CIAS online workshop
2020. november 12-én minden egyetemi Polgárt várunk a Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies 2020/2021/1 félévi angol nyelvű online workshopjára, ahol bemutatkoznak az új kutatóközpontok, illetve megismerkedhetnek kutatóink munkásságával.
A részletes program a kép alatt olvasható.

Section I.
CIAS-CCOR presentations
Chair: Dr. Tibor Illés, professional head of CIAS-CCOR
9.00 – 9.30
Introduction of the Corvinus Centre for Operations Research (CCOR)
by Tibor Illés, the professional head of the research centre
9.30 – 9.50
Miklós Pintér
Strategic ambiguity
9.50 – 10.10
Marianna Eisenberg-Nagy
Linear complementarity problem: applications and algorithms
10.10 – 10.30
Petra Rigó
Interior-point algorithms in optimization
10.30 – 10.50
Tamás Solymosi
Nucleolus-based bankruptcy rules
10.50 – 11.10
Coffee Break
Section II.
CIAS-NetiLab presentations
Chair: Dr. Zoltán Oszkár Szántó, head of CIAS
11.10 – 11.30
Introduction of the Laboratory for Networks, Technology & Innovation (NeTI Lab)
by László Lőrincz, the manager of the research centre
11.30 – 11.50
Eszter Bokányi – Sándor Juhász
The effect of commuting on the structure and assortativity of online social ties
11.50 – 12.10
Balázs Lengyel
The role of geography in the complex diffusion of innovations
12.10 – 12.30
László Lőrincz
Global connections and the structure of skills in local co-worker networks
12.30 – 12.50
Rebeka O. Szabó
The impact of diversity on performance of project teams
12.50 – 13.50
Section III.
Presentations by CIAS research fellows & Conclusions
Chair: Dr. Huba Brückner, chief scientific advisor, CIAS
13.50 – 14.10
Moreno Frau (junior faculty research fellow, 2019/20 fall semester)
Digital transformation through the lens of digital data handling:
an exploratory analysis of agri-food SMEs
14.10 – 14.30
Szabolcs Sebrek (research fellow)
Too much of distracting influences: Evolution of (the lack of) administrative attention in a city captured by overtourism
14.30 – 14.50
Online discussion for the whole day
& Summary
Az online csatlakozás lehetőségéről a CIAS honlapján tájékozódhatnak.