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Corvinus Kutatás

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Corvinus Research Without Boundaries

Merülj el a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem izgalmas tudományos világában a Corvinus Canvas: Research Spotlights segítségével! Kattints a videókra és fedezd fel a különféle tudományterületeken folyó kutatásainkat, és ismerd meg kiváló kutatóinkat, valamint nemzetközi projektjeinket.

Kutatási projektek és laborok

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Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
A fenntartási költségekkel csökkenthető leginkább egy ház karbonlábnyoma – mutatjuk, hogyan érdemes

Egy ház karbonlábnyoma átlagosan mintegy 2,5 kg szén-dioxid-egyenértékkel csökken ezer forintnyi, fenntartható építőanyagokra fordított befektetéssel – derül ki a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem és az Université Libre de Bruxelles új kutatásából. A legjelentősebb hatást a fenntartható ablakok és külső falak alkalmazása eredményezi; az üzemeltetés a teljes lábnyom kétharmadát teszi ki.

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Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

January-March 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

January-March 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

April-June 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

April-June 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

July - September 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

July - September 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

October - December 2024

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

October - December 2024


Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

January-March 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

January-March 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

April-June 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

April-June 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

July-September 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

July-September 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

October-December 2023

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

October-December 2023


Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

January-March 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

January-March 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

April-June 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

April-June 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

July-September 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

July-September 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

October-December 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

October-December 2022


Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

November 2021-January 2022

Quarterly Corvinus Research Highlights

November 2021-January 2022

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Corvinus Kutatási Kiválóság díj


