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IFRS Chartered Accountant Diploma in addition to the Master’s degree

At present, only the Corvinus University of Budapest offers this qualification in Hungary: students graduating from the one-year Master in International Accounting and Auditing in English can also obtain an IFRS Chartered Accountant diploma.

AI Bootcamp for Research Managers – Limited Seats Available

Centre for Grant and Project Management announces an exciting training opportunity for Research Managers, Scientific Managers, Grant Writers, and Researchers actively involved in grant writing.

Doctoral Thesis Defence of Zoltán Madari

The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Zoltán Madari doctoral candidate entitled “Examining the development of Hungarian LAU1 districts using spatial econometric and panel econometric methods” to public defence.

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Corvinus University of Budapest

Prof. Shrivastava: If We Don’t Transition to a Sustainable Economy Now, It Will Be Too Late in a Few Years

In an interview with the leading Hungarian economic online newsportal Portfolio, the newly awarded honorary doctor of Corvinus University discussed the economic impacts of sustainability, the need to redefine growth, and an eco-based approach to corporate profitability.

Corvinus University of Budapest

“Nem csak a turizmus egy arcát mutatta meg a képzés”

Hidegkuti Dorottya, a Szentendrei Skanzen kommunikációs osztályvezetője 360 fokos kitekintés kapott a turizmus területére a Corvinus Egyetem Kulturális turisztikai menedzser/szakközgazdász képzésén.

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