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Research Newsletter December 2020

Research Management Office News 
Dear Colleagues, 

On behalf of the Research Management Team, I would like to welcome you to the very first issue of a new Research Newsletter. This quarterly online publication will inform you about research-related topics, past and future events, as well as new opportunities for projects and means of research support.

Below you can read about those changes that have already been accepted (e.g., the Corvinus Career Track System, the launch of the “Meet the Editor” series) as well as about those means and opportunities which will come in the forthcoming months (for instance, the Corvinus Research Excellence award, the Research Week, the skills trainings, and many others). The newest grant opportunities are also highlighted under a separate section, as are latest news from the Library, the Research Centres and Labs, as well as the various Institutes. The Newsletter concludes with an “Honours List” where the authors of publications with significant academic impact are recognized.

I am very proud of our Research Management Team that, in addition to Krisztián Ágai, Éva Bordás-Tóth, Nóra Kelecsényi, Melinda Pap and Nándor Petrovics (part-time), also includes – from December 2020 – members of the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe: Erika Cser, Judit Fekete and H2020 expert, Borbála Schenk (part-time).

We are looking forward to working with you.

Best regards,
Gyula Vastag
Professor, Vice-Rector for Research

Hot Topics

Corvinus Career Track System („Életpálya modell”)

The Career Track System (Életpálya modell), which is designed to align individual goals with University objectives, has now been elaborated and accepted and it will be implemented from January 2020. From a Research point of view, its significance lies in the distinction of the three career tracks for faculty and the flexibility offered by the “predominantly research-oriented” path. This path, through the reduced teaching load expected of research-oriented faculty, allows those faculty members whose publications are already highly ranked internationally, to engage more extensively in research and thus eventually increase the research output and impact of the University. The model specifies the minimum requirements regarding publications for each track, monitors, measures and evaluates the results against internationally accepted standards every three years. Researchers at all levels will be supported by various means to achieve their publication targets, including a new motivational system, faculty development opportunities and improved infrastructure.


The Corvinus Research Excellence award (Corvinus Kutatási Kiválóság) has been established with the following two goals: first, to acknowledge and reward those researchers who have extensively contributed to its effort to achieve research excellence, and secondly, to motivate other faculty members to produce a growing volume of internationally recognised publications. Application criteria for the 2021 prize, which will be based on the publication performance of the previous three years, will be announced on the Research Unit’s website in January 2021.

As the next step, the University wishes to extend the award with the Development Prize to target emerging researchers and is to reward those who have achieved the highest increase in the JCR or AIp value of their publications during the time under scrutiny.

CCHE: Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe

The Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe, as a new unit within the Vice Rector for Research’s office, provides research support services for international projects. Please read their introductory words and do not hesitate to contact them for information and assistance.

What was achieved in 2020?

Since January 2020 the University has installed a Horizon 2020 Focal Point as a new research support service, in order to provide increased technical assistance to the submission of research grant proposals in the Horizon 2020 Framework Program and to provide support with the implementation of some of the ongoing Horizon projects. Since the beginning of this year, Corvinus professionals have participated in the submission of 13 Horizon 2020 proposals, out of which 2 have been evaluated positively by the European Commission: one Research and Innovation Action (MEDIATIZED-EU) and one Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (SAPIENS). Consequently, our annual success rate has so far been 15%, slightly above the 12% average success rate of eligible H2020 proposals on the EU level. We need to highlight that this year, for the first time, the University has submitted three Horizon RIA proposals as consortium leaders. One of them (TRADE4SD) was pre-selected during the first stage evaluation and we are currently waiting for the evaluation report of the second stage.

Since September, we have organized online information events for our researchers regarding the H2020 Green Deal Calls and we have participated at various international brokerage events in order to extend our professional network for the European Green Deal. Currently there are several researcher teams at Corvinus taking part, as partners, in the preparation of grant applications for Green Deal topics while we are intensively preparing for the forthcoming Horizon Europe Framework Program as well.

Mark your calendars: timeline for 2021

The deadline for the submission of H2020 Green Deal grant proposals is 26 January 2021. Selected projects are expected to start in autumn 2021.

Horizon Europe, the framework programme that will succeed Horizon 2020, will be launched from 01 January 2021. The new HE calls for proposals will open by March/April 2021 but the main research priorities are already available. The calls for proposals will be published at the Funding and Tenders Portal of the European Commission.

Where do I find research funding support?

Since 01 December 2020, a new unit supports the researchers of Corvinus in participating in the upcoming Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe, as part of the cabinet of the Vice-Rector for Research, provides support for turning research ideas into competitive European grant proposals and is in charge of pre-award grant management tasks. Stay tuned for updates, trainings and events by checking out our webpage.

