Central Europe in the EU, South East Europe and the EU, Conflicts and frozen conflicts in the post Soviet space
Economic history, Development policies, EU-Africa relations
Major research projects
2012 - 2013, Economy and Welfare in Central Europe in comparative perspective
Form of participation: leader of the research team
Moneylender: Andrássy University Budapest, Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, TÁMOP 4.2.2./B-10/1-2010-0015
Further info about research: Report available at https://www.andrassyuni.eu/nachrichten/internationale-tagung-zu-wirtschaft-und-wohlstand-in-mitteleuropa.html; see also book Christopher Walsch (ed.), (2013) Einhundertfünfzig Jahre Rückständigkeit? Wirtschaft und Wohlstand in Mitteleuropa von 1867 bis zur Gegenwart [One hundred and fifty years backwardness? Economy and welfare in Central Europe from 1867 to the present], Herne: Schäfer
2013 - 2017, Evaluating the EU Strategy of the Danube Region
Form of participation: leader of the research team
Moneylender: Andrássy University Budapest, Autonomous Region Trentino - Alto Adige/Südtirol, Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, TÁMOP 4.2.1.D-15/1/KONV-2015-0006
Further info about research: Report available at https://www.andrassyuni.eu/nachrichten/die-eu-donauraumstrategie-auf-dem-prufstand.html; see also book Christopher Walsch, Ellen Bos, Christina Griessler (eds.), (2017) Die EU Donauraumstrategie auf dem Prüfstand [The EU Danube Region Strategy – an intermediary evaluation], Baden-Baden: Nomos 2017
2014 - 2015, Visegrad Four and the Western Balkans. Identity, Integration, and Neighbourhood
Form of participation: member of the research team
Moneylender: Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg, Pannon University Veszprém, TÁMOP-4.2.1.D-15/1/KONV-2015-0006
Further info about research: Academic article: Christopher Walsch, (2015) 'Visegrad Four in Bosnia-Herzegovina. State-building and EU Approximation from a Central European Perspective', Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe 37 (4), pp. 427-441
2017 - 2019, The Visegrad Group and Central European Cooperation
Form of participation: leader of the research team
Moneylender: Metropolitan University Prague (Project code 52-01), The Visegrad Fund
Further info about research: Christopher Walsch, Ladislav Cabada (eds.), (2017) Od Dunajské federace k Visegrádské skupině … a zpět? [From the Daube Federation to the Visegrad Group … and back?], Praha: Libri. Book: Christopher Walsch, Ladislav Cabada (eds.), (2019) Imaginäre Räume in Zentraleuropa. Kulturelle Transformationen, politische Repräsentationen und trans/nationale Identitätsentwürfe [Imagined spaces in Central Europe. Cultural transformations, political representations, trans/national identity concepts], Herne: Schäfer
Membership in scientific or professional bodies/organizations
2006 - , Hungarian Political Science Association (Budapest, Hungary), member
2011 - , Central and East European International Studies Association (Prague, Czech Republic), member
2011 - , Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (Vienna, Austria), member
2012 - , Institute of Austrian Studies (Vienna, Austria), member
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