Women Future Entrepreneurs Project
Strengthening Women’s Entrepreneurial Capacity Project
Women Future Entrepreneurs, 2/2023-10/2023
Corvinus Marketing and Communication Sciences Institute became a partner institute of a new international project „Strengthening Women’s Entrepreneurial Capacity – Women Future Entrepreneurs”, supported by the Visegrad Fund. The project led by CHES and supported by V4 and Ukrainian partner organizations, aims to build on and develop the entrepreneurial mindset of temporarily displaced Ukrainian women via an online training programme on starting their own business in V4 countries. According tot he main goals of the project, relevant knowledge and developed skills will result in participants’ business ideas ready to be implemented locally at places of temporary residence.
This project is financed by Visegrad fund and these subjects are included in the project:
For more information please check the project website: https://v4wb.eu/.
Past Activities: In 2014, CUB had a fruitful programme together with the consortium leader (Centre for Higher Education Studies, CHES) in the field of media in formal and informal education. This cooperation has been continued in 2016 when an IVF Standard Grant was carried out by CUB in the area of media literacy, with the same organisational participants. Researchers of Corvinus University take part in the DisCo Conference series organised by CHES from year to year, contributing to the topics of digital education and skills’ development. The renewed Institute of Marketing- and Communication Sciences encompasses both the academic knowledge of marketing and entrepreneurial communication which led to a joint cooperation with V4 project partners and aims to create a basic ground for further achievements in research and education areas.

Project hub-leaders (CUB): Bokor Tamás PhD, Komár Zita PhD

Dr. Komár Zita
Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Marketing- és Designkommunikáció Tanszék

Dr. habil. Bokor Tamás
Habilitált egyetemi docens / Habilitated Associate Professor
Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék