquidity, sustainability, and crisis management.
  • 2018 - 2021, Financial and public services
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Higher Educational Institutional Excellence Program, Ministry of Human Resources
    Further info about research: The Financial liquidity subproject aimed at investigating household finance in disadvantaged regions to improve financial inclusion.
  • 2018 - 2019, Bolyai+ Research Dissemination Grant
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Further info about research: Dissemination of the results of Bolyai János scholarship focusing on the regulation of lending markets.
  • 2014 - 2015, Game theory
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Momentum Programme
    Further info about research: The focus of the research was on cooperative games, where the players' interactions generate externalities, that is, third parties, not directly participating in the activities may get affected.
  • 2012 - 2012, Network analysis of the Hungarian interbank deposit market
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: National Bank of Hungary
    Further info about research: We examined the Hungarian interbank deposit market between 2003 and 2012 and investigated the behavior of the players, flows of funding, and the corresponding network structures.
  • 2011 - 2011, Modeling market microstructure with interacting agents
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Morgan Stanley
    Further info about research: The objective of the research was to investigate a market with interacting agents with a focus on the effect of heterogeneous information patterns and beliefs on liquidity.
  • 2011 - 2011, Order execution strategies – How traders do it?
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: MSCI
    Further info about research: Market players develop effective order-splitting and timing strategies. In this qualitative research project, we conducted interviews with different types of traders and investigated how they optimize their trading in practice.
  • 2010 - 2010, N° EAC/47/2009 Feasibility study to examine the potential need for a student lending facility at European level
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture
    Further info about research: The main tasks of the research team were: the description and evaluation of current practices, the assessment of the Community Added Value (CAV), and the design of a new pan-European student loan institution (Erasmus+).
  • 2010 - 2010, The role of loans in financing vocational education and training in Europe, N° AO/RPA/PLI-PSZO/Loans/016/09
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
    Further info about research: In cooperation with the Lithuanian Research Institute (PPMI), we investigated the European practice in VET financing and on this background, we identified the possible “best practice” model(s) and formulated policy recommendations on how to develop the financing institutions in Europe in order to support employment and economic recovery.
  • 2007 - 2008, European perspectives of student lending
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: British Council, Collegium Budapest
    Further info about research: A comparative analysis of existing student loan systems in HE; dissemination of the achievements of the Hungarian Student Loan system, and the exploration of future opportunities in student lending in Europe.
  • 2006 - 2007, Future of higher education in Europe, International comparative analysis
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: British Council
    Further info about research: Discussion forums and workshops were organized for several teams from European countries. Teams participated in an international think-thank workshop series to determine future strategies and scenarios for European higher education.
  • 2005 - 2007, Complex systems, Risk management of a special credit portfolio
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Studies, COLBUD
    Further info about research: COLBUD was a multidisciplinary research institute with the participation of highly respected and known scholars from worldwide. In this subproject, we examined the optimal control of the Hungarian student loan portfolio.
  • 2004 - 2006, Stochastic systems and modelling of financial markets
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Research Grant OTKA 047193
    Further info about research: The objective of this research was to apply and develop advanced methods of stochastic systems for modeling financial markets. The main areas were: hidden Markov models, models for a stock exchange, stochastic volatility, and option pricing.
  • 2004 - 2005, Connection of pension and student loan systems
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Hungarian Ministry of Education,
    Further info about research: The objective of the fellowship was to explore how student loan and pension systems can be interconnected to exploit their synergies.
Membership in scientific or professional bodies/organizations
  • 2021 - 2022, chair, leadership position (president, director etc)
    The Hungarian Society of Economics, national
  • 2014 - , member of committee, member
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Economic Committee, national
  • 2012 - 2017, chair, leadership position (president, director etc)
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Finance Committee, national
  • 2008 - 2011, secretary, leadership position (president, director etc)
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Finance Committee, national
  • 2018 - 2018, secretary, leadership position (president, director etc)
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Economic Committee, national
  • 2012 - , member, member
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Finance Committee, national
  • 2016 - 2022, non-academician member of the Assembly, member
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, national
Board memberships and positions
  • 2015 - , Acta Oeconomica, member of the editorial board, president or member of the editorial board
    Foreign language
  • 2016 - 2019, Economic Review, member of the editorial board, president or member of the editorial board
    Hungarian language
  • 2014 - , Economics and Finance, member of the editorial board, president or member of the editorial board
    Foreign language
  • 2016 - , Controller Info, member of the editorial board, president or member of the editorial board
    Hungarian language
Expert consultancy activities
  • 2013 - 2022
    KELER, Hungarian Central Counterparty, Validation of risk models
  • 2011 - 2011
    Albanian Gorvernment, Worldbank project, Design of student loan system for Albania
  • 2008 - 2008
    Bulgarian Government, Worldbank project, Design of student loan system for Bulgaria
  • 2006 -
    Hungarian Post Ltd., Corporate liquidity management
  • 2007 - 2007
    Generali-Providencia Insurance Company, Derivative pricing
  • 2006 - 2006
    Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Feasibility study on student lending in vocational education
  • 2004 - 2005
    Hungarian Student Loan Centre, Stability analysis
  • 2002 - 2002
    Hungarian Developement Bank, Student loan alternatives
  • 1999 - 2001
    Hungarian Ministry of Education, Worldbank project, Design and implementation of student loan systems
  • 1999 - 1999
    Procent Securities, Implementation of a risk management system (trading book)
Location at the university
  • Building: Main building
    Room number: 279
    Extension: 5212
    Main line: +36-06-1-4825212
    Fax: +36-06-1-4825212
    Internal fax:
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