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Corvinus Roundtable on Arbitration: Why Arbitration? Why Budapest?

19 Nov. 2021, 10:00 AM 1093. Budapest, Fővám tér Faculty Club (basement level)
Mini-conference at Corvinus University of Budapest
2021.11.19. 10:00
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér
Faculty Club (basement level)
Information: daniel.ban@uni-corvinus.hu

The mini-conference held at the Faculty Club in Corvinus University of Budapest is open for all Corvinus students, professors and interested stakeholders. After the introduction given by Péter METZINGER, PhD (Attorney, Associate Professor, CUB), the participants can learn about the different aspects and questions of arbitration. 

The programme: 

10:00-10:10: Introduction 

Péter Metzinger, PhD (Attorney, Associate Professor, CUB) 


10:10-10:30: Why opt for arbitration? International experiences of ADR 

Veronika Korom (Attorney, Assistant Professor, ESSEC Business School, President of the Board at Hungarian Arbitration Association) 

10:30-10:50: How to choose arbitration? Arbitration clauses in international commercial contracts 

Dániel Bán, PhD (Attorney, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Business Law, CUB) 

10:50-11:10: Why choose Budapest as seat of arbitration? Features of arbitration in Budapest 

János Burai-Kovács (Attorney, President of the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) 

11:10-11:30: What to do with an arbitral award? Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards worldwide 

Zoltán Nemessányi, PhD (Attorney, Associate Professor, CUB, former Deputy State Secretary for International Civil Justice Cooperation, Ministry of Justice, 2014-2020) 

11:30-11:45: Q&A 

11:45-12:00: Concluding remarks 

Theodore Sebastian Boone (Attorney, Master Lecturer, CUB) 

12:00-12:45: Reception for the participants 


Attendance shall have immunity card. 

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