Takácsné Tóth Borbála doktori védése
A disszertáció címe: „Natural gas pipeline politics in and around the European Union Modelling – based assessment of Russian and European strategies”.
Date of the public defence: 27 June 2023 (Tuesday), 13:00
Venue: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building C, Lecture Room VIII.
Language of the defence: English
The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the University Repository.
Supervisor: Zoltan Galik PhD Corvinus
Members of the Defence Committee:
- Chair: Csaba Bekes DSc Corvinus
- Opponents: Peter Kaderjak PhD Zero Carbon Centre (BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS); Csaba Weiner PhD Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
- Members: Nelu Bradean Ebinger PhD Corvinus; Erzsebet Kaponyi Kardosné PhD Corvinus; Andras Gyorgy Deak PhD Centre for Economic and Regional Studies; Franziska Holz PhD DIW Berlin
- Secretary: Daniel Vekony PhD Corvinus