The unit includes three colleagues: Dr Erika Cser, as Research Adviser, Judit Fekete as Horizon Focal Point
and Dr Borbála Schenk, as External Consultant. You can reach our team via email at horizon@uni-corvinus.hu, cser.erika@uni-corvinus.hu, judit.fekete@uni-corvinus.hu, and borbala.schenk@researchmanagement.hu, or you can notify us of your interest in international projects by filling out this online form.

Once the grant application has received funding, the Grants and Project Management Unit, operating within the Chancellery, assists researchers in the smooth implementation of their research projects providing professional post-award project management support. The Head of the Grants and Project Management Unit is Boglárka Szűcs (boglarka.szucs@uni-corvinus.hu).

Consultations and training opportunities for researchers

The European research funding scene is highly competitive. Among the many proposals with excellent research ideas, those will succeed that meet the requirements of the European Commission, have a sound implementation plan, a credible procedure to turn the results into innovation, and proper measures to maximize impact beyond academia. Therefore, the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe continues to offer, on the one hand, individual consultations, and, on the other hand, from 2021, special training courses focusing on the following two topics: 

I. Writing Horizon Europe grant proposals (4×1,5hrs)

II. Skills and best practices for your successful Horizon Europe participation (5×1,5hrs presentations and 5x 1,5hrs of practical skills training)

More information about the training schedule and registration will be shared by the Research Management Office in due time.

Did you know?

Between 2007 and 2013, in the Framework Program 7 Corvinus University of Budapest has received 1,66 million euros of funding for research projects from the European Commission, while during the current Horizon 2020 Framework Program since 2014, the University has received 3,06 million euros of research grants.

The main partners in two or more H2020 projects have been: Univerzita Karlova (CZ) University of Tartu (EE), University College London (UK), Wageningen University (NL),  Maastricht University (NL), Roskilde Univesitet (DK), Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (PL), Univerzitet u Beogradu (RS).

Project News provided by the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe

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  • foRMAtion Erasmus+ project: Teacher Training event – 16-20 November 2020

Corvinus is a partner in the international project called foRMAtion – Innovative and smart module for potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education, funded by the ERASMUS+ programme. The increasing competition for EU research funds, the growing needs of the labour market for professional research support staff, and the shortage in research management administration (RMA) educational programmes, led to the realization of the project. foRMAtion aims to support students in higher education as potential research managers by reinforcing the high-level and transversal skills needed for developing and managing excellent European R&I projects.

Between 16-20 November 2020, an online teacher training event was held to test the ‘International curriculum for future Research Managers and Administrators’ developed by NOVA University Lisbon and the teaching materials developed by Corvinus University of Budapest, with the contribution of consortium members and external advisors from renowned European academic and research institutions. The purpose of the five-day event was to test and collect feedback from all the participants about the teaching materials in order to improve them and to
finalise the curriculum for implementation in the three partner Universities (NOVA, Corvinus and Sapientia). The materials presented at the event will be soon available online at: https://www.formation-rma.eu

  • Successful Horizon Grant applications in 2020

SAPIENS: Corvinus University and ten other European universities have jointly established an awarded project entitled SAPIENS – Sustainability and Procurement in International, European,
and National Systems. The project will start in March 2021 and will aim at mapping the various aspects of sustainable development goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN in 2015, and at factoring them in public procurement processes. As part of the project, 15 PhD students will get the opportunity to conduct research at international partner institutions. The consortium was awarded the grant within the framework of the Horizon 2020 Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions promoting the international mobility and scientific career of early-stage researchers.

MEDIATIZED-EU: The Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and Their Representations in Public Perceptions project will start in 2021. The consortium is led by The Dublin City University and includes seven partner organizations. Corvinus University is represented by its Centre for Empirical Social Research. The project aims to study how media discourses are constructed to foster or hamper the European project and how they resonate among the public by focusing on the elite-media-public triangle. It is crucial to reveal the specificities of such mediatisation of political discourses on Europeanisation across Europe, namely, the so-called Old and New European and EaP countries. The project will take a comprehensive mixed-method approach with
qualitative, quantitative and deliberative research components and will provide a cross-country comparative analysis of seven target countries.

Faculty Handbook and PhD Handbook

A Faculty (Research) Handbook and a PhD (Research) Handbook were compiled during the last months of 2020. The first summarises the wide range of research-related services provided by the Corvinus University, as well as the financial support opportunities available at CUB. The latter document also contains vital information for those doing their doctoral training at the University. The documents will be shared with faculty and PhD students at the beginning of 2021. 

Data Bases

The Research Management Office is dedicated to assembling a complete list of data bases which are available for use at the University. Following extensive collaboration with various Institutes and the Library, a preliminary list was compiled, and the Institutes were also approached to find out what other data bases that they would like to use in the future. The finalised wish list will be presented to Management in early 2021. This first version of the data base list is available here.

