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CIHES Working Paper No.6.

‘Hungarian Higher Education 2010’
Conference papers

Editors: József Berács, Ildikó Hrubos, József Temesi
March, 2011

Starting with the measurement problems of international higher education competition, the conference focused on the strategic directions of the domestic and European higher education. Mobility as one of the key term of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) contains the dissemination of scientific results beyond the mobility of students and teachers. Diversity is declared as special value in Europe. The social embeddedness of education institutions, the harmonizing of their missions with the goals of their narrower or broader environment got special attention in the papers. The presentations about colleges which could be the first place for most of the secondary school students, in the spirit of American community colleges, shed new lights on this complex phenomena. The panel discussion covered the lifetime models of both the talented and not so talented students.

99 pages
ISSN: 2060-9698
ISBN: 978-963-89082-1-6

Published studies:

  • Török, Á., & Kovács, B.: Measurement issues in the international higher education competition
  • Náray-Szabó, G.: Research and competitiveness in higher education
  • L. Rédei, M.: Spatial mobility – the basis of intellectual capital increase
  • Berács, J.: Student mobility and attractiveness of Hungary
  • Keszei, E.: Diverse higher education: European recommendations and Hungarian challenges
  • Danyi, J.: Practice-oriented post-secondary education in the service of sustainable economic development
  • Rechnitzer, J.: The field of higher education, higher education of the region
  • Hrubos, I.: Interpretation of the diversified higher education system in Europen
  • Pálfi, V.: The relationship between universities and research centers

The publication can be downloaded (in Hungarian) here.

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The conference and the working paper was supported by the project: TÁMOP-4.2.3-08/1/KMR-2009-0004 (CIHES subproject) and TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 project (R + D + I subproject).

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