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Corvinus University of Budapest

CEMS Master’s in International Management

Join the renowned Master’s in International Management one-year programme which was developed by scientific and business leaders to bring you one of the most efficient and successful training in the world with the best practices in domestic and international leadership. In Hungary it is only available at Corvinus!

Models you can choose from

Integrated Model – MSc in Management and Leadership in English

CEMS MIM is integrated into the Management and Leadership in English. You can find further information about the application to the Integrated Model here.

Crown Model – You can combine CEMS MIM with several master programmes in English and in Hungarian

Please check the application requirements for the Crown model here.

What can you get?

Let the numbers speak


Application period: 11-22 November

Interview and Assessment Centre: 13-24 January


Students registered in one of the following master programmes are eligible to enter the CEMS MIM programme.

Students applying for the CEMS MIM program must have a bachelor degree GPA above 3.5. Those with a non-business bachelor degree can only enter the programme if they have collected at least 60 ECTS credits in business courses by the time they are accepted to the CEMS MIM program. A proof of fulfilling this requirement should be provided with the application.

English-language requirement

Applicants must have an excellent command of English demonstrated by one or more of the followings:

  • TOEFL IBT min. 100 points
  • IELTS Academic min. 7.0
  • CPE C
  • CAE grade A or B
  • BEC Higher Grade A or B
  • Corvinus Oeconom C1
  • TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test: a minimum score of 100 is required in the Internet based TOEFL (iBT) with a score of at least 20 in each section

Other option is to have a Bachelor’s diploma entirely taught in English in an English speaking country, or in a CEMS or an EQUIS/AACSB accredited institution; English language bachelor degree received at the Corvinus Business School is also accepted to prove English proficiency.

You can submit your English language exam until the 31st of January but please upload your confirmation of exam date and receipt of the payment of the language exam application fee to the CEMS portal.

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): IELTS 7.0 or TOEFL IBT 100, CAE grade „A” or „B”, BEC Higher grade „A” or „B”, BA degree from an English speaking country or CEMS institution.

National University of Singapore (NUS): IELTS 7.0. or TOEFL IBT 100, BA degree in English

University of Sydney (USYD): IELTS (7.0. overall band, each part should be minimum 6.0 or above) or TOEFL IBT 100, CAE grade „A” or „B”, BA degree in English

Please note that these institutions do not accept Corvinus C1 exam. If you put these universities on your preference list, you must have one of the above language exams!

Application steps

You can apply for CEMS MIM during your first master semester if you start your master studies in September. Your CEMS MIM terms will be in parallel with your second year at your Corvinus Master programme (semester 3 and 4).

We have a renewed selection process to the CEMS programme.

There are two ways to apply: you either go the traditional way with extracurricular scores and with an interview, or you go for the Assessment Centre*. 

It is important that you can only choose one way to apply. In both cases there is a new element: instead of the motivation letter, you are required to send a 1-2-minute long motivational video along with the application package.

Upload your application documents to the CEMS database.

*Find more information about the Assessment Centre in the Scoring System part.

  1. In order to take part in the CEMS Program you need to choose one of the master programmes of the Corvinus University of Budapest for a successful application to CEMS. See the eligible master programmes to CEMS above.
  2. Please check the English language requirement above. When you fill in the online application in the CEMS database, you will have to indicate which language exam you have. If you have Corvinus Oeconom C1 please choose „accredited school course”.
  3. Decide whether you apply through the Traditional Way or via the Assessment Centre and fill in your application on the CEMS portal. Click on the CEMS Online Application button below!
    • Please upload all your certificates for the application to the CEMS database and register with your non-corvinus email address as we need to contact you after the Corvinus graduation.
    • You can upload up to 25 documents.
    • Each document should be below 4 MBytes.
    • Diploma supplements and publications might be over 4 MBytes so please compress them online with for example Adobe Acrobat to be below 4 MBytes.
  4. Fill in the List of uploaded documents and upload it to the CEMS database.
  5. For your mandatory semester abroad please indicate your preference list of partner schools in the CEMS online application and in the CEMS application form.
    • Please consider the living expenses in the chosen countries.
    • Fill in all 15 preferences to give us enough choices.
    • You will get your semester abroad place according to your score.
    • You can indicate which semester you would like to spend abroad (if you don’t mind which, tick both fall and spring).
    • If you go abroad in the spring semester you will not be able to graduate in spring (your transcript will not arrive in time or your semester will not finish in time.
  6. You will have to apply for the Pannónia scholarship in February. Details to be announced.