Interviews with the Heads of the Institutes

In order to provide Corvinus Faculty with the best possible service and all the necessary support in the field of Research, the Research Management Team set out to interview the Heads of the 13 Institutes about their views on research, their needs and future aspirations. Most of what was learnt points in one direction: researchers need as much information and as directly as possible. They also cherish academic autonomy and appreciate the recent developments in support of their activity. A considerable number of Corvinus faculty are eager to carry out research and increase their output in international academic publications but they need to be supported in several ways and need to be informed about the opportunities that are open to them. A document based on the learnings of the interviews as well as a collection of general information on Research at Corvinus has been shared with the participants of the interviews and a summative action plan has also been discussed with relevant members of management. The Team appreciates the cooperation of the Heads and hopes to implement the most significant action points before long.


The Corvinus Business School acquired the prestigious EQUIS accreditation is 2018, which has since been extended to the whole University. The new annual report for 2020 was submitted in early December and feedback is expected in the first quarter of next year.

Call for Applications – Opportunities not to Miss

  • The deadline for the submission of H2020 Green Deal grant proposals is 26 January 2021. For further details, see the RFSU introductory note above.
  • Corvinus faculty can apply for the CIAS Senior and Junior Faculty Fellowship grants for the academic year of 2021-22, until 15 January 2021. The call for application can be accessed from the CIAS web page here.
  • A soon-to-be launched new opportunity for young faculty is the Corvinus Professional Acculturation Program (C-PAP), a grant for Associate Professors to work at leading North American universities for 6-12 months. The expectation is that, by sharing their experience upon their return, these young colleagues will advocate the spirit of research at CUB. The application details will be shared early next year.

Future Events organised by the Research Management Office

Corvinus Research Week

The next Corvinus Research Week will be organised between 11-15 January 2021. This traditional 5-day series of workshops, research-related trainings and discussions is designed to give faculty an opportunity to present their ongoing research projects to, and share the latest results with, colleagues from other Institutes. It is also hoped to allow faculty to explore new, often interdisciplinary, cooperation opportunities with researchers from other Institutes. Due to the pandemic, the January Research Week will be organised online on Teams. Besides the Vice
Rector for Research, Professor Gyula Vastag’s address on Friday and the numerous sessions proposed and organised by faculty, three new events are planned:

1. a session by the Corvinus Centre for Horizon Europe regarding opportunities opening in international research projects,

2. the second session of the Meet the editor series to familiarise faculty with the intricacies of publishing in top international academic journals, and

3. an event targeting future researchers entitled “Start your Academic Career at Corvinus”. Young colleagues, including PhD students, will draw the attention of current bachelor and/or master’s students at the opportunities offered at CUB.

Applications are to be made by filling in the excel file on the “Kutatási hét online” TEAMS surface and by sending Éva Bordás-Tóth (btotheva@uni-corvinus.hu) a short summary of the planned event.

Corvinus Lectures

The Management of Corvinus University believes in learning from the best representatives of academic research. Therefore, it provides financing for a new University-level initiative called Corvinus Lectures allowing leading international researchers to share their expertise with Corvinus faculty. The first eminent expert, whose visit was originally scheduled for 2020, is Professor Nick Bloom from Stanford University. Due to the pandemic, however, the event, comprising of an open lecture and other smaller scale meetings and workshops, has now been rescheduled for the autumn of 2021. While awaiting the visit, here are two excellent talks by Nick Bloom on burning issues created by COVID-19. 

The first one is a TED talk explaining why it is good for both the employee and the employer to work a couple of days a week from home. (pandemic or not). You can watch this 15-minute talk based on a two-year experiment in co-operation with a Chinese company at: Go Ahead, Tell Your Boss You Are Working From Home | Nicholas Bloom | TEDxStanford

The second one is a more recent (03 December) and longer webinar entitled, “Working from Home – Will it Persist?” with Introductions by Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance): Nick Bloom webinar. Enjoy the useful insights and the professor’s dynamic presentation style.


Research Seminar

The Faculty Development Fund provides each Institute with financing (HUF 1 million) dedicated to the organisation of one or more large-scale research events per year. The Corvinus Research Seminars are intended to foster a positive attitude to research by sharing recent results and/or discussing ongoing projects leading, in the long term, to an increased research output and greater international visibility. Although called “seminars”, they may take any form from seminars to workshops to best suit the needs of each Institute. Organisers can invite domestic and international professionals from their field and joint events between Institutes (when funding may also be combined) are also encouraged. Application is through the online “workflow” system.

Research Brunch

Another event which is planned to resurface after 2019, albeit under a different name (renamed from Science Café) is an informal gathering of researchers over tasty snacks, tea and coffee. This is a chance for faculty from all Institutes to meet and discuss matters related to their research in a relaxed setting. Due to the restrictions related to the pandemic, the initiative has had to be suspended temporarily. However, when life returns to normal, the Research Brunch will be held twice a semester.

Skills Trainings

During the interviews with the heads of the Institutes organised by members of the Research Management Team in October, a growing demand for skills trainings surfaced, especially as a result of the increased requirement regarding publications in high profile international academic journals. The Library has compiled a list of research support trainings (including among others Research
Methodology, Publication and Academic English Writing Skills sessions and consultations), which will be offered to faculty early next year. The potential participants will be duly informed about the dates and the application details.

