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CIHES Working Paper No.5.

Contemporary methods in higher education pedagogy
Conference papers

Editors: István Dobó, István Perjés, József Temesi
November, 2010

The conference on „Contemporary pedagogical approaches and methods in higher education” was jointly organized by the Institute of Behavioural and Communication Theory, and the Center for International Higher Education Studies. The conference was held at Corvinus University of Budapest in April 2010. The speakers and participants sought new answers for old questions: how could higher education react to the expectations of a changing social and economic environment, what are the new methods of teaching the digital generation efficiently? The aim of the conference was to involve those teachers, managers and researchers of the Hungarian higher education who have been playing various roles in the implementation of the new Bologna-type degree programmes and interested in increasing the efficiency of higher education. Four areas were in the forefront of the discussions: changing role of higher education; learning environment of the digital generation; pedagogical-psychological dimensions of the teaching and learning process; computerized approaches to the organization of studies.

82 pages
ISSN: 2060-9698
ISBN: 978-963-89082-0-9

Published studies:

  • Vass, V.: Competence-based higher education: refuge or prison?
  • Ollé, J.: A method’s fall: the last days of ‘chair pedagogy’ in higher education
  • Magyari, G.: How do today’s high school students – tomorrow’s university students study?
  • Bessenyei, I.: The revolt of boredom – digital generation at the university
  • Magyari Beck, I.: The revolt of boredom – digital generation at the university
  • Lévai, D., Tóth, A., & Virányi, A.: Introduction of ELTE’s eLearning system

The publication can be downloaded (in Hungarian) here.

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