Scoring system

The common elements in both the traditional way and via the Assessment Centre are the Academic achievement, the Language skills and the Motivational video.

I. Academic achievement: maximum 30 points

For the evaluation of academic achievement the weighted average grade used for the qualification of the Bachelor diploma is taken into account according to the following table. If the applicant has more than one Bachelor degrees, the one with a business topic should be taken into account. If all degrees have been earned in the business field the one with the better result should be considered.

Academic Achievement scores

Average Point Average Point Average Point Average Point Average Point
4,96-5,00 30 4,61-4,65 23 4,26-4,30 16 3,91-3,95 9 3,56-3,60 2
4,91-4,95 29 4,56-4,60 22 4,21-4,25 15 3,86-3,90 8 3,50-3,55 1
4,86-4,90 28 4,51-4,55 21 4,16-4,20 14 3,81-3,85 7    
4,81-4,85 27 4,46-4,50 20 4,11-4,15 13 3,76-3,80 6    
4,76-4,80 26 4,41-4,45 19  4,06-4,10 12 3,71-3,75 5    
4,71-4,75 25 4,36-4,40 18 4,01-4,05 11 3,66-3,70 4    
4,66-4,70 24 4,31-4,35 17 3,96-4,00 10 3,61-3,65 3    


II. Language skills: maximum 10 points

An excellent command of English is a prerequisite to entering the programme and will be assessed during the interviews.

Any additional language skills (non-mother tongue) are evaluated based on the following:

  • Advanced business language exam (oral and written): 10 points
  • Advanced general language exam (oral and written): 8 points
  • Advanced (business or general) oral or written language exam: 6 points
  • Intermediate (business or general) language exam (oral and written): 4 points

If you already have your second language exam, please upload it to the CEMS database, during the application period in November. If you do not have it yet, you can submit the result until 31 January by email to anita.szollosi@uni-corvinus.hu or leda.szonyi@uni-corvinus.hu

III. Motivational video: maximum 10 points

What do we expect from you to answer in the video?

  • Motivation to enter the CEMS MIM programme
  • Why your background, skills and interests make you an ideal candidate for a CEMS MIM degree
  • Motivation behind the choice of foreign universities (for the first three institutions)
  • Long term objectives
  • Anything else you think is beneficial for us to know about you

Dress code: Business-like/business casual/the way you will come to the personal meeting

Length: max. 2 minutes

If you apply via the traditional way your final score will contain the common elements + Extracurricular activities and Interview points: Academic Achievement (30 points) + Language skills (10 points) + Motivational video (10 points) + Extracurricular activities (25 points) + Interview (25 points) = 100 points

Extracurricular activities: maximum 25 points

Interview: maximum 25 points

Interviews are conducted by a team consisting of 4-6 members (the CEMS MIM academic director, a language professor, the programme manager, a company representative, a CEMS MIM alumni and a representative of current students).

Evaluation criteria

  • Interpersonal competencies
  • International openness
  • Intellectual potential
  • Critical thinking
  • Integrity

How to prepare?

Learn about the Academic and corporate partners at cems.org, be prepared to talk about yourself and your motivation, international experiences, work experience, your extracurricular activities, current global issues etc.

You will take part in a group exercise and you will need to solve an individual task to show your skills to the Admission Committee consisting of CEMS Professors, Corporate partners and the CEMS Academic Director.

If you apply via the Assessment Centre, your application score will contain the common elements + the Assessment Centre score: Academic Achievement (30 points) + Language skills (10 points) + Motivational video (10 points) + Assessment Centre (50 points) = 100 points

In the Assessment Centre we will look at the following evaluation criteria:

  • Intellectual potential
  • Critical thinking
  • International openness
  • Integrity
  • Interpersonal competences

First part: Group Exercise

With 3-4 fellow-applicants of yours, you will get a business issue/economic problem to perform a solution together while you are being watched and evaluated by assessors. These assessors will make their observations, and give you a score based on your respective contributions to the overall exercise.

