Ugrás a fő tartalomra


Megjelent tudományos publikációk

  • Koczkás, Sára – Vaszkun, Balázs (2018): The Influence of Ideologies on Chinese Management Characteristics and its Relevance in Cross-Cultural Management Between China and the European Union. Vezetéstudomány, vol. 5/2018, pp. 28-37.
  • Milassin, Anda Nóra: When something is not 100 %, then it is 0%’. Korean culture – from Hungarian point of view (under publication, Vezetéstudomány)

Elbírálás alatt lévő tudományos publikációk

  • Does Confucius have a say on management today? Empirical evidence from Asia and Europe (European Journal of International Management)
  • Confucius – a Chinese thinker still present in Japan’s business practices (European Journal of International Management)

Leadott doktori disszertáció

Milassin, Anda Nóra: Interpretation of cultural disparities experienced in cross-cultural interaction in South Korean culture — from a Hungarian perspective (PhD thesis)

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