Nemzetközi projektek
Corvinus University of Budapest is proud to be a key partner in several international cutting-edge research and innovation projects aimed at addressing critical challenges across Europe. In some of these projects, Corvinus University plays the lead coordinating role, helping shape the direction and outcomes of important studies.
Among our Horizon projects, Corvinus coordinates „LearnData„, an ERA Chair project focused on understanding the growth, accumulation, and value of socially embedded knowledge. Corvinus also serves as the coordinator for „TRADE4SD„, which explores the positive connections between trade and sustainable development. Corvinus has been the host institution for „FooDization„, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action investigating the impact of digital transformation on cleaner food product development.
Additionally, the Erasmus projects included on this page highlight our university’s involvement in fostering international collaboration across Europe. Browse through the list to learn more about each initiative and our role in driving innovation and research excellence.
Horizont projects
EIT HEI 2 Capacity Building | ACCELERATE - Entrepreneurship Education in Europe (EEE) |
Duration: 2022-2024 | |
Coordinator: University of Glasgow | The vision of ACCELERATE-EEE is to build capacity at partner higher education institutions (HEIs) to catalyse the development of data-driven entrepreneurial firms in areas such as fintech, medtech, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. This goal is approached through a range of interventions that embed an entrepreneurial culture within partner HEIs, create mechanisms for aligning HEIs with industry best practice and scaling up the provision of entrepreneurial support to a broader range of stakeholders. ACCELERATE-EEE brings together four HEI partners, one intermediary organisation and four associate partners from across European ecosystems. Working together, the partners will leverage their respective ecosystems’ distinctiveness and individual character to achieve synergies as part of an integrated, open and collaborative network. |
Corvinus research group PI: Péter Fehér | | | |
Grant: 227 500 € |
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action | AMASS – Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture |
Duration: 2020-2023 | |
Coordinator: LAPIN YLIOPISTO (FI) | This arts-based action research project aims to create concrete opportunities for people to accompany artists as agents in creative projects and interpretations. This multidisciplinary project considers a wide field of disciplines and through participatory approaches, it explores the role of the arts in mitigating societal challenges, aiming at capturing, assessing and harnessing the societal impact of the arts and further generate social impact through policy recommendations. It also identifies, collates, evaluates and analyses existing and new innovative productions, experiments and case studies from the perspective of European countries ‘on the margins’ in the underserved northern, southern, western and eastern regions. |
Corvinus research group PI: Prof. Andrea Kárpáti | |
Grant: 449 625 € |
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action | Co-VAL-Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations |
Duration: 2017-2021 | |
Coordinator: ATHENS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (GR) | Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations The project mainly contributed to the analysis of innovative ways for designing service models for public administration processes, mainly demand-driven and bottom-up supply chains that promote the voluntary and active participation of society in the transformative efforts of public administrations. |
Corvinus research group PI: Dr. György Drótos | | | |
Grant: 177 500 € |
Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action | EnRRICH (Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education) |
Duration: 2015-2018 | |
Coordinator: VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (BE) | The aim of the project was to improve the capacity of university students and academic staff to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to support the embedding of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in curricula by responding to the research needs of society as expressed by civil society organisations. As a result of this project, Corvinus successfully operates a Science Shop to ensure community outreach for its research activities. |
Corvinus research group PI: Dr. Réka Matolay | | | |
Grant: 55 000 € |
Horizon 2020, MSCA, Innovative Training Networks | FATIGUE – Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe |
Duration: 2018-2021 | |
Coordinator: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UK) | The aim of the project is to develop theoretically and empirically robust explanations for the causes and consequences of rise of illiberalism and authoritarianism in post-communist Europe (and Europe, more generally) with reference to the concept of ‘delayed transformational fatigue’. In the framework of the project Corvinus hosts 3 Early Stage Researchers and supports their interdisciplinary research. |
Corvinus research group PI: Prof. István Benczes | | | |
Grant: 671 741€ |
Horizon 2020 MSCA IF | FooDization - Digital transformation: exploring the role of digital data for food new product development |
Duration: 2021-2023 | |
Host Institution: Corvinus | FooDization aims to explore how low-tech firms are digitally transformed and to provide a theoretical framework concerning how digital data are employed for new product development. FooDization will adopt an exploratory sequential mixed methods design. Combining methods is needed to qualitatively explore the constructs involved in such phenomenon and quantitatively test and generalize the results to a larger population. |
