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Generations fighting for accounting

The Corvinus Department of Accounting organises a debate.
2024.10.14. 18:00 – 2024.10.14. 20:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Location: Corvinus Main Building E, III. Lecture hall 

Date: 14 October 2024. 18:00 

In spring 2024, the Department of Accounting of Corvinus University of Budapest launched its Accounting Club for students and accounting professionals, where eminent representatives of the profession, theoretical and practical experts will discuss issues that are not necessarily about solving specific accounting problems, but their discussion will help participants to answer them and broaden their horizons. 

Club evenings are held once a month on Mondays from 18:00 to 20:00. The next date is 14 September at 18:00, on the topic of “Generations fighting for accounting”(Generációk harca a számvitelért).

For more details, click here and on this link. 

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