The responsibilities of the group will be: Effective team working requires team members to co-operate, listen to each other, communicate clearly, share knowledge and information, show commitment to the team and task and be supportive.You don’t need to do any preparation in advance, we believe your intellectual potential shall be a valuable part of the solution.

Your individual responsibilities in the group will be: Making an effective contribution.

Technical information: 90 minutes while the available tools are pen and paper

Tips for Group Work Exercises:

  1. Speak up. It is important to put forward ideas and contribute to the team. The assessors can’t give you any marks if they haven’t heard you speak.
  2. Keep your contributions short.
  3. Avoid interrupting other team members and avoid being interrupted.
  4. Encourage other team members: if a team member hasn’t said anything, try to get them involved in the discussion.
  5. Keep an eye on the time.
  6. Be prepared to change your argument. You need to be able to show that you can accept a new direction, if better ideas or information are presented to you.
  7. Sometimes, it is also important to ensure your ideas are fully considered without holding up the group. It is also your responsibility to point out any issues or doubts.
  8. Be professional: Don’t lose your temper and keep your volume and tone under control.

Second part: Individual Exercise

In essence, these questions involve a short case or analysis in which you must try to estimate a value you probably had never considered estimating before. The process of solving a guesstimate problem is not that complicated: look at the possible parameters that may affect the final quantity, and estimate its numbers.

During this exercise you will need to:

  • Break down the problem into logical pieces
  • Walk the interviewer through how you are approaching the problem
  • Try to determine appropriate assumptions for the value of key figures in each of those pieces

Technical framework: 15-20 minutes while the available tools are flipchart/whiteboard

Tips for the individual exercise:

  1. Clarify the question, make sure you and the interviewers are on the same page on every assumption.
  2. Scope the problem. Ask questions to clarify the scope of the problem in question.
  3. Break down the problem into small pieces.
  4. Use estimation and judgement to solve each piece.
  5. Consolidate all of the pieces into a conclusion.
  6. Be very structured in your approach and write out your numbers and assumptions in a clear manner.

Documents for Traditional Way application

Documents for Assessment Centre application

Fees and scholarships

Tuition Fee
There is no tuition fee for the CEMS MIM programme at Corvinus.

Handling Fee
100 EUR handling fee payable to the CEMS Global Office after acceptance to the CEMS programme.

Block Seminar Fee
300 EUR (intensive seminar of the Fall semester).

Global Citizenship Fee
100 EUR (intensive seminar of the Spring semester).

Exchange semester
CEMS students do not pay a tuition fee to the CEMS partner university for the exchange semester.

Pannónia Scholarship
You can apply for the Pannónia Scholarship for your semester abroad.

CEMS Travelogue

Programme Structure

The CEMS Master’s in International Management is a one year programme which you study in combination with your MSc degree from the Corvinus University of Budapest.

What can you study in the program?
The masters program of CEMS was developed by scientific and business leaders, and its objective is to connect the university education and the practical management training. The program provides insight into the best domestic and international leadership practices.

How is the program organised?
The program lasts two semesters, and it also includes professional traineeship abroad. Students may collect 66 ECTSs (European Credit Transfer System) in total. The CEMS Master usually takes place in the second year of your studies in your third and fourth semester. The CEMS Master is devised by academic and business leaders together to bridge university education and practical management, offering insights into leadership best practice.

Corvinus University of Budapest

When can students complete the CEMS program?
Students may complete the CEMS program in the second year in masters programs starting in September, i.e. in the third or the fourth semester.

Where can students complete the program?
Students have to complete one semester at Corvinus, and the other semester has to be completed at a foreign partner university. The students may choose the semester they want to spend abroad. (Both semesters can be indicated, which means that the student would like to travel in either of the semester, but the student will spend only one semester abroad.)

Mandatory semester abroad
You will get the opportunity to study one semester abroad at a CEMS partner university. The semester abroad can be in the Fall semester or in the Spring semester.

Two mandatory courses (12 ECTS)
Fall semester: Global Strategy (6 ECTS)
Spring semester: Global Leadership (6 ECTS)

Elective courses (33 ECTS)
You can choose from a wide-range of courses in both semesters at Corvinus, in the term abroad you will select from the CEMS elective portfolio of the partner university.

Business project (15 ECTS)
The business project is a real-life business problem of one of our Corporate Partners that you will solve in teams in the Spring term.