Postdoc researcher: Moreno Frau Supervisor: Tamara Keszey | |
Grant: 151 851 € |
Horizon 2020, MSCA, Innovative Training Networkss | HealthPros – Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals |
Duration: 2018-2021 | |
Coordinator: AMC MEDICAL RESEARCH BV (NL) | Translating healthcare data into meaningful, valid, actionable performance intelligence that is transferrable into actions to improve healthcare systems requires multidisciplinary skills & innovative competencies. HealthPros fills this gap and directly impacts the European Research Area by training innovative “Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals” uniting a multidisciplinary consortium tackling private, public, academic sectors. |
Corvinus research group PI: Dr. Petra Baji | | | |
Grant: 447 827€ |
Horizon Europe Innovation Actions | Hort2thefuture - Horticultural innovations in soil-friendly practices to ensure a sustainable future |
Duration: 2024- 2028 | |
Coordinator: COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL | Europe’s horticultural production systems face 3 main sustainability problems: i) continued reliance on peat growing media, and drawbacks of current peat alternatives; ii) inefficient or inappropriate use of agricultural inputs; iii) suboptimal soil health due to unsustainable management practices. The multi-actor project Hort2thefuture will address these 3 challenges over 4 years with research, supplier, retail, and grower partners representing 11 European countries. Activities are divided between 7 Work Packages corresponding to the project's key objectives, together with project management. The objectives are to: (1) develop a methodological framework and tools for effective sustainability/Life Cycle Assessment analysis, (2) create and foster the commercial uptake of relatively low-cost, reliable, scalable growing media in horticulture, using EU-sourced raw materials, having substantially lower carbon and environmental footprints than peat, (3) develop and commercialise novel products and production systems that reduce input use in horticulture, (4) develop and commercialise novel products that improve soil structure and mitigate soil compaction in horticulture, (5) facilitate behavioural change to more sustainable practices through Living Labs and policy measures, and (6) communicate, disseminate & exploit project results effectively to 7 stakeholder audiences, raising soil literacy. The project will deliver outputs at TRL5-7 for Decision Support and LCA tools, an in planta nitrate monitoring electrode, new peat-free alternatives being commercialised, based on wood fibre, nano/micro-irrigation products developed to improve irrigation efficiency and soil health, as well as commercialised biological, chemical and mechanical solutions to reduce/prevent soil compaction, restore compacted soils and improve soil structure. These outcomes will help realise Mission: Soil health objectives, involving stakeholders along the whole agri-food chain and cooperation with FAO. |
Corvinus research group PI: Attila Jámbor | |
Grant: 167, 500 EUR |
Horizon Widera ERA Chairs | LearnData |
Duration: 2023-2027 | |
Coordinator: CORVINUS | Data fuels the digital economy. This demands training new generations of experts on how data is collected, stored, processed, and analyzed. Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) is working to become a leading business and economics university in Central and Eastern Europe by combining data science skills with expert knowledge in business and economics. The support of the ERA Chair Program will reinforce institutional reforms at CUB designed to transform it into a hub of research and teaching excellence in applied data science, expanding the international attractiveness of CUB through cutting-edge training programs and innovative industry collaborations. We will establish the new Collective Learning Data Lab (CLDL) with the leadership of Professor César Hidalgo, a world-class researcher in data science, economic geography, and network science. By leveraging synergies with outstanding research groups at CUB, the Collective Learning Data Lab is projected to grow into a leading Center for Data and Network Science. This will create an environment for the university to learn key methods and publish in top interdisciplinary, economics, business, and social science journals. The Lab will be a flagship project involving students in experiential data-driven work. Lab members will engage in advising PhD programs and in developing BA specializations and Master programs in social- and business-oriented data science. The Lab will widen CUB’s industry collaborations with data-oriented companies and public policy use cases. Building on Budapest’s strong tradition in network science, CLDL will impact Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe by equipping society with the skills needed to undertake new challenges. |
PI and ERA Chair holder: César Hidalgo | | | |
Grant: 2 493 750 € |
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions | LOESS - Literacy boost through an Operational Educational Ecosystem of Societal actors on Soil health |
Duration: 2023-2026 | |
