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CV - Kollai István

Personal data

Kollai István

Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
Rektori szervezet / Globális Tanulmányok / Világgazdasági
Qualifications, scientific degrees
Higher education qualifications
  • 1999 - 2004
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Európai Integráció és Világgazdasági Alkalmazkodás (főiskolai)
  • 1998 - 2005
    Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Történelem (főiskolai)
Scientific degrees and awards
  • 2014, PhD
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
  • 2003 - 2007
    Nemzetközi Bankárképző Központ, junior consultant
  • 2008 - 2010
    Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség, elemző
  • 2010 - 2015
    Pozsonyi Magyar Intézet, igazgató
  • 2006 -
    Terra Recognita Alapítvány - A közép-európai párbeszédért, koordinátor
Public activities in the university (memberships in university bodies)
  • 2017 -
    Közép-Európa Társaság - tanácsadó testületi tag
Important study tours, delegacies
  • 2017,
    Pozsonyi Comenius Egyetem
  • 2018, Május 12-22
    University of Western Australia, Perth
  • 2018, Április 6-7
    FATIGUE felvételi - Charles University, Prága
  • 2018, Augusztus 27-31
    FATIGUE workshop, London
  • 2018, November 8-9
    Hermes Strategy Group Meeting, Strasbourg
  • 2018, Október 23-24
    Roundtable participant on the Jubilee Conference of Jagellonian University, Krakow
  • 2019, Június 20-22
    26th International Conference of Europeanists, Madrid
  • 2019, Szeptember 1-4
    49th UACES Annual Conference in Lisbon
  • 2019, Február-Június
    Magyar Állami Eötvös Ösztöndíj (Pozsonyi Comenius Egyetem)
  • 2019, Szeptember-December
    International Visegrad Scholarship (Economic University of Bratislava)
  • 2021, Július
    ICPP5 Conference, Barcelona
  • 2017, Szeptember-2018 Március
    National Scholarship Programme (Pozsonyi Comenius Egyetem)
Awards, titles, honors
  • 2012, Jószomszédság és Megértés Díj (Terra Recognita Alapítvány)
    Magyarország Külügyminisztériuma, Szlovákia Külügyminisztériuma
Language skills
Media appearance
Language skills
  • Language: English
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance: Yes
  • Language: Slovakian
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance:
  • Language: German
    Speaking: Intermediate
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
  • Language: Czech
    Speaking: Basic
    Writing: Basic
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
  • Language: Latin
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
Research, professional activity

Research Method; Regional Economics; Varieties of Nationalism and Capitalism

multidisciplinary social sciences

Közép-Európa / örökségipar / a nyelv közgazdaságtana / branding, geo-branding

Emlékezetpolitika Szlovákiában / EU-s források felhasználása
Major research projects
  • 2017 - 2019, DANUrB - Danube Urban Brand (Danube Transnational Programme)
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
    Further info about research: A kutatás keretében workshopok szervezése, digitális oktatási anyagok készítése örökség-menedzsment témájában
  • 2017 - 2018, Jagellonian Ideas and Intercultural Relations
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Jagello Egyetem, Krakkó / Lengyelország Külügyminisztériuma
    Further info about research: Konferencián részvétel, kiadványban és könyvben fejezet írása imaginative geography-ról
  • 2018 - 2019, Peripatos - kültéri oktatásmódszertan
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Terra Recognita Foundation - for a Central European dialogue
    Further info about research: A közgazdaság, politikai gazdaság kültéri (outdoor) oktatásra történő adaptálása, egy saját oktatási audioguide (Peripatos smartphone applikáció) kifejlesztésével.
  • 2018 - 2018, Visegrád a horizonton
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: International Visegrad Fund - Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap
    Further info about research: Oktatási tananyag készítése audioguide formátumban a Budapest-Pozsony-Breclav-Varsó vasútvonalra
  • 2017 - 2018, A Duna a horizonton
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Danube Fund, Slovakia - Duna Alap, Szlovákia
    Further info about research: Oktatási tananyag készítése audioguide formátumban a Pozsony környéki hajóutakra
  • 2018 - 2018, EFOP: Közép-Európa jövője: társadalmi-gazdasági tendenciák globális kontextusban
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
    Further info about research: 3 fős kutatócsoport Közép-Európáról
  • 2017 - , FATIGUE: Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Európai Unió (Horizon2020)
    Further info about research: PhD témavezetés a közép-európai társadalmi-gazdasági problémák témakörében, hat egyetem együttműködésében, a University College of London vezetésével -
  • 2018 - , POPREBEL: Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Európai Unió (Horizon2020)
    Further info about research: Kutatás a neo-feudalizmus, refeudalizáció témakörében (2018-ban csak pályázatírás, előkészítés; hivatalos indulás 2019. január 1.)
  • 2017 - 2018, Örökségipar Szlovákiában
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: SAIA - Szlovák Tudományos és Információs Ügynökség
    Further info about research: A SAIA finanszírozásában, a Comenius Egyetemen végzett kutatómunka az örökségipar jelenségéről, majd cikk megjelentetése Lengyelországban
Membership in scientific or professional bodies/organizations Expert consultancy activities
  • 2018 - 2018
    Institute for Cultural Policy, Magyar-szlovák kerekasztal (első ülés: 2018. december 11, Pozsony)
  • 2018 - 2018
    Hermes - 25 egyetem felsőoktatási hálózata, Hermes Éves Konferencia szervezése (2018. június 8.) a BCE és a Világgazdasági Intézet képviseletében
Location at the university
  • Building: C
    Room number: 406
    Extension: 7423
    Main line: +36 1 482 7423
    Internal fax:

