2nd Danube Conference for Higher Education Management
In search of excellence in higher education
November 22-23, 2018
Budapest, Hungary
In 2017 Ulm University organized the 1st Danube Conference for leaders, policy makers and researchers of higher education from the Danube countries. The Corvinus University of Budapest carries on this initiative by organizing the 2nd Danube Conference in cooperation with Ulm University and with the generous support of Péter Horváth Foundation.
Higher education systems and institutions have been under constant pressure of performance and efficiency since their considerable expansion in the 1990s. This pressure increased in the last decades as a result of the financial crisis, the spreading of international and national rankings and the growing competition for international students.
The main focus of the conference is to identify and present good management and policy practices which could be interesting for other countries and institutions. The cultural proximity of the Danube countries could provide an opportunity for the successful adaptation of such good practices.
The proceedings volume is published
An edited book containing the written, revised and peer reviewd version of the presentations is published. The book is available here for download. (30 Jun 2019)
Keynote speeches and presentations have been uploaded
Videos of keynote speeches are available on the official youtube channel of the university and on the keynote speakers page. Official photos can be found at the photo&video page, where you can also find a short video about the conference (it is also embedded here). All the presentations held on the plenary sessions and on the parallel sessions are also shared. You can download them by clicking here: (7 Jan 2019)
All presentations are available for download below
Programme update
The programme of the conference, the parallel sessions and the book of abstracts are updated because there were minor changes in the arrangement of paper presentations. Please, take a look at the updated programme: (22 Nov 2018)
Full programme is available
The full programme of the conference (including the parallel sessions) is published and available. The conference booklet and the book of abstracts can be also downloaded: (16 Nov 2018)
Abstract submission deadline is extended
Because of an unexpected server maintenance, the conference website was unavailable between 20 Oct and 23 Oct. We apologize for the inconvenience. The deadline of abstract submission is extended until 26 October. (24 Oct 2018)
The preliminary programme is available
The preliminary programme of the conference is available. (20 Oct 2018)
Confirmed Speakers

Carola Jungwirth, President, University of Passau, Germany

Arnold van Zyl, President, Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Bartłomiej Banaszak, Deputy Director at the Department of Science, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland

Dominik Antonowicz, Head of Sociology of Science Unit, Nicolas Copernicus University, Poland

Toomas Haldma, Head of department, University of Tartu, Estonia

Lívia Pavlik, Chancellor, Corvinus University of Budapest

István Szabó, Vice President, National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Call for Papers
The call invites papers dedicated to the higher education sector in the Danube and Central and Eastern European region, but relevant contributions from other regions are also welcome, including comparative studies. The intended audience of the conference is practitioners. Therefore, we expect empirical papers and analysis of good practices. Theoretical and conceptual papers are also considered if they fit into the theme of the conference. Papers should be submitted in one of the following tracks:
1) Management
2) Funding and governance
3) Teaching and learning
4) Research and ddevelopment
Important deadlines
1st July 2018
Conference Registation & Abstract submission starts
26th October 2018
Submission of abstracts ends (extended deadline)
28th October 2018
Results of abstract reviews announced
15th November 2018
Registration deadline