Coordinator: Wissenschaftsladen Bonn | LOESS will map, connect and engage with multiple actors in Communities of Practice (CoPs) to provide an overview of the current level of soil related knowledge in different educational levels and develop teaching programmes and materials including an Atlas of Soil Education. LOESS will explore educational needs amongst school pupils (primary and secondary levels), students (tertiary level) and young professionals, and society across the European Union and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. LOESS will investigate why existing material is not used to a greater extent and co-create courses and modules for soil education, including virtual reality/augmented reality applications. These resources will target the different stages of education and connect to global and local challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss and the Sustainable Development Goals. LOESS will co-create and test pedagogical techniques to encourage effective knowledge flows and discourse between educators and learners and between different knowledge systems (scientific, political, individual local and collective cultural knowledge). It will carry out activities in 15 countries and provide hands-on activities related to soil education through Community Engaged Research and Learning. To overcome the awareness gap, LOESS will organise focused campaigns and events to exchange knowledge, promote discussion on the results and encourage higher uptake. LOESS will also engage with public authorities and institutions responsible for primary, secondary and tertiary education and provide targeted recommendations and resources for improved knowledge enhancement. Capacity building, knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning will accompany LOESS' education and dissemination activities. |
Corvinus research group PI: Réka Matolay | | | |
Grant: 139,750 EUR |
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions | MAPS - Models, Assessment, and Policies for Sustainability |
Duration: 2024- 2028 | |
Coordinator: UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA | Economic growth is often at odds with environmental sustainability. Despite aspirations for decoupling, evidence suggests that continued growth exacerbates rather than alleviates environmental pressures. Urgently needed is a paradigm shift towards a post-growth approach, where human well-being takes precedence over GDP expansion. In this context, the EU-funded MAPS project emerges as a beacon of innovation and hope. MAPS aims to broaden policy horizons, integrating post-growth scenarios into major scientific assessments to guide policymakers towards a sustainable future. By incorporating post-growth scenarios into major scientific assessments, MAPS seeks to provide policymakers with a diverse toolkit. Using participatory processes and cutting-edge simulation models, it will explore policies that prioritise human welfare while reducing resource use. |
Corvinus research group PI: Alexandra Köves | |
Grant: 320,375 EUR |
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action | MEDIATIZED-EU – Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and Their Representations in Public Perceptions |
Duration: 2021-2024 | |
Coordinator: Dublin City University (IE) | The aim of the project is to study how the media discourses are constructed to foster or hamper the European project and how they resonate among the public by focusing on the elite-media-public triangle. It is crucial to reveal the specifics of such mediatization of political discourses on Europeanization across Europe, namely, the so-called Old and New European and EaP countries. The project also provides a cross-country comparative analysis of seven target countries and develops policy recommendations for national and EU policymakers. Corvinus is co-leader of the Work Package on research. Among the major methods are content- and discourse analysis, population survey, elite interviews and civic discussion. Read more here. |
Corvinus research group PI: Prof. György Lengyel | |
Grant: 399 750 € |
Horizon 2020 ERC Advanced Grant | NEWORLD@A: Negotiating World Research Data – A Science Diplomacy Study |
Duration: 2022-2026 | |
Coordinator: The University of Manchaster (UK) | Science relies on global structures to exchange data whose origins and configuration are still largely unknown. The EU-funded project NEWORLDatA will shape a unique collaboration between research centres across Europe and beyond to unearth the history of these systems, through a unique combination of international relations and history of science perspectives. By mapping past networking patterns, the project will first reveal imbalances in the distribution of data, especially between Global North and Global South countries. It will also chart the international legal infrastructure that supports this uneven data distribution. NEWORLDatA will finally uncover the science diplomacy exercises that have shaped the current global science data exchange system. |
Corvinus research group PI: Matthew Adamson | |
Grant: 93 563 € |
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action | PECUNIA – ProgrammE in Costing, resource use measurement and outcome valuation for Use in multi-sectoral National and International health economic evaluAtions |
Duration: 2018-2020 | |
Coordinator: MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAET WIEN (AT) | The project aimed to tackle the healthcare challenges of an ever-growing and rapidly ageing population in the EU by developing new standardised, harmonised and validated methods and tools for the assessment of costs and outcomes in European healthcare systems. Comparing and exploiting data across different countries and sectors, PECUNIA provided direct comparable solutions to improve chronic and mental healthcare in all EU health systems. |
Corvinus research group PI: Prof. Valentin Brodszky | | | |
Grant: 89 271 € |
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action | POPREBEL – Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism |
Duration: 2019-2021 | |