Meet the Editor series

The series is designed in the framework of Corvinus University’s strategic aim to achieve excellence and greater international visibility. It reflects the Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Dr Gyula Vastag’s intention to support Corvinus faculty in publishing their work in top international journals. Speakers, who are editors-in-chief of prestigious international journals, are invited to Corvinus University to share their advice on writing successful academic articles with prospective authors.

Following the first editorial lecture in early December 2020 (see details below), the series is scheduled to continue with the second Meet the Editor event during the Research Week in January 2021.

Past Events organised by the Research Management Office

Researchers’ Night/Kutatók Éjszakája

Every autumn Corvinus University joins the European Researchers’ Night event to celebrate and promote research among young people. Due to the COVID restrictions, the 2020 programmes
on 27 November were offered online. Although this caused a reduction in the number of programmes offered by Corvinus but not a decrease of interest. Over 20 presentations on wide-ranging subjects from the importance of the theatre to politicians, through the benefits of mathematical thinking in everyday life all the way to how COVID-19 could and should be researched were watched by one thousand viewers. Further details on the event the presentations are available at Researchers’ Night in Közgazdász Online.

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The organisers of the event, Éva Bordás-Tóth and Melinda Pap of the Research Management team are pictured here with one of the most popular guest presenters at Corvinus, pálferi (Ferenc Pál), who gave a spirited presentation on the pressing issue of burnout and some potential strategies to avoid it.

Meet the Editor – Session 1 of the New Series on Successful Publishing

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

  The inaugural 90-minute online session of the new Meet the Editor series to support publishing efforts in top international journals was held on 8 December. The guest speaker was Professor Jiří Jaromír Klemeš of Brno University, who is a highly distinguished scholar and holds several academic positions in various countries. Professor Klemeš also has extensive experience with top international academic journals both as a contributor and as an editor. Not only is he Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cleaner Production (an international, transdisciplinary journal, published by Elsevier, with a CiteScore of 10.9, an SJR of 1.886 and an Impact Factor of 7.246), he also serves on the editorial boards of over twenty other highly 

ranked international journals. So far, he has authored and co-authored hundreds of publications and has reviewed numerous articles for over a hundred journals. As “Highly Cited Researcher” in 2018 and 2020 (a recognition given by Web of Science), Professor Klemeš is a fountain of information for anyone who wishes to submit successful academic articles.

The online event attracted over 25 participants from various Institutes, Research Centres and Doctoral Schools of Corvinus University. The presentation started with a general introduction to top academic journals and a clarification of the different journal classification methods, as this information is needed by potential authors in their search of a “good” journal to publish in. The professor underlined that visibility can be increased by writing on multidisciplinary topics appealing to a wider audience and by submitting papers to open access journals. Thanks to a good deal made by the Hungarian government, our researchers can publish in many open access journals without paying a fee, so Corvinus faculty is strongly encouraged to make use of this excellent opportunity. Professor Klemeš gave his audience advice on naming reviewers for one’s article (if requested by the journal) and called the participants’ attention to the importance of thoroughly reading the primary source of information, namely the “Guide for Authors” found on the web pages of all journals. He also suggested that, in addition to this, writers should carefully read the articles of some well-known authors who have published the journal in question to get a feel for what is expected of them. Making recent references in one’s article is considered essential to prove that the author is aware of the latest developments in the field while self-referencing should be kept to a minimum. The Professor gave extensive recommendation regarding the structural elements of academic articles and warned against some common mistakes like plagiarism and poor language use. The final part of the presentation centred on the subject of article reviews and the reviewing process. Reviewing in his opinion is a service to the academic community and a useful source of information for the reviewer but should be better rewarded by the publishers. Following the presentation, Professor Klemeš answered some questions placed by the audience.

Feedback on the event was highly positive and those who were unable to attend the presentation can watch it here.

Online Information Session Regarding the Classification of Academic Journals

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A special online information session regarding the classification system used by Section IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was held on 26 November 2020. József Vörös, regular 

member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Chair of the Doctoral Council of Economics and Business Administration, shared the most important classification details with an audience of over 20 researchers.

Dr Vörös gave a general overview of the classification process of the domestic journals published in English and Hungarian. He also informed CUB’s researchers that a new Council is to be formed, most likely, once the pandemic ends. The faculty members were encouraged to contact the new Council to share their suggestions especially regarding the question of

CUB has set it as a primary goal for the major Corvinus journals to achieve top “A” classification in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ system. Currently, the Corvinus Journal of
Sociology and Social Policy belongs to category ‘A’ and the aspiration of the Budapest Management Review is to achieve the same classification by 2022. The objective of the third Corvinus journal, Society and Economy, is to obtain SJR category ‘Q2’.

