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CEHEC 2015

1st Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference

January 28-29, 2015Budapest, Hungary

Current news
Proceedings are available

We are pleased to announce that following the 1st CEHEC conference the CEHEC Proceedings have been published with the cooperation of the Central European University. You can find the electronic version of the Proceedings here.

Photos and preseantations are available

Parallel session presentations can be found at the “Abstracts and Presentations”, while keynote speaker presentations are available at the “Keynote speakers” section. Photos were also uploaded (many thanks for Iryna Degtyarova and Zsuzsanna Döme)!

New preliminary programme is available

Preliminary programme is updated. You can find additional practical information regarding travelling and accommodation. 

Conference Theme – Call for Papers

This is the first of a series of annual conferences organized by the Center of International Higher Education Studies (CIHES) at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Central European University (CEU) in collaboration with partners from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia as part of the Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) project.

The conference brings together researchers, policy and university leaders (practitioners) and other experts on higher education in CEE region but also in other regions of the world. The aim is to stimulate academic discussion on trends and key issues in the region’s higher education. It is also to enhance academic collaboration and practice/experience sharing in the areas of higher education and science and research policies.

The target groups of Conference are higher education and policy researchers, university leaders, as well as other stakeholders whose work is key for the good performance of higher education institutions. The goal is to build a professional network for sharing expertise, success stories, and new ideas, as well as to provide support to the relevant stakeholders in higher education.

We invite papers dealing with current issues in higher education in Central and Eastern European region and other neighboring regions. Possible topics include: funding of higher education, organization and management, internationalization, governance and autonomy, research and science policy and management, and higher education reforms more broadly. Additional topics are also welcome and will be considered.

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