Coordinator: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UK) | The aim of the project is to take stock of the recent rise of populism – in its various forms – in Central and Eastern Europe including the Western Balkans. Our researchers’ task is to describe the phenomenon, create a typology of its various manifestations, reconstruct trajectories of its growth and decline, investigate its causes, interpret its meanings, diagnose its consequences and propose policy solutions. |
Corvinus research group PI: Prof. István Benczes | | | |
Grant: 408 501 € |
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions | ProTest - Protest as a Democracy Test: Protest Culture under Transformation and as a Transformative Power |
Duration: 2025- 2027 | |
Coordinator: LUNDS UNIVERSITET | There is a steady trend of global democratic decline (de-democratization), transforming political opportunity structures and creating new knowledge gaps about how protest cultures evolve and adapt to changing contexts. Addressing this gap, the project's aim is twofold: First, to reveal whether and how ongoing de-democratization processes affect patterns of protest culture and how these effects vary according to democracy (consolidated, new and developing); second, to trace whether and how affected patterns of protest culture influence the state of democracy in target countries, by focusing on representation as inclusion of citizen preferences in political agendas. Research findings will shed light on two dimensions of protest culture, particularly its internal capacity and its external constraints. This will be done via analyzing historical contexts of variations in protest cultures across different types of democracy, factors intersecting to trigger or shape pro-democratic/anti-democratic protests, political elite manipulation of legal and discursive frames to curtail public discontent, role of traditional and social media creating opportunities or obstacles for actors engaged in contentious politics, generational differences in perceptions of and participation patterns in protest culture, and finally, influence of protest culture itself on the state of democracy through representation as an outcome of civic participation. The interdisciplinary project relies on methodological pluralism and integrates: desk research and legal analysis, biographical narrative interviews and focus groups, quantitative and qualitative content analysis, critical discourse analysis and visual analysis, network analysis for mapping actor-discourse coalitions, and Q methodology. The project responds to the work program “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” by addressing (un)conventional citizen participation for better representation in different cultural and democratic settings. |
Corvinus research group PI: Attila Melegh, Miklós Hajdu | |
Grant: 260, 012 EUR |
Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action | RiConfigure – Reconfiguring Research and Innovation Constellations |
Duration: 2018-2021 | |
Coordinator: FONDEN TEKNOLOGIRADET (DK) | This project promotes responsible research and innovation. Its main goal is to make cross-sectoral collaborations thrive and overcome the challenges that the actors might face. There is a strength in including more diverse voices in the dynamic process, as diversity creates resilience and representativeness. Together we are stronger and can find more holistic solutions, which could not have been developed without the active co-creation by civil society. |
Corvinus research group PI: Dr. Dóra Horváth | | | |
Grant: 132 500 € |
HORIZON EUROPE Coordination and Support Actions | RM Framework: Creating a European Framework for Research Management Training and Networking |
Duration: 2025- 2027 | |
Coordinator: European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) | |
Corvinus research group PI: Éva Kőváryné dr. Ignáth | |
Grant: 134, 062,50 EUR |
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions | ROBUST Crisis Governance in Turbulent Times – Mindset, Evidence, Strategies |
Duration: 2022-2026 | |
Coordinator: Roskilde University (DK) | Crisis governance is central to democratic societies seeking to navigate increasingly turbulent times. However, current approaches seek to protect existing systems and practices by building resilience (“bouncing back”), which risks enhancing inequities and heightening turbulence. Building on recent examples from nine European countries, ROBUST identifies a forward-looking ‘robustness’ approach to crisis governance that embraces the need for innovation and adaptation of current practices (“building back better”) as a necessary condition for maintaining the core values of democracy and the rule of law during crisis governance interventions. |
Corvinus research group PI: György Hajnal | |
Grant: 57 816 € |
Horizon 2020, MSCA, Innovative Training Networks | SAPIENS – Sustainability And Procurement in International, European, and National Systems |
Duration: 2021-2025 | |
Coordinator: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO (IT) | SAPIENS develops the scientific analyses needed for enhancing Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and provide buyers in the public sector with tools to procure sustainably, in compliance with the applicable international and EU rules. The PhD interdisciplinary research focuses on 15 innovative SPP topics articulated along three axes: (a) SPP from the international agenda to actual buying practices (actors, sustainable economics, new approaches to public buying), (b) procurement to achieve the SDGs (incl. human, workers, women rights, different environmental concerns, SMEs), and (c) sector-specific applied SPP (construction, textiles and catering). |
Corvinus research group PI: Prof. Tünde Tátrai | |
Grant: 229 715 € |