Block seminar (3 ECTS)
The block seminar is a one-week intensive seminar at the beginning of the Fall semester. In 2019 the topic of the Block seminar at CUB was Digital Business Transformation.

Skill seminars (2 ECTS)
Skill seminars are intensive one or two day practice-oriented seminars where you develop a certain skill with the guidance of corporate partners.

An international internship of minimum 8 weeks is also required for your CEMS degree.

Second foreign language
You will need to pass a language test or complete a language course in a second foreign language to ensure the ability to live and work in a multicultural environment.

The CEMS MIM learning objectives are its core attributes that constitute the programme’s specific, competitive positioning. The CEMS MIM programme fosters reflective critical thinking; students become critical, creative and influential thinkers with confident and reflective problem-solving skills. Furthermore, they are trained to assume the personal responsibility of comprehensive leadership. CEMS MIM graduates can apply their multilingual, multicultural skills in the ever-changing, dynamic world of international business.

Our graduates are knowledgeable international business practitioners, able to execute effective business decision-making and change management in diverse contexts.

Business Embededness
Our graduates apply advanced management and leadership competencies developed through systematic experience of and engagement with the corporate world.

Responsible Citizenship
Our graduates champion a holistic vision of responsible business decision-making, leadership and citizenship, informed by ethical reasoning, personal integrity, and respect for social diversity.

Reflective Critical Thinking
Our graduates are confident, agile, and reflective decision-makers and problem-solvers, able to formulate and apply innovative solutions to complex business challenges.

Comprehensive Leadership
Our graduates are fully aware of their personal responsibility and accountability and of the ethical and cultural frameworks in which leadership is exerted.

Career Opportunities

CEMS Corporate Partnership is an exclusive academic-corporate partnership based on Corporate Partners contributing to the Alliance and its MIM programme and benefitting from privileged access to CEMS students: a global pool of top talent from the world’s leading business schools.

CEMS has around 70 corporate partners, including BCG, Deloitte, McKinsey, Mastercard, P&G, Beiersdorf and Coca-Cola HBC, and the Hungarian MOL Group and MET Group.

Besides getting an excellent education, you must not miss CEMS’s exceptional annual event, the Career Forum. Every year, many companies participate in the CEMS Career Forum where you get the opportunity to meet with the representatives of more than 40 companies. This is an excellent shot for you to meet with the leadership of global companies and build your relationship network. The Career Forum helps you to lay down the basics of your professional career by being offered internship programs during your studies. With the help of this event, you can easily get into major companies and after graduation you will start your career with more chance of getting a full time job.

  1. Selection
    Corporate Partners influence the profile of the CEMS students entering the program by taking part in the selection process: they run interviews and lead Assessment Centres.
  2. Skill Seminars
    They develop CEMS students’ soft skills tailored to their company’s needs in the form of real-life business simulations and workshops varying from 4 hours to 2 days in length.
  3. Business Projects
    They provide a real-life business problem, which students have to work on in groups, for 12 weeks in 15 hours a week. The project work ends with a final presentation of the study with concrete solutions to the problem raised.
  4. Recruitment
    Corporate Partners regularly offer internships or job opportunities, which are communicated via the CEMS mailing list.

CEMS Corporate Partners of Corvinus

MOL Group is a leading integrated Central Eastern European oil and gas corporation headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. It has operations in over 30 countries and employs 25,000 people worldwide.

Its integrated business model provided stable and robust profitability in recent years. However, oil & gas is a mature industry and is encumbered with the risk of decreasing demand for its main product, fossil fuel. At the same time, consumer habits and needs are rapidly changing. Therefore, MOL Group has developed and implements an ambitious strategy to diversify its activities. It transforms the business to chemicals (plastics) from fuels, establishes a new approach in Retail, with the consumers in the heart of the business as well as it aims to be a key player in the low carbon circular economy in CEE region.

To further strengthen the implementation of its transformation, MOL Group is looking for top talents to join its team. There are already 20-30 CEMSies working at the company in both junior and senior positions, and MOL Group will strive to build its internal CEMS community further and help CEMS students succeed in their academic journey.