Corvinus Kutatási Kiválóság díj


Corvinus Kutatási Kiválóság díj


Corvinus Kutatási Kiválóság díj


Corvinus Kutatási Kiválóság díj


Kiemelt kutatók

CIAS Inn: „An important place on the map of science”
CIAS Inn: „An important place on the map of science”Sándor Kristály
This time we introduce Sandor Kristály, who came to us from Transylvania, and works on the theory of optimal mass transportation. Within a few years’ time, we may already see the specific results of the process started by the Corvinus to strengthen international cooperation in research, says Sándor Kristály.
CIAS Inn: “A new environment is useful because new routines need to be established”
CIAS Inn: “A new environment is useful because new routines need to be established”Andreas Orland
On this occasion we present Andreas Orland, who worked as a researcher at the University of Potsdam and as head of #PLEx (Potsdam Laboratory for Economic Experiments). “It is simply a great opportunity to focus on research for ten months”, says Andreas Orland from the international research centre of the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS). Andreas Orland learnt about the opportunity from a teacher at Corvinus.
CIAS Research Centre: ‘Focused work takes time’
CIAS Research Centre: ‘Focused work takes time’András Fülöp
This time we introduce András Fülöp, who lives in Paris and came back – on a temporary basis – from the ESSEC business school in France to Budapest. Andras Fülöp heard about the transformation and the reforms going on at the Corvinus, and they made him curious, so he immediately wanted to take a closer look at the direction his former alma mater was taking, he told us. The reason, among other things, is that he was looking for researchers with whom he could work together.
Our researcher from Zagreb: ‘Budapest is an important academic centre’
Our researcher from Zagreb: ‘Budapest is an important academic centre’Mladen Domazet
‘Opening and establishing international relations is definitely useful’, says Mladen Domazet. The director of the Institute for Political Ecology in Zagreb was happy to apply for admission to the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (#CIAS) international research centre. He has known Budapest for long, as he was involved in a number of scientific projects here, too. He was a member of the organising board of the 5th International No-Growth Conference, and that was when his cooperation with Dr. Alexandra Köves, associate professor of the Corvinus started.
Researcher stories: Mathematical models can also describe human behaviour
Researcher stories: Mathematical models can also describe human behaviourBarna Bakó
“I would be lying if I said that I planned a research career, because it was not the case. I was an active climber during my student years, so I was looking for a job where one could easily manage their free time. The researcher’s career gave me that, and I was able to travel to China, Nepal and India to climb mountains and do my work at the same time, because you can think anywhere,” he points out right at the start of the interview, so that no definite planning should be assumed for his progress to the 2021 Corvinus Research Excellence Award in the senior lecturer-researcher category.
Researcher Stories: “We sat down in front of a computer to compile the iWiW database manually”
Researcher Stories: “We sat down in front of a computer to compile the iWiW database manually”Balázs Lengyel
“In many ways, MIT was a turning point. A paragraph like this on your CV opens doors. I was awarded a tender after MIT that formed the cornerstone of the ANET research group,” says Balázs Lengyel midway through the interview about one of the milestones in his research career, but it is worth mentioning the amount of work, knowledge and inspiration it took for him to get here. Balázs’ first role model in his academic career was his own father, who specialises in regional economics at the University of Szeged. Imre Lengyel researches the competitiveness of regions in both Hungary and neighbouring countries, and Balázs has observed his father working intently since his childhood: “He always satisfied his own curiosity, and I liked that very much”.
Researcher Stories: Penalty duels could be fought more fairly
Researcher Stories: Penalty duels could be fought more fairlyLászló Csató
A significant part of László Csató's research career is focused on sport. Having written a large number of papers on sport-related topics, in 2021 he won the Corvinus Research Excellence Grand Prize. He has become such a well-known researcher that Forbes asked him before the Champions League football final about how to predict the odds with a mathematical model. Yet he says he doesn't follow sporting events, he's not interested in individual excellence, but rather in the data and the research opportunities that can be derived: “I do not think I am a fan. For example, I don't watch matches at all, but I do follow the scores to some extent.
Researcher Stories: How much is a healthy year of life worth to society?
Researcher Stories: How much is a healthy year of life worth to society?Valentin Brodszky
What does one do at the start of one’s career with a fresh medical degree? The majority undoubtedly start as residents, later becoming specialists, and follow the path paved by the profession. Valentin Brodszky also embarked on this path, but after just one year as a resident, he realised that he felt out of place. In search of a path, he started studying economics at Corvinus University, not expecting at the time to eventually pursue a career in healthcare.
“I love the creative tension in Budapest"
“I love the creative tension in Budapest"Piotr Zmyślony
Next in line is Piotr Zmyślony, who has previously worked as a visiting professor at Corvinus, and now he focuses on how digitisation affects the economy and management of nightlife, and how this can be reconciled with a sustainable approach.
Our researcher on bike-sharing: sporty, environment-friendly and fast
Our researcher on bike-sharing: sporty, environment-friendly and fastZombor Berezvai
With his entry titled Usage patterns of community bike systems, Zombor Berezvai received an Academic Youth Award in February this year. Our website interviewed the Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing Management at the Corvinus about his researches.
Our objective is to add ourselves to the map of international researches
Our objective is to add ourselves to the map of international researchesTamara Keszey
Over the past years, the number of publications issued by Corvinus researchers has grown significantly, but there is still a lot to do in the field of improving international research connections, said the Vice-Rector for Research. Over the past years, research and publication activities at the University have improved a lot. The best proof of that is the fact that the number of Corvinus authors’ articles of Q1 and Q2 ratings in international journals has grown fivefold within five years. In 2022, altogether 292 such articles were written, and one third of them were co-authored by foreign researchers. This is one of the points in the report to be presented soon to the Senate, analysing the research, publication and international tender activities of the Corvinus.
"New places also add inspiration to my researches"​
"New places also add inspiration to my researches"​Kristian L. Nielsen
In the next part of our series, we introduce Kristian L. Nielsen, who came to the Corvinus from the Copenhagen Business School, and focuses on the role of soft power as a power technology instrument in European relations. It is not necessary to think about joint publications all the time, even a professional discussion with a colleague may give new impetus to individual research, says Kristian L. Nielsen, CIAS guest researcher from Copenhagen.
Corvinus could be a leading university in Europe
Corvinus could be a leading university in Europe César Hidalgo
The invitation of César Hidalgo, a researcher in artificial intelligence and data science, has boosted the international recognition of Corvinus University of Budapest, as thanks to him the institution was able to join the prestigious European Research Area programme, Magyar Nemzet reported. César Hidalgo expressed his pleasure that his work will contribute to the future success of the institution and its students.
Breaking the glass ceiling: a woman is never in the right age
Breaking the glass ceiling: a woman is never in the right ageProf. Dr. Beáta Nagy
Why are there not enough women in the top management of V4 companies, when there a lot of competent and well-trained women? Prof. Dr. Beáta Nagy was asked about the research she conducted jointly with Henriett Primecz.
Our new Master Lecturer was attracted by Corvinus’ international relations
Our new Master Lecturer was attracted by Corvinus’ international relationsdr. András Rácz
‘I would like to contribute to make students capable of thinking about complex problems in a complex way’, said the new Master Lecturer of the Corvinus Institute of Global Studies, dr. András Rácz, Russia expert.
When hiking with a backpack develops into a research area
When hiking with a backpack develops into a research areaJessie Labov
Jessie Labov has been an Associate Professor of the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences and a Research Fellow of CIAS since February.
World-renowned mathematician at Corvinus
World-renowned mathematician at CorvinusYurii Nesterov
Yurii Nesterov intends to advance his research in cooperation with the academics of CIAS as an Invited Distinguished Research Fellow of the Corvinus Centre for Operations Research (CCOR).
The war brought her to university, but she has found a professional home
The war brought her to university, but she has found a professional homeTetiana Sobolieva
Like many of her compatriots, Tetiana Sobolieva, a lecturer at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman had her life drastically changed overnight by the Russian-Ukrainian war that broke out in February 2022. Referring to a recent Ukrainian survey, Tetiana estimates that more than 50% of Ukrainan researchers relocated due to the war, 15% of whom moved abroad.

További tartalmak

Dióhéjban a tudományról

Corvinus Budapest szívében​

A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Magyarország vezető oktatási intézménye a közgazdaságtan, menedzsment- és társadalomtudományok terén. Egy olyan közösséget alkotunk, amelynek érdemes a tagjává válni. Az akadémiai és a szolgáltató terület munkatársai közösen azért dolgoznak, hogy a folyamatosan megújuló Corvinus-t a világ egyik legjobb intézményévé tegyék, ahol – Európa és Magyarország szívében – a régió legtehetségesebb diákjait képzik a társadalom- és gazdaságtudományok terén.   

Research Centers

Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies

The leadership of Corvinus University of Budapest has decided to establish the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies – Central Europe in Global Context. The establishment of CIAS aims to reach a higher level of the University’s research performance and significantly improve its international potential.

Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research

The Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research was founded in 2004. The Centre is an independent institution of the Corvinus University of Budapest.
Core element of our training activities is the Energy Market Economist course, which has been running since 2009. The Centre is active in a number of multi-year European projects research. 

More research centres

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