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Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference Proceedings

Szerkesztette: Berács József – Iwinska Julia – Kováts Gergely – Matei Liviu
2015. július

This volume comprises of selected papers that were originally presented at the first Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) conference held in Budapest from 28-29 January 2015. The CEHEC was the first of a series of conferences organized at the initiative of the Center of International Higher Education Studies (CIHES) at Corvinus University of Budapest and Central European University (CEU), in collaboration with partners from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
The conference series intends to bring together researchers and practitioners who share a systematic interest in promoting both the scholarly study and the practical advancement of higher education in the Central and Eastern European region. It aims at stimulating a discussion of significant trends and key issues in the region’s higher education apart from enhancing academic collaboration and sharing of experience in higher education research and policy making.

This volume presents twenty articles by a group of contributors from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. The papers highlight some of the key issues that appear to be particularly relevant, or even specific in certain instances, to the region’s higher education, as well as present country case studies. The specific issues approached are subsumed under larger topics such as university autonomy and governance, financing of higher education, internationalization and mobility, higher education reforms in a post-communist transition setting, challenges of massification and demographic trends, quality, access and teaching and learning. The detailed programme of the first conference and information about the authors is enclosed in the Annex.We hope these papers will be an enjoyable read for all interested readers, and they will join to the next conference or other events related to this new initiative Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC).

252 oldal

ISSN: 2060-9698ISBN: 978-963-503-602-8

A kiadványban szereplő tanulmányok:

  • GUZI, Martin: The Demand for Tertiary Education in Slovakia: Interests and fields of Study
  • KESZEI, Ernő: Financing Universities in Post-Communist Countries – a Comparative Study
  • KOVÁTS, Gergely: Recent Developments in the Autonomy and Governance of Higher Education Institutions in Hungary: the Introduction of the “Chancellor System”
  • MATEI, Liviu: Addressing Challenges in Higher Education in the Countries of Eastern Central Europe
  • VLK, Aleš: Challenges for Modern Universities: Finding the Balance Between Teaching, Research and Third Role
  • WOŹNICKI, Jerzy – DEGTYAROVA, Iryna – PACUSKA, Maria: Regulatory Requirements Towards Higher Education System Reforms: The Polish Case 
  • DEGTYAROVA, Iryna – DYBAŚ, Magdalena: The Values, Motivation and Objectives of Polish-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation
  • DONATH, Liliana Eva: Knowledge or Competence Based Higher Education
  • DOMBI, Annamária – KOLTÓI, Lilla – KISS, Paszkál: University Degree: a Key to Success? – An Analysis of Social Representation
  • KOLTÓI, Lilla – DOMBI, Annamária – KISS, Paszkál: What Do Conscious Citizens See? – Role of Higher Education in Setting Social Priorities 
  • HEGEDŐS, Roland: Connection Between Educational Mobility and Higher Education Institutions 
  • HORVÁTH, László: Ensuring the Competitiveness of Knowledge as the Fourth Mission of Higher Education 
  • HUJÁK, Janka: The Real Benefit of an Exchange Programme: Moving from Credit Mobility to Degree Mobility 
  • HVORECZKY, Jozef: Mismanagement as a Policy Endorsed by Legislation: A Key Deformation of the Slovak Tertiary Education System 
  • KECZER, Gabriella: University Governance in Western Europe and in the Visegrád Countries 
  • KERESZTY, Orsolya – KOVÁCS, Zsuzsa: Professional Development of Doctoral Students: Trends in the Literature 
  • M. CSÁSZÁR, Zsuzsa – WUSCHING, Tamás Á.: Expanding Geographical Spaces on the Global Map of the University of Pécs’s Internationalization 
  • MEGYERI, Krisztina – BERLINGER, Edina: Access to Higher Education for the Disadvataged 
  • ROHONCZI, Edit: Higher Education: Challenged by Internationalization and Competitiveness 
  • TRAVELLER, Andrew G.: An Exploration of Integration and How Universities ‘Do’ It: A Slovenian Case-study 

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