MET Group is a multi-commodity wholesale and trading company headquartered in Switzerland with activity in natural gas, power, oil and power generation. MET is currently undergoing a fast expansion in Europe via mergers and acquisitions and greenfield investments. MET Group is represented in 14 European countries, with 1700 permanent staff in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

How can MET benefit from the connection with CEMS?
MET Group HR policy is to develop its managers internally and to identify high potentials to provide human resources for both existing entities and new subsidiaries, which is rather a complex challenge. MET has high expectations and requires talented graduates with excellent language skills; besides high level of English, other European languages are an asset. CEMS students on average seem to outperform their peers in skills such as analytical and logical skills, ability to solve problems in groups as well as independent working attitude – skills appreciated by MET. Consequently the alliance of CEMS and MET seemed to be a fit from the very beginning and we do consider this cooperation as an integral part of our HR strategy.

How can MET contribute to the development of graduates?
Acquiring and retaining talents is unquestionably one of the biggest HR challenges at MET. As far as the ideal student profile, we highly value extracurricular activities, such as case study competitions and being member of additional educational platforms, like colleges for advanced studies. MET provides a Talent Development Program that accelerates the career steps of our most talented employees. The focus of the program is developing cross-functionality by rotating participants among several business areas in different countries semi-annually. The program is completed by soft skills trainings.

Which are the typical positions that MET can offer to fresh graduates?
Business Development Analyst is probably the most common graduate position requiring outstanding numerical skills, logical thinking and synthesizing skills. In this role you are responsible for supporting business development activity including comprehensive market, competitor and new market entry analysis. Wholesale and pricing activities provide also a large overview of our energy trading activity and serve as a solid basis for developing both your hard and soft skills, becoming an accomplished energy professional.
MET endeavors to continuously provide professional courses indispensable for professional career development and personal career growth, such as IFRS, ACCA or CFA courses. We offer large scale skills development programs for our employees to achieve their career goals and short-term placements in our headquarters in Switzerland to facilitate efficient knowledge transfer from one part of the organization to another.
We also encourage you to contact us for consulting in writing master thesis. Our managers have remarkable experiences and projects to share with you.

Biggest challenge in Hungary
We realize that graduates are less familiar with energy sector in Hungary and therefore we have to make more efforts to be attractive. Probably it is rather difficult for students to recognize how energy sector can be innovative. Nevertheless the energy sector is a highly competitive and turbulent business in Europe facing sustained growth in energy demand and extensive liberalization of the markets. As a CEMS Global Corporate Partner, MET takes part in various CEMS activities: we are present at the Career Forum, use CEMS Job Market to post vacancies, offer internships, we held a Skills Seminar at St. Gallen University, and managed a successful Business Case with Corvinus University this year. We are committed to be active in CEMS MIM Curriculum Involvement and enhance our corporate image among students. You are all welcome at our coming events! We also invite you to visit our website.

Interview made by Renáta Fehér and Dávid Csik in September 2016.


Contact and Staff

For information about the application process and other administrative issues, please contact:

Bodné Szőnyi Léda

Bodné Szőnyi Léda leda.szonyi@uni-corvinus.huCEMS Office

CEMS Corporate Relations Manager
Building E, 242.1
Phone: +36 1 482 5461 • Ext: 5461

Szöllősi Anita anita.szollosi@uni-corvinus.huCEMS Office

CEMS Program Manager
Building E, 242.1
Phone: +36 1 482 5421 • Ext: 5421

For Current Students

Join the social media platforms of CEMS Club Budapest to always stay connected with your peers and know what is going on recently.

Course offer and equivalency

Core course: Global Leadership


  • Changing Environments in Business and Globalization
  • Model UNFCCC-CEMS Climate Change Strategy role-play
  • Digital Transformation
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Global Marketing and P&L Performance
  • Startup Navigator: The Entrepreneurial Perspective
  • Futute International Manager
  • Student Managed Investment Fund

Core course: Global Strategy


  • Decision Making Skills
  • Corporate Sustainability and CSR
  • Comparative Cross-Cultural Management
  • Strategic Financial Analysis
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Technology Innovation and Knowledge Management
  • Strategy for Global Industries
  • Changing Environments In Business and Globalization

Semester abroad

Courses taken during your semester abroad in your Corvinus master programme:

Study and Examination Regulations 92.§ (14):

The maximum number of subjects that can be completed in a given semester under a preferential study schedule may not exceed six (6). In the case of courses taken at a higher education institution or a scholarship abroad , or in the case of a practice period completed abroad, the relevant amount shall be four (4) subjects per semester, and it is also possible to authorise the completion of the thesis seminar / thesis consultation under a preferential study schedule.