As Gyula Vastag, Vice-Rector for Research summarized, ultimately it is the quality of a paper that counts but the quality of the journal that published the manuscript is a good proxy for its
quality. In the pursuit of this quality, several similar information sessions are about to take place in the coming months, which will allow further consultation between editors-in-chief and researchers.

Library News

Reformed System of MTMT-Uploading

The Corvinus Library is pleased to inform the researchers that, based on a new regulation, Research Support Librarians will upload and maintain scholarly publications’ data into the MTMT-database. As it is defined in the regulation, the following types of publications are accepted as academic performance, scholarly books, textbooks, book chapters, journal articles and research
reports. Other types of documents, e.g., abstracts, are excluded, even if MTMT defines them as scholarly work.

Data upload requests can be submitted through this form, which also serves as a request/application to check your data in MTMT. Since checking a complete publication list is time-consuming (3-4 weeks) and it requires regular communication between the researcher and the librarian, faculty are kindly asked to allow enough time for the librarians to complete this task.

Further information is available here: http://www.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/eng/mtmt. Contact us via e-mail or by phone if you have further MTMT-related questions.

Publication Support – Training Sessions for Corvinus Community

The Library’s Writing Center offers different training and consultation sessions for Faculty members and Researchers. Sessions are arranged into modules that fit the different phases of the research cycle. Their aim is to give an insight into the research infrastructure at Corvinus University, to inform users about subscribed databases and reliable OA-sources. Other sessions give
hints about keeping research up-to-date, show trends of scholarly communication, give a detailed overview of the principles of OA-publication process. Another group of sessions informs users about self-archiving methods to increase visibility in the scholarly community and support the planning of effective individual publication strategies.

Not just Faculty members or researchers are supported by the Writing Center, but also students. This unit offers students different sessions that fit their actual needs in order to help them improving their information literacy skills. On-demand training sessions can be integrated into University courses. They aim at supporting conscious and ethical use of scholarly sources,
to inform students about academic, statistical and business databases, to teach them for proper use of references and to avoid plagiarism.

OA in Read & Publish Contracts – Key Figures 2020

31 articles were published as Open Access at Corvinus in 2020 (Springer- 15, Elsevier – 10, Wiley – 6) in the framework of the EISZ national consortium. Due to increasing demand, the predefined quota of Hungary for 2020 has run out at Wiley and Springer publishers. At Springer, next year’s source has already been opened so OA-publishing can go on uninterrupted, however, the number of
eligible journals is fewer (check the current list on the library’s homepage). At Wiley, OA-publishing will restart in January 2021.

For more information check the library’s homepage.

Text Similarity Checker for Scholarly Articles

The Library is about to subscribe to the Crossref Similarity Check-service from January 2021. Since this service is based on Crossref DOI-service, it will be used for checking scholarly documents. For the bulk checking of theses, the University will continue to use Urkund.

One-Click E-Book Ordering

The Library has started purchasing e-books through the ProQuest E-book Central platform. Besides the 187 books already purchased, it offers over 2,000 scholarly titles in the field of business and economics. Each book can be read free for 5 minutes and users – after registration – may recommend the book for purchase. To do it, please register first from CUB’s network, and later you can access content also from outside the University network. Recommendations are reviewed by library staff, and if the purchase is approved, the book will be available in 48 hours. Feedback will be sent to the requester in each case.

Research Centres News


CIAS plays a bridging role between the international academic world and Corvinus faculty with the objective of boosting research cooperation activity and increasing research output. Their contribution to the University is outstanding in several areas including people, events and publications.

CIAS aims to attract international researchers and supports local talent at the same time. The CIAS Research Fellows program is very successful and the number of applicants is steadily growing. Since the start, in 2018, there have been 19 international and four Corvinus grant holders, and the new application process is now open until 15 January 2021. There have already been
several enquiries about the grants and, similarly to the previous years, an increase in the number of applications is expected from mid-December. Corvinus researchers can apply for CIAS grants as senior and junior faculty research fellows and can spend 5 to 10 months focusing on their research. The details are found here.

At present, there are two researchers working in CIAS. Moreno Frau is a junior research fellow, who arrived in July 2020 and following his excellent work during the first 5 months, his grant has now been extended until the end of April 2021. The other researcher, Gábor Nagy, who is an invited senior research fellow, has just arrived and is conducting research on autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars) with Tamara Keszey. They are planning to submit their abstract to a Q1-ranked international academic journal next April. Five other researchers are expected to arrive in the spring semester: Carmela Di Mauro, Grzegorz Leszczyński, Pásztor Adél (senior research fellows), Primož Medved (junior research fellow) and Amira Mouhaker (invited junior research fellow). CIAS has also contributed to the efforts of Corvinus University towards long-term international talent hire. A former CIAS scholarship holder from Portugal, Nuno Morgado, has accepted an offer to become a permanent faculty member from August.

