MSc in


Learn how to shape the customer experience with marketing tools. Discover how to extract customer insights from big data and transactional data analysis. Get ready to use marketing insights to develop innovative branding, communication, and sales strategies.

The program aims to train future marketing managers who are able to make complex marketing strategy decisions in different sectors and both in national and international companies. Our students will be equipped with competencies to meet the challenges of the digital marketing environment.  

The programme offers students coming from EU countries the opportunity to obtain a CEMS diploma or to participate in doubledegree programmes. In addition to their Corvinus diploma, they can earn a degree from renowned European universities. 

We welcome students interested in the marketing profession. Besides acquiring basic economics, business, and marketing knowledge during the foundation year, we offer the opportunity to deepen their professional knowledge in different fields of marketing. Moreover, students can specialize in contemporary marketing fields, such as online marketing communication, innovative channel management, or data-driven marketing.  

Students who arrive with appropriate business education can apply for the one-year Marketing Strategy and Innovation programme ! 

What will you study?

* The above is not an exhaustive list. Corvinus University of Budapest reserves the right to change modules.

Programme name: Marketing
Programme award: Master, MSc 

ECTS: 120 

Duration: 4 semesters (2 years)
Teaching hours: 10-16 hours/week
Start date: September 2025 

Tuition fees (EEA):
990 000 Ft/semester
cca. 2 500 EUR/semester*

Tuition fees (Non-EEA):
3 700 EUR/semester

For Hungarian Citizens

You can apply through, for more details switch to the Hungarian website.

Credit Requirements

In Hungary, there are legal pre-requisite credit requirements to study graduate programmes.  Please make sure you meet the minimum requirements for this programme before applying.  For entering the Master’s programme, a minimum of 5 credits is necessary from the following subject areas: 

  • methodology studies (mathematics, statistics, informatics);
  • theoretical economics studies (micro and macroeconomy, international economy, regional economy, economic history);
  • business studies (corporate economics, corporate finances, marketing, accounting, management, human resources).
Tip: to quickly calculate your credits in ECTS, divide learning hours by 30!  Learning hours should be formally described, but can be constituted of classroom hours, private study and assessment. 


There are two remarkable scholarship opportunities available to Non-EU international students: 

  • Stipendium Hungaricum (for non-EU nationals from >70 countries)
  • Diaspora scholarships (for international students with Hungarian ancestry).

Both scholarships entitle you to: 

  • Free tuition for the duration of your studies
  • 43,700 HUF (c. €120) per month for the duration of your studies (for living costs)
  • University accommodation or an additional 40,000 HUF (c. €110) per month for the duration of your studies (accommodation allowance)
  • Medical insurance.

Eligibility requirements apply, so please click on “Scholarship opportunities” for more information. 

There are three ways to apply to Corvinus as an international student

Corvinus University of Budapest

Agárdi Irma

Program Director

Associate Professor

From the Programme Director...

Welcome on behalf of the Marketing Master faculty! The Corvinus Marketing Master’s degree is Hungary’s leading Marketing program in higher education. Our students highly appreciate the prestige of the degree, the high preparation level of the lecturers, and opportunities for international exchange and double degree programs. We also have an extensive corporate network that enables our students to participate in company courses. Be part of a community where you can prepare for leadership in the field of Marketing, build your professional network, and, most of all, enjoy your university years! 

Two Degrees or One of the World’s Leading Business Programmes

In our double degree programme, you can apply to KEDGE Business School, Católica Porto Business School, or through DSG to the University of Passau. This way, alongside your studies at Corvinus, you can also complete a programme at these foreign universities. With two degrees, you’ll have a significant advantage in the job market, as the quality of a Corvinus degree is well-known in Hungary, and an international qualification demonstrates your strong language skills and international experience.

Additionally, you can apply to CEMS, which was ranked in the top 6% of the world’s best business programmes by the QS 2024 Masters in Management Rankings (11th out of 199 programmes). By successfully applying, not only will the doors to 33 leading business schools and over 70 corporate partners open for you, but you’ll also become part of a global alumni network of 20,000 members.

Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest

Accreditations and Rankings

#350-400 for Economics and Econometrics

Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest

What do our students think?

“Joining the Marketing programme at Corvinus turned out to be one of the most exciting experiences I have ever had. I am immensely grateful for the knowledge and skills I have acquired and for the network of intelligent and driven people I built. The professors love what they do and are very approachable, making the study process easier. The programme opened many doors for me and allowed me to pursue my career with confidence.”

Corvinus University of Budapest

Emna Mraidi


Career Opportunities

Our graduates progress to roles including:  Market Analyst and Researcher,  Brand and Product Manager,  Key Account Manager,  Digital Marketing Specialist,  Trade Marketing Specialist Sales Manager,  E-commerce Expert,  Media Planner and Buyer,  Internal Communication and PR Manager,  Advertising Manager.  

What makes our programme unique?

  • Semesters spent abroad under the CEMS programme or the double degree programmes (KEDGE Business School, Católica Porto Business School, and the University of Passau), or semester-long student mobility programmes  
  • Immersion in specific areas of marketing (Marketing Innovation and New Product Development, Branding Strategies, Services Marketing and Customer Experience,Advanced Marketing Research).   
  • Modules focusing on contemporary areas of marketing (Online Marketing Communication, Innovative Marketing Channels, Data-driven Marketing).   
  • Intensive week-long courses focusing on soft skill development (Design Communication Identity Design and Creative Management, Intercultural Communication, Sustainable and Ethical Marketing).  
  • Activity-based and experiential learning, continuous evaluation (including peer evaluation and shared value creation) 
  • Real business projects, database analysis, business simulation, scientific research, presentations and project work, ICT solutions (online collage, mind map, video production, etc.) 
  • The program prepares for Ph.D. studies.