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Professor emeritus, Professor emerita

József Berács

Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences 

József Berács has been a determining personality of the Institute of Marketing and Communication Science for as long as 50 years. During his career, he achieved outstanding results in internationalisation and in the area of management tasks, too. He graduated in 1974 from the Marx Károly University of Economics, industry programme, specialising in marketing, and during his studies, he was a member of the Rajk College. Following that, he studied management training in the business school of the Stanford and the University of Northwestern. He has been working for the Corvinus since 1974, he was the head of the Marketing Department in 1992–2004, and became the doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) in 2006. In his work, internationalisation plays an important role. He was a founding director of the Corvinus Center for International Higher Education Studies, the Corvinus International Studies Center and the International Society for Inventory Research, too, and the European Marketing Academy elected him to be its president, as the first person from Central Eastern Europe. The Marketing textbook he wrote jointly with András Bauer has been used as a basic work for decades in Hungarian higher education on marketing, and Zsófia Kenesei joined him to produce a basic marketing textbook for the Bologna system, too. His research and teaching activity covers a number of areas of marketing, among others he worked on inventory management, market research and marketing strategies, too. In 2004 his work was rewarded with the Corvinus Gold Medal award, in 2006 he received the Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, and in 2009 he was elected to be an EMAC Fellow.  Presently he teaches in the PhD programme and in the marketing master programme. 

Éva Hideg

Institute of Sustainable Development 

Éva Hideg worked for the Corvinus University of Budapest and its legal predecessors for 30 years, from 1990, but she still actively participates in the life of her department – she delivers lessons, publishes papers with young colleagues – as she finds the mentoring of the young generation important. As a pioneer of future research in Hungary, she worked out the paradigms of this discipline, developed integrated future research and interactive foresight, adopted the Horizon Scanning procedure, and connected future research and the general evolution theory. In 1974-1990, she was a research fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, a candidate of economic science from 1988, an associate professor in 1990-2014, the doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 2012, habilitated doctor from 2013, and university professor since 2014. From 1995 to 2010, she joined the work of the National Scientific Research Programmes at several points, among others as the president of the College for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, the jury of the Economics-Future Research-Statistics, and the jury of the Economics-Future Research. From 2009, she was a supervisor in the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Informatics, and until 2014, she was a member of the Corvinus International University Research Centre. Since 2012, she has been a member of the European Journal of Futures Research Academic Board. Since 2018, she has been the co-president of the Scientific Committee on Statistics and Future Research of the MTA, and since 2019, she has been a non-academic general meeting representative of the MTA. Her activities have been recognised with a number of prizes, awards and scholarships. In 1988, she received the MTA Supported Research Locations Prize, in 2001-2004 she had Széchenyi István scholarship, and in 2018 she was awarded the memorial certificate ‘For the Hungarian Scientific Future Research’. 

Antal István Magas

Institute of Global Studies  

Antal István Magas is a professor of the Department of World Economy at the Corvinus University of Budapest, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc), and an Olympic athlete. Since the start of his career, István Magas has been a lecturer and researcher of the Corvinus and its legal predecessors in the subjects of international macro-finances, international corporate finances, the economics of globalisation, and economic transformation. He publishes articles of outstanding quality in the subject of the macroeconomics of small and open economies, and he is actively involved in the euro debate in Hungary. He had visiting professor jobs for many years at the Texas Tech University, the Willamette University and the University of Connecticut, he taught at the Central European University, and has played a key role in the education of economists in English at our University From 2008 to 2016, he was the head of the Department (later Institute) of World Economy at the Corvinus. He is a core member of the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science, and one of most active developers of the World Economics Doctoral Programme. István Magas has made a lot of efforts to make economics easier to understand and access for the wider general public, too, explaining in particular the contradictions, challenges and possibilities originating from the interdependencies in global economy. He efficiently applied his research results of high standard in the shaping of Hungarian public discourse, too.  

Péter Tallos

Institute of Data Analytics and Information Systems  

Péter Tallos has been working for the University as a full-time lecturer since 1976. Between 1997-2017 he was the head of the Department of Mathematics, and between 2015-2017 the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistical Modelling. Between 2015-2017 he was the Vice-Dean of the Corvinus University of Budapest. 

He graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Science as a certified mathematician in 1976, as a student of the mathematical analysis school hallmarked by László Czách. This where he obtained a doctoral degree in 1979, in 1991 he received the candidate of mathematics title, and in 1999 he became a habilitated doctor at the Corvinus University of Budapest. 

He was a part-time lecturer at the ELTE Faculty of Science in 1976-1986, and a visiting professor at multiple foreign universities. He is the member of the editorial boards of the Pure Mathematics and Application and Discussiones Mathematicae. Differential Inclusions journals. 

His main areas of interest are the theory of differential equations and differential inclusions, within that the theory of optimal controls, as well as the viability theory that is closely related to mathematical economics (viability theory). 

He was one of the founders and organisers of the single-cycle programme of Economic and Financial Mathematical Analysis at the University, as well as the joint master programme of the Corvinus and the ELTE, the Insurance and Financial Mathematics programme. He has worked out the improvement of the teaching of mathematics in the bachelor programme of Applied Economics, he wrote a well-thought-out textbook for the teaching of the analysis, probability theory and linear algebra subjects. His students elected him the best lecturer every year.  

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