Currently there are six research centres within CIAS. Four came into existence earlier, namely the Social Futuring Centre (SFC), the Research Centre for Supplier and Industrial Development, the Centre for Economic Analysis and public Policy, and the Centre for Empirical Social Research (CESR), and two were founded in 2020: the Laboratory for Network, Technology & Innovation (NeTI Lab) and the Corvinus Centre for Operations Research CCOR). Two additional research centres will be launched in the early months of 2021, the Family, Household and Economy Research Centre (FamEcon) and the Eurasia Centre, the latter with the support of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB).

CIAS and the research centres organise events on a regular basis. CIAS’s last online workshop was held on 12 November. The two new research centres (NeTI Lab and CCOR) gave an overview of their research activities and recent findings and they also talked about their future plans. During the day, two grant holders, Moreno Frau and Szabolcs Sebrek also introduced their research to about 25 attendees of the event.

CCOR, one of the newest research centres, has been very active in organising events. They organised a series of 6 optimisation seminars with the participation of researchers from Corvinus University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Óbudai University and Babeş-Bolyai University. On 10 December, a Hungarian-language conference in honour of the internationally acknowledged Hungarian mathematician and theoretical physicist, Gyula Farkas (1847-1930), was organised online by CCOR. Professor Farkas’ name is best known to optimizers and OR specialists because of his theory of linear inequalities (Farkas lemma). The presentations centred on the life and work of the forerunner of modern optimization theory as well as on various related research topics.

As for the future, the traditional semi-annual CIAS conference will be organised at the end of April-beginning of May to allow researchers to present their latest work. However, even before that large-scale event, monthly public lectures are planned, where grant holders can familiarise Corvinus faculty and students with their current research.

Further details on the activities and opportunities can be found in the new brochure on the CIAS web page here and the most recent CIAS publications are available here!


As is well known to most, the three main pillars of REKK (Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research/ Regionális Energiagazdasági Kutatóközpont), founded in 2004, are training programs, research and consulting. This Centre displays a remarkable domestic and international publication activity. The members of the Research Centre regularly organise and take part in international workshops and conferences.

The Research Centre recently organised two events,

  • On 07 October, a Regional Energy Policy Forum Online entitled “Coal Phase-out in the CEE Region”. The aim of the workshop was to highlight EU policies and initiatives that assist member states and regions in phasing out coal and lignite in their electricity supply, to present the results of recent studies modelling the economic and social effects of coal-phase out in selected EU countries, and to show how Europe’s biggest utilities approach the question in their corporate strategies. Speakers included: László Szabó (REKK, HU), Alexandra Gawlikowska-Fyk (Forum Energii, PL), Christian Redl (Agora Energiewende, DE). The forum attracted 150 attendees
  • On 11 of November, a two-hour event called “New actors on the energy market: aggregators and energy communities”. The aim of the bilingual online event, which was the 8th session of the “REKK Enegy Futures” series, was to present the EU framework for energy communities and aggregators to stakeholders of the Central and Eastern European region and to show best practices of already functional models. Speakers included: Marion Malafosse (DG ENER), Dirk Vansintjan (REScoop, BE), Elias de Keyser (Next Kraftwerke, BE) In the second part of the event the floor was given to Hungarian representatives of the energy sector to discuss current practices of aggregation in Hungary, and the needs for further transposition of the Clean Energy Package related to energy communities and aggregators. The number of attendees was 140.

REKK is currently organising two further online workshops:

  • 2nd week of January 2021: Analysis of the past gas year
  • 2nd week of February 2021: Regulatory aspects of LNG terminals

Research Labs

A multifunctional laboratory has been established at the Székesfehérvár campus in the framework of project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00013, which meets all kinds of professional expectations.

In the LAB one can conduct behavioural economic experiments, focus group discussions (Socio LAB), communication trainings (Talk LAB), workshops and other kinds of research. Moreover, the LAB was set up in accordance with the concepts of Living LAB and Innovation LAB. The LAB is equipped with state-of-the-art IT tools resulting in a space which is adjustable to the researchers’ needs. It can be fully cleared or separated into many parts. The walls can be written on and they can also be lit in different colours. In addition, the LAB is equipped with 30 laptops, a green box, a camera system, a sound recording system, and several large-size mobile projectors. Focus group discussions can run smoothly with the help of two-way mirror and a camera system with a particularly strong focus. Conferences and smaller meetings can also be organized in the LAB. Desks with panels can also be placed in the room, which allows behavioural economic experiments to be conducted.

The multifunctional laboratory enables Corvinus University of Budapest to accomplish its third mission in the region of Central Transdanubia. Within this framework, our aim is to carry out applied research on the Székesfehérvár campus of CUB along with local companies, municipalities, public institutions and civil organizations which address the social and economic challenges of the
region. Thanks to the new LAB, the faculty of the University can cooperate with the various organizations of the region using leading-edge tools in a unique research environment.