  • If you make changes to the Learning Agreement have it signed by the partner university and send it back to the Outgoing Office by email within 15 days from the change
  • Without a valid LA you will have to pay back the scholarship!
  • Follow all administrative steps required by the Outgoing Office
  • Request for Credit Transfer
  • Transcript of records (original)
  • Learning Agreement
  • Appendix (signed before travelling abroad)

Administrator: Corvinus master programme coordinator Deadline: Fall semester abroad: 15 March Spring semester abroad: 15 September Only those courses can be transferred that are included in the Learning Agreement and in the Request Form. Your Transcript from the Partner University will arrive at the CEMS Office. You will be informed about it by email. Please read the Credit Transfer regulation!

Student life

The CEMS MIM programme is very demanding and together with the Corvinus master programme it represents an increased workload for students. Think carefully about scheduling your Corvinus and CEMS courses taking into consideration the course equivalencies between the two programmes.

Generally CEMS classes are very interactive and engaging and you will experience a lot of different teaching styles at the partner universities. The CEMS programme is a unique experience as you have the opportunity to work together with your fellow Corvinus students from other master programmes as well as with CEMS exchange students from partner univerisites.

The exam period for CEMS students at Corvinus is very intense, you will take all your exams on the first week of the exam period.

CEMS Club Budapest
By being accepted to the CEMS Programme you automatically become a member of the CEMS Club. You can participate in a wide range of events organised by CEMS Club Budapest from winter and summer camp to international dinner with your fellow CEMSies, from cultural programmes and hiking to a fancy christmas ball each year.

CEMS Alumni
You can leverage on the knowledge and experience of local CEMS Alumni by getting career advice during the SAMP mentor programme or attending AlumNights dealing with the most pressing business-related issues.

CEMS Corporate Partners
CEMS Corporate Partners are actively involved in all elements of the CEMS curriculum: courses, skill seminars and business projects. They regularly take part in extracurricular activities with CEMS Club Budapest like rotation dinners, charity run etc. The CEMS Office prepares a CV book of each CEMS academic year and sends it to Corporate partners who use the book to select future interns or employees.

CEMS curriculum

Please read the student guide carefully and follow the recommendations!


Students are responsible for finding their own internship. The minimum requirement is 8 consecutive weeks.

Where to find?

  • CEMS Corporate Partners
  • CEMS Career Forum
  • The CEMS Office and CEMS Alumni post internship offers on CEMS Club Budapest Google group

When you have found your internship, you have to register it in the CEMS database. Please check the registration and validation process here.

For Exchange Students

Academic Experience

Orientation day
At the beginning of each semester, the International Office organises an Orientation Day. During this day you will be familiarised with the university campus and academic calendar and you will be informed of any further requirements needed in order for you to study successfully at Corvinus. There will be a separate welcome event for CEMS students at the beginning of the term held by the CEMS Office.

The semester
A semester is 14 weeks consisting of a lecture period and an exam period of 1-4 weeks. For international students, exam opportunities are offered during the first week of the exam period in all courses, so if they wish they are able to finish their exam period in one week. CEMS students have classes from Monday to Thursday and skill seminars are usually offered on Friday and Saturday.

At Corvinus a course consists of a lecture and a seminar. As a CEMS student you must take the mandatory CEMS course (Fall: Global Strategy and Spring: Global Leadership) and elective courses. Both lecture and seminar attendance is mandatory. The Block seminar and Global Citizenship Seminar usually take place before the semester starts. Block seminar starts at the end of August and GCS at the end of January.

Fall semester 1st September – 23rd December
Spring semester 1st February – 17th June

At Corvinus University the grading system is on a 5 point scale where 1 is a fail and 5 is excellent.
5     A     Excellent
4     B     Good
3     C     Satisfactory
2     D     Sufficient
1     F     Fail

Transcript of Records
The results each exchange student achieves at Corvinus University are summarized in a transcript after the study period. The original copy is sent to the CEMS Office of the sending institution. This usually takes place within 6 weeks after the end of the exam period.

CEMS Office
The Office operates as an information point, and its staff is prepared to assist students in academic matters.