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action | TRADE4SD – Fostering the positive linkages between trade and sustainable development |
Duration: 2021-2025 | |
Coordinator: CORVINUS | Trade has the power to produce positive outcomes when the policies which define the rules of the game are framed and designed in a way to promote access to markets, fair prices and standards of living for farmers, as well as alleviating rural poverty and ensuring sustainable farming practices. The main objective of the project is to contribute to build new opportunities for fostering the positive sustainability impacts of trade supported by improved design and framing of trade policy at national, EU and global level, including WTO modernization, increased policy coherence at different domains including agricultural, energy, climate, environmental and nutritional policies. In addition to leading the consortium, the Corvinus team is responsible for the theoretical grounding, exploring and quantifying the links between trade and the Sustainable Development Goals, and for trade-based modeling of social issues. |
Project leader and PI: Prof. Attila Jámbor | |
Grant: 555 737 € |
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions | WISER - Well-being in Sustainable Economies Revisited |
Duration: 2023- 2026 | |
Coordinator: OPEN UNIVERSITEIT NEDERLAND | Relying solely on economic growth to achieve sustainable well-being poses significant challenges. The growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is slowing down, while its environmental and social costs are on the rise. This trade-off puts the well-being of current and future generations at risk. With this in mind, the EU-funded WISER project will develop an evidenced-based economic development framework that prioritises the well-being of all generations. The project aims to foster GDP and productivity growth, while ensuring inclusive well-being. It employs multidisciplinary approaches, drawing from case studies in Africa and other regions. WISER analyses the relationships that reconcile economic growth with sustainable, high well-being, taking into account gender perspectives and the needs of disadvantaged groups. |
Corvinus research group PI: Judit Kálmán | |
Grant: 26,890 EUR |
Erasmus projects
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
BIPER - „Business Informatics Programme Reengineering (Adapting To Industry 4.0 Oriented International Education And Research Collaboration) | | 2021-2023 | 223,416 EUR | Corvinus University of Budapest | Zoltán Szabó |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
CatalySD Catalysing Science Diplomacy: New Career Perspectives, Curricula and International Partnerships | 2024-2025 | 74,814 EUR | PROTEUS Alapítvány | Tamara Keszey, Zsófia Kenessey |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
CIRCLET- Curriculum innovation through Research with Communities: Learning Circles of Educators and Technology | | 2019-2022 | 48,120 EUR | Queen’s University of Belfast | Réka Matolay |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
DIPCAT - Designing Innovative Pedagogy for Complex Accountancy Topics | | 2018-2021 | 28,181 EUR | Bournemouth University | László Péter Lakatos |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
foRMAtion - Innovative and smart module FOr potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher educaTION | | 2019-2022 | 42,066 EUR | Hétfa Kutatóintézet | Éva Kőváriné Ignáth |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
HOME - The House of Engagement and More | 2024-2027 | 28,315 EUR | Work for Social, trabaja para el cambio social | Judit Gáspár |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
HWCA - Strengthening Higher Education in the Water Sector for Climate Resilience and Security in Central Asia | | 2022-2025 | 200,000 EUR | Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic | Márton Krasznai |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
IfemPower - Interactive and mentorship based FEMale emPOWERment in the field of enterpreneurship | | 2018-2021 | 42,065 EUR | HÉTFA Kutatóintézet | Loretta Huszák |
Project name | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
ILPA - International Learning Platform for Accountancy | 2014-2017 | 20,122 EUR | Universitat Inssbruck | Katalin Székács |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
Level-up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe | | 2015-2018 | 46,156 EUR | IG Metall Vorstand | Lídia Vinczéné Fekete |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
PAQUALITY- Public Administration Education Quality Enhancement | | 2018-2021 | 28,188 EUR | The Network of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe - NISPAcee | György Hajnal |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
PRALINE - Peer review in adult learning to improve formal and non-formal education | | 2014-2017 | 40,182 EUR | Associazione FORMA.Azione srl | Lídia Vinczéné Fekete |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
REACT - Self-reflection Tools for Smart Universities Acting Regionally | | 2020-2022 | 60,993.63 EUR | Associação Porto Business School (PBS) | Géza Salamin |
Project name | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
SEQUENCES - Self and External evaluation of Quality in Europe to Nourish Childhood Education Services | 2016-2018 | 35,377 EUR | Associazione FORMA.Azione srl | Lídia Vinczéné Fekete |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
STAMP-Online - Smart Teaching in Accounting - Meeting Place Online | | 2020-2022 | 24,693.09 EUR | Universitatea De Vest Din Timisoara | László Péter Lakatos |
Project name | Website | Duration | Grant | Coordinator | Corvinus research group PI |
SUNSpACe - Smartfarming | | 2019-2022 | 105,715 EUR | Universite Lumiere Lyon | Zoltán Szabó |