Using of the laboratory, the University aims to work out such innovative solutions which enhance the competitiveness of the companies in the region, enable the stakeholders of the municipalities to address the population’s needs at a higher level, and support the civil organizations in achieving their top priority social goals with increased efficiency. LAB makes it possible to initiate and participate in research collaboration with actors from all sectors as well as to conduct workshops, trainings and educational sessions.

What’s New in the Institutes?

Institute of Mathematics and Statistical Modelling /Matematika és Statisztikai Modellezés Intézet

The Institute of Mathematics and Statistical Modelling is proud to announce that their assistant lecturer, Márton Benedek has won the 2020 award for the ‘Most Distinguished Body of Research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of OR’ (see below).

The Institute is also proud of its researchers József Banyár, Sziklai Balázs and László Csató, whose articles recently appeared in both Hungarian and international journals. For further information, please read this summary.

Institute of Finance, Accounting and Business Law / Pénzügyi, Számviteli és Gazdasági Jogi Intézet

Conference of the Department of Finance

The Department of Finance of the Institute of Finance, Accounting and Business Law, in cooperation with the Game Theory Research Group of CERS, held its eleventh Conference on 26-27 November. Given the epidemiological situation, the event was held online, and the topics were broadly related to financial liquidity. About 300 people registered as participants: in addition to international and domestic academics, interested corporate partners and students also applied. The Conference was held in English. The program included 4 plenary presentations and a total of 36 additional presentations in 10 parallel sections. In addition to the traditional topics (information and trading, macroeconomics, asset pricing, interconnection, corporate finance, market liquidity, bond markets, banking), the topic of sustainability (social innovations, green finance), and the financial impact of the epidemic also appeared this year.
The main statement of the first keynote speaker, Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics), was that environmentally conscious portfolio managers can really influence companies in the right direction. The second keynote speaker, Paul Shrivastava (Penn State University), emphasised that the responsibility of the financial sector in sustainability.
Further details are available on the conference website: http://afml.uni-corvinus.hu 

Institutional Mini Conference Celebrating Hungarian Science, ed. XVIIc

In November the Institute of Finance, Accounting and Business Law held a mini-conference celebrating Hungarian Science for the 17th time, this year – due to the pandemic – online. The event is called a “mini-conference” since it is open to our colleagues only. Our aim is to give them a platform to present their research topics and findings proving that those are relevant both to our educational and academic activity.
The motto of the conference – based on the recommendation of Hungarian Academy of Science MTA) – was “(Economic) Science shaping the future”. The attendees of the mini conference listened to 11 presentations by 17 speakers. As in previous years, the session was a vibrant scholarly event. On average 30 participants were present in the online space and their questions, debate and remark contributed to the quality of the conference. We look forward to the 18th conference next November, hopefully held in a face-to-face format.
The slides of the presentations are available through Teams in the CLOUD_Tudomány Ünnepe (PSZGJ Intézet) group. We also plan to prepare a conference proceeding. 

János Bosnyák National Memorial Competition

The Institute considers the support of future professionals and researchers of great importance therefore, together with the Luca Pacioli Association, an online case study competition took place in the early months of 2020. Students from Hungarian universities of the Carpathian Basin where accounting is part of the curriculum competed in teams of 3 members, and altogether 39 teams with around 120 students from 16 universities were involved in the contest. The national competition also served as an excellent example of cooperation with the most distinguished representatives of the accounting and taxation profession, for example, Ernst & Young Hungary, OrienTax, the Chamber of Auditors of Hungary and OTP Bank. Two teams of Corvinus students came first and second in the competition.
The János Bosnyák National Memorial Competition is a unique event as there are no other case study competitions in the fields of accounting and taxation in Hungary generating such a great interest from both students and masters of these professions and so the Luca Pacioli Association is determined to continue the competition in the coming years as well. For more details, please read the summary of the event.  


Researchers affiliated with the Department of Finance have published nine Q1-Q2-Q3 publications in 2020. The full list is available here. Colleagues of the Business Ethics Centre have also excelled in their publications. Their output included books as well as articles in distinguished journals and the list is available here

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


The whole University community must also congratulate our colleague Péter Csóka, Senior Research Fellow at ELKH CERS IE, who, co-authored with P. Jean-Jacques Herings, has published an article in “Management Science”, a Financial Times TOP 50 Journal, on analyzing bankruptcy situations in financial networks using tools of game theory. Please read the abstract and some more details regarding the article here.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem



Institute for the Development of Enterprises/ Vállalkozásfejlesztési Intézet

The Institute is proud to announce that the three-year long project entitled “The Analysis of the Environmental Impact of International Agricultural Trade”, submitted by Dr Máté Jeremiás Balogh, Assistant Professor of the Department of Agribusiness, Institute for Enterprise Development, won a grant from the National Research Development and Innovation Office’s Post-Doctoral Excellence Program on 26 August 2020.
The research examines the effects of international trade on pollution, with particular emphasis on agri-food trade and the influential role of agricultural activities. The main goal of the research project is to formulate policy proposals for decision makers to reduce the environmental impact of agri-food trade. The research results can provide an excellent basis for the development of regional climate strategies and preventive action plans in agriculture and food trade at the domestic, European Union and global levels in the future.
The three-year OTKA PD research will take place between December 1, 2020 and November 30, 2023. The research project is expected to contribute significantly to increasing the publication performance of Dr Jeremias Máté Balogh and thus of the Department as well as the of the Institute through Scimago Q1-Q2 journal articles planned on the topic.
The Institute congratulates Dr Balogh on the successful application and wishes him success with the implementation of the project. 