  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Location: Main Corvinus Building, 2nd floor, room 242.1.

Learning Agreement & Certificate of Arrival and Departure
Come to the CEMS Office to ask for a signature on these documents.

Student ID
You can get your student ID in the CEMS Office. You will get sufficient discount on Budapest Transportation with this student ID. You can show it and buy a student monthly pass for HUF 3450. The student ID is valid only for 60 days so you will have to keep an eye on the expiry date and come back to the CEMS Office for a new one before it expires. The EU student ID cards are also valid but non-EU student IDs are not accepted.

Corvinus Library
Along with books and periodicals students can access electronic databases. The modern state-of-the-art building provides them with both individual and group study spaces, lockers, printing and scanning facilities. The staff of the Library kindly asks you not to forget your library card when going to the Library. Fee of issuing the student library card: 1000 HUF.

Financial Laboratory
In 2013, Corvinus opened its financial laboratory. The laboratory hosts 12 Bloomberg terminals, a widely used professional trading and data resource in the finance industry. The goal was to establish a Trading Room, where – in accordance with international trends – Corvinus University of Budapest can support finance education and research methodologies. The Financial Market Risk Management course is held in the FinLab.

Course Registration

You will have to register for courses in Neptun in the course registration period (for Fall semester the course registration is in June, for Spring semester it is in December). You will be able to check your Neptun code in the Mobility system. The International Office will send you information about how to register. You can also find a quick guide to Neptun in the Documents menu.

Add and Drop period
You will be able to change your courses if you wish at the beginning of the semester. Please be careful when dropping a course, the number of available places are very limited during this period.

Clashing Courses
Please note that you are not allowed to register for clashing courses in Neptun because of the mandatory attendance of courses (even if the system allows you to do that).

Exam registration
Please remember to register for exams in Neptun. Without registration you are not allowed to take the exam. Check the registration guide in the Documents menu.

Course Registration

We request that you contact the Hungarian consulate in your country for the most up-to-date information on the visa and residence permit requirements. The International Office will assist you by providing all the necessary information and/or certificates as needed.

Contact details of the Central Immigration Office

  • National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing
  • Address: 1117 Budapest, 60 Budafoki Street
  • P.O.box: 1903 Budapest, Pf. 314.
  • Telephone: +36 1 463 9100
  • Fax: +36 1 463 9108
  • E-mail: migracio@bah.b-m.hu
  • Call Center: +36 1 463 9292 (Mo-Thu: 8.00-16.00, Friday: 8.00-13.30)


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I complete in the CEMS Program? How do I apply? Are there any international opportunities? What about after graduation? Here you can find all the answers for questions that cross your mind about the CEMS Program!

Key Information

CEMS (full name: The Global Alliance in Management Education, formerly known as Community of European Management Schools) is an international cooperation of universities, business schools and civil society organisations. The only Hungarian member of the international cooperation is Corvinus.

The CEMS MIM program is a one-year international business program which students may complete in parallel with another business masters program at Corvinus. Corvinus is the only institution in Hungary which offers this program.

The masters program of CEMS was developed by scientific and business leaders, and its objective is to connect the university education and the practical management training. The program provides insight into the best domestic and international leadership practices.

The Program provides CEMS Master’s in International Management diploma.

Admission Process

11-22 November 2024
Admission interview and Assessment Centre: 13-24 January

You need a Bachelor diploma completed in a business field or at least 60 ECTS in business studies.


Any of the following advanced level English language certificates is accepted for the application:

  • TOEFL IBT – at least 100 points
  • IELTS – at least 7.0 CPE C CAE – grade A or B
  • BEC – grade A or B
  • Corvinus Oeconom C1
  • TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test 

The exemption from the language certificate requirement can be granted if the bachelor program was completed in any of the business programs of Corvinus University held in English, in any English program of any university of any country which has English as an official language, or in any English program at any CEMS partner institution, or in any English program at any university with EQUIS/AACSB accreditation.

The GPA of the bachelor degree should be 3.5. or above.

Additional points are awarded for the second language certificate, however, it is not a mandatory element.

The documents verifying the points have to be submitted in advance.

There are two paths of application. You can choose to apply through the traditional way or via Assessment Centre.