Hétfő 10.00-11.30
Personal data

Kollai István

Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
Rektori szervezet / Globális Tanulmányok / Világgazdasági
Qualifications, scientific degrees
Higher education qualifications
  • 1999 - 2004
    Corvinus University Budapest, European Integration and World Economics (főiskolai)
  • 1998 - 2005
    ELTE, Budapest, History (főiskolai)
Scientific degrees and awards
  • 2014, PhD
    Corvinus University Budapest
  • 2003 - 2007
    International Training Centre for Bankers, junior consultant
  • 2008 - 2010
    National Development Agency, analyst
  • 2010 - 2015
    Hungarian Insitute in Bratislava, director
  • 2006 -
    Terra Recognita Foundation - for the cooperation in Central Europe, project coordinator
Public activities in the university (memberships in university bodies)
  • 2017 -
    Central European Association - member of Board of Trustees
Important study tours, delegacies
  • 2017,
    Comenius University Bratislava
  • 2018, 12-22 May
    University of Western Australia, Perth
  • 2018, 6-7 April
    FATIGUE entrance exam - Charles University, Prague
  • 2018, 27-31 August
    FATIGUE workshop, London
  • 2018, 8-9 May
    Hermes Strategy Group Meeting, Strasbourg
  • 2018, 23-24 October
    Roundtable participant on the Jubilee Conference of Jagellonian University, Krakow
  • 2019, 20-22 June
    26th International Conference of Europeanists, Madrid
  • 2019, September
    49th UACES Annual Conference in Lisbon
  • 2019, February
    Eötvös Fellowship of Hungarian State
  • 2019, September
    International Visegrad Scholarship (Economic University of Bratislava)
  • 2021, July
    ICPP5 Conference, Barcelona
  • 2017, September
    National Scholarship Programme (Comenius University of Bratislava)
Awards, titles, honors
  • 2012, Prize for Good Neighbourhood and Understanding
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hungary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slovakia
Language skills
Media appearance
Language skills
  • Language: English
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance: Yes
  • Language: Slovakian
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance:
  • Language: German
    Speaking: Intermediate
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
  • Language: Czech
    Speaking: Basic
    Writing: Basic
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
  • Language: Latin
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
Research, professional activity

Research Method; Regional Economics; Varieties of Nationalism and Capitalism

multidisciplinary social sciences

Central and Eastern Europe / heritage industry / economics of language / branding, geo-branding

Policy of remembrance in Slovakia / efficiency of EU-funds
Major research projects
  • 2017 - 2019, DANUrB - Danube Urban Brand (Danube Transnational Programme)
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
    Further info about research: Organizing workshops, developing audioguides about cultural management
  • 2017 - 2018, Jagellonian Ideas and Intercultural Relations
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Jagiellonian University Krakow / Foreign Ministry of Poland
    Further info about research: Conference and essay about imaginative geography
  • 2018 - 2019, Peripatos - learning by walking
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Terra Recognita Foundation - for a Central European dialogue
    Further info about research: Adapting economcs and political economy into outdoor education, through an own smartphone application (Peripatos) invented by the Peripatos team.
  • 2018 - 2018, Visegrad on the Horizon
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: International Visegrad Fund - Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap
    Further info about research: Educational audioguide-material for the Budapest-Warsaw train route
  • 2017 - 2018, Danube on the Horizon
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Danube Fund, Slovakia - Duna Alap, Szlovákia
    Further info about research: Educational audioguide-material for boat routes around Bratislava
  • 2018 - 2018, The future of Central and Eastern Europe: socio-economic tendencies in a global context.
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Corvinus University of Budapest
    Further info about research: Three-person research team about Central and Eastern Europe
  • 2017 - , FATIGUE: Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: European Union (Horizon2020)
    Further info about research:
  • 2019 - , POPREBEL: Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: European Union (Horizon2020)
    Further info about research: Research on neo-feudalism (official start: 2019; in 2018: participation in proposal writing and forming the consortium)
  • 2017 - 2018, Heritage industry in Slovakia: the commodification of the past in a young country
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: SAIA
    Further info about research: Research and essay about Slovakian heritage industry, financed by SAIA
Membership in scientific or professional bodies/organizations Expert consultancy activities
  • 2018 - 2018
    Institute for Cultural Policy (Magda Vásáryová, ambassador of Slovakia to Poland), Hungarian-Slovak roundtable
  • 2018 - 2018
    Hermes - Higher Education and Research in Management of European universities, Hermes Annual Meeting (8 June 2018, Budapest)
Location at the university
  • Building: C
    Room number: 406
    Extension: 7423
    Main line: +36 1 482 7423
    Internal fax:

Thursday 11.30-13.00
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