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CIHES Working Paper No.2.

Working papers

Editor: Ildikó Hrubos
October, 2009

The volume contains four working papers, which present the partial results of the more significant research projects conducted in the framework of NFKK. The first two studies are related to students, their subjects are the research studies performed in connection with the European higher education reform (the Bologna process). One of them is based on the elaboration of an official document issued by the European Students Association, regarding the question of values expected from universities, while the other presents the results of the pilot data-survey conducted in Hungary in the framework of the Eurostudent project. The theme of the third study belongs in the subject range of institutional management, it analyses the role of the Dean. The fourth study provides an account of some significant international higher education conferences, conference volumes, which deal with the diversity of higher education, the emergence of various missions and institutional rankings.

103 pages
ISSN: 2060-9698
ISBN: 978-963-503-402-4

Published studies:

  • Veroszta, Zs.: Student values related to the Bologna process in international documents
  • Szemerszki, M.: Hungarian links of the Eurostudent survey
  • Kováts, G.: The leadership roles of a dean
  • Hrubos, I.: Let’s create a world-class university!

The publication can be downloaded (in Hungarian) here.

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