Proud to Announce

Corvinus kicks off its first H2020 project as a consortium leader

15th December 2020 is an important moment in the history of the international research at BCE: the university won its first Horizon 2020 project where BCE is the consortium leader.

The fourteen-member consortium led by BCE examines the relations between international trade and sustainability from eleven countries in an innovative approach in the framework of the 4-million EUR total budget, 48-month-long TRADE4SD project. The application was highly evaluated and received 14,5 points out of 15.

This research of the relations between trade and sustainability is considered to be novel because it has an integrated approach, uses modern quantitative and qualitative research techniques, formulates policy recommendations and actively involves the broad spectrum of society.

Besides being the consortium leader, BCE is also responsible for the theoretical grounding, revealing and quantifying the relations between trade and sustainable development goals and for the trade-based modelling of social questions.

The professional coordinator of the project is Dr. Attila Jámbor, the Leader of the Department of Agribusiness. The project to be launched soon is considered as historic at the university due to the experience to be gained through the consortium leadership and the deeper immersion in the international scientific life.

Congratulations to the project team and we wish them a lot of success in the implementation.    

Corvinus University 2020 Honours

The online award ceremony was held on 24 November and, in celebration of those colleagues who had done the most for Corvinus in the past year, University Gold Medals, University Commemorative Medals and Honours were awarded (virtually) by University leaders on behalf of the Senate.

The Research Management Office is particularly proud to announce that its long-serving member, Krisztián Ágai was awarded the University Honour Certificate “in recognition of his outstanding, high-quality, conscientious work as research secretary”.
Corvinus community thanks and celebrates the recipients of the Corvinus University of Budapest Gold Medal:

  • Dr. Petra Aczél,
  • Dr. Magdolna Gyenge,
  • Dr. Gábor Michalkó,
  • Zsuzsanna Nagy and
  • Cecília Marcalekné Kormos.

We extend our gratitude and congratulations to those who were awarded with the Commemorative Medal for the University:

  • Dr. Zsuzsanna Elekes,
  • László Kacsirek,
  • Dr. Tamara Nóra Keszey,
  • Dr. Klára Major,
  • Dr. Zsuzsanna Marjainé Szerényi,
  • Károly Mike,
  • Balázs Árpád Szűcs,
  • Dr. Krisztina Városiné Demeter,
  • Margit Vargáné Bédy, and
  • Dr. Andrea Skaliczky.

Finally, we thank the recipients of the University Honour Certificates for their work, namely

  • Krisztián Ágai,
  • Krisztina Cserniczky,
  • Dr. Tamás Viktor Csordás,
  • Katalin Goldstein,
  • Dr. Tamás Kocsis,
  • Dr. Irén Lukácsné Balogh,
  • Réka Matolay,
  • Andrea Bágyi,
  • Csaba Tóth,
  • Béla Horváth,
  • Kiss Roland,
  • Gabriella Pajger, and
  • Katalin Vörösmarthy.

Further details are available at Corvinus University 2020 Honours and the ceremony can be watched at here.

  • Corvinus University congratulates György Hajnal, Head of the Institute of Economics and Public Policy for being presented with the Bibó Award for 2020. The Hungarian Political Science Association granted the award to Professor Hajnal for his excellent contribution to Hungarian political science. Previous award winners include, among others, András Lánczi, Rector of Corvinus University.
  • The Institute of Mathematics and Statistical Modelling is proud to announce that their assistant lecturer, Márton Benedek has won the 2020 award for the ‘Most Distinguished Body of Research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of OR‘. The award is bestowed annually by the Operational Research Society. The winner has their name engraved on the George Paterson shield as a permanent record of their achievement. Márton Benedek’s thesis on cooperative game theory (Computing the Nucleolus of Cooperative Games) addresses the issue of how decision makers collaborate by forming coalitions and how the players within a coalition share the benefit in a fair and stable way. The external examiner commented that: “Márton produced a truly remarkable PhD thesis in Operational Research. It has all the features of a fine piece of work in this discipline”. For more details, please read: British OR Society: Doctoral Award.

Professor Dr Gyula Vastag, Vice-Rector for Research and his whole Team 

wish you a Merry Christmas and a Successful, Happy and Healthy New Year!

Season s Greetings
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