In the traditional way: diploma + language certificate + motivational video + extracurricular points + interview

Via Assessment Centre: diploma+ language certificate + motivational video + Assessment Centre

Find more information in the Application menu!

You will take part in a group exercise and you will need to solve an individual task to show your skills to the Admission Committee consisting of CEMS Professors, Corporate partners and the CEMS Academic Director.

Based on your achieved scores in the application process, we will select your destination from the preference list you submitted.  

Program Structure

The program lasts two semesters, and it also includes professional traineeship abroad. Students may collect 66 ECTSs (European Credit Transfer System) in total.

The European Credit Transfer System (abbreviation: ECTS) is actually an administrative procedure for ensuring that the knowledge acquired in another (foreign) university is accepted by the student’s own university. The countries which joined this system include each other’s credits in the diploma, provided that 75% of the courses are identical, which is examined in course of the credit recognition procedure.

All CEMS courses are accepted as elective courses in all masters programs, for equivalent courses please check the equivalency charts.

You can complete the CEMS program in the second year of your masters program if you start in September, i.e. in the third or the fourth semester.

You have to complete one semester at Corvinus, and the other semester at a foreign partner university. You may choose the semester you want to spend abroad. (Both semesters can be indicated, which means that the you are open to travel in either of the semesters, but you will spend only one semester abroad.)

Subjects and Courses

The program lasts two semesters, and it also includes professional traineeship abroad. Students may collect 66 ECTSs (European Credit Transfer System) in total.

All CEMS course can be included in your Corvinus master program as elective courses. In addition, please check the equivalency chart that refers to your master program.

If the CEMS subject is included in the masters program, then yes.


In addition, it is also mandatory to complete a language course or pass a language exam in a third language.

The thesis is not a requirement in the CEMS program.

15 ECTSs can be completed beyond the CEMS MIM year.

In this case yout cannot obtain the CEMS diploma and cannot be a member of the CEMS Alumni network.   

International Opportunities

You may complete one of the semesters at a foreign partner university, and a professional traineeship period abroad is also attached to the CEMS program.

The professional traineeship abroad is not only an opportunity but a requirement as well. Students may complete this traineeship before or after starting the CEMS year.

The CEMS diploma has been among the 10 best programs in the Financial Times rankings for 10 years. Only one university from each country may launch the program. 97% of CEMS graduates can find employment within 3 months. 82% of the CEMS Alumni have already worked in multiple countries. CEMS graduates found employment in 75 countries of the world.

There is no tuition fee in the CEMS program of Corvinus. In addition, in Hungary Corvinus is the only university where the CEMS program is offered.

This is not only a semester abroad but a diploma program, with networking opportunities and a strong community. Both the domestic and the semesters abroad contain programs developed in cooperation with enterprises (business project, skill seminars).

Financial Matters

There is no tuition fee in the Corvinus CEMS program.

Other costs:

  • 100 EURO registration fee (payable to the CEMS Association after admission)
  • 300 EURO block seminar fee (payable in the 1st semester)
  • 100 EURO Global Citizenship fee (payable in the 2nd semester)

Students do not have to pay a tuition fee to the partner university during the semester abroad. Costs of living vary in the different countries.

Students can apply for the Pannónia scholarship for their semester abroad.

Students can apply for the Pannónia scholarship for their semester abroad.

No, there is not.

However, regardless of this, can students have academic scholarships in the bachelor and the masters programs?

Yes, students can have academic scholarships in the masters programs.

Students may apply for the scholarships offered by the given country or university during the CEMS semester as well.

After Graduation

According to the Financial Times rankings, 3 years after the graduation the average salary id 51,852 USD/year with the Corvinus diploma and 83,022 USD/year with a CEMS diploma.


82% of the CEMS Alumni have already worked in multiple countries. CEMS graduates can be found in 75 countries of the world. The Alumni mentorship program and network helps the students in finding employment. The multinational corporate partners of CEMS know the program and can be found in several countries, and as the case may be, students may move between countries within the company as well.

  • International experience: semester abroad + professional traineeship abroad
  • Skill seminars: skill development programs held by enterprises
  • Business project: solving actual problems raised by the companies, in cooperation with the companies
  • Global alumni network: helps young people through their careers with the alumni mentor programs
  • CEMS corporate partners: 70+ multinational companies belong to the CEMS Association, who are happy to employ CEMS graduates
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