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Journal collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Two-thirds of the journals are English, one-third is Hungarian. All of them are high-quality, peer-reviewed, scientific ones, most of them have impact factor. Some of the subjects are: business and economics, humanities, social sciences and law, mathematics and statistics.


The Bloomberg database offers financial data: real-time prices, fundamental data, graphical applications, financial-analysis tools and news from their own news agency and other providers. Data appear with 15-minutes delay. It contains also historical data. The university provides 16 double-screened Bloomberg terminals that are located in Library/FinLab (12) and in Sóház (4).

Bloomberg-terminals can be booked for individual research through Moodle, after logging-in find the application in the right lane:

Besides regular classes, other occasional individual timeslots are also bookable in Moodle.

BSC is a scholarly database focusing on business, economics, management topics. It includes not only full-text journal articles but also industry overviews and profiles, product reviews, company and country reports, case studies, SWOT-analyses, etc. Additionally, it provides Cited Reference Search and has a powerful subject-specific Thesaurus. The database is indexed by SuperSearch, but can also be searched separately.

CEIC World Trend PlusNew!

The dataset includes key indicators such as GDP, IPI, FDI, and CPI. World Trend Plus also offers regionally aggregated data, comprehensive forecasts. Within the database, Global Economic Monitor (GEM) and ASEAN Economic Monitor offer a series of normalised data with extended homogeneous history and detailed methodological notes that allow for quick comparison and analysis of various economic factors in the short and long term.

Further content information is available here.

In this collection, you can find mono- and bilingual dictionaries. Represented languages are: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, Latin, Slovenian, Swedish. Besides classical bilingual dictionaries, there are some Hungarian monolingual ones e.g.: Dictionary of Hungarian Language, Spelling dictionary, etc. Searches can be made in more dictionaries at the same time. As an extra you can check some specialized dictionaries, e.g. Technological Dictionary or Financial dictionary. Moreover there are some tests for intermediate language exams (English, German, French).

DOAB is a discovery service for peer-reviewed books published under an Open Access license. DOAB provides a searchable index to the information about these books, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository. The database contains 17 scientific subject areas, among others Business and Economics.

Full-text, open access, peer-reviewed journals representing all science area.

This collection offers simultaneous search in the following 10 databases:

  • Business Source Complete
  • eBook collection (EbscoHost)
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
  • GreenFILE
  • Regional Business News
  • Newswires
  • MathSciNet via EBSCOhost:
  • OpenDissertations
  • EconLit

For details check the unique databases’ description. You can limit your search to a single or more databases if you tick the boxes in front of the databases and click Continue.

EconBiz is a virtual library in the field of economics and business studies. It is operated by ZBW German National Library of Economics. The service offers:

  • A literature search across important German and international databases, including the holdings of ZBW.
  • Access to free and licensed full texts on the internet.
  • A calendar of events for scholarly conferences and summer schools.
  • The reference service Research Guide EconDesk which answers your questions about the search for literature and statistical data.

The Economist

The well-known economic, business weekly focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, technology, and culture.

All members of the Corvinus community have the opportunity to read The Economist online on different devices. The subscription includes:

      • Full access to our award-winning coverage
      • Newsletters—curated topical opinion
      • The digital archive—to support all your research
      • Podcasts and narrated articles to listen to on-the-go
      • Live digital events

The access is available via domain (@uni-corvinus.hu and @stud.uni-corvinus.hu) and requires registration. To register follow these steps:

Step 1

Register on The Economist website: myaccount.economist.com/s/login/SelfRegister using

your organisation or academic institution email address

Step 2

You will receive a verification email titled “You’ve been given an Economist subscription” from no-reply@economist.com, where you can verify your email address.

Step 3

You will be returned to economist.com and will have full access to enjoy the subscription.

Eikon (Refinitiv) see Refinitiv Workspace for Students (Workspace + Datastream)

The database contains basic information and detailed account of registered companies in Hungary. Data are updated on a weekly basis and searchable free of charge. 

Emerald Insight (EISZ) Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Full-text journal database from Emerald Publishing representing the following subjects: Accounting, Finance & Economics, Business, Management & Strategy, Marketing, Sociology, Tourism & Hospitality.

EMIS Next (EISZ) Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Our subscription provides access to Central Eastern European materials focusing on company profiles, financial information (corporate profiles, financial statements, and earnings estimates), M&A transactions, macroeconomic statistics, forecasts and many more. The database provides access to Central Eastern European materials focusing on company profiles, financial information (corporate profiles, financial statements, and earnings estimates), M&A transactions, macroeconomic statistics, forecasts and many more. Besides economic indicators, news from the region are also available, an integrated translating machine helps to read foreign language ones.

The Eurostat (Statistical office of the EU) website provides direct and free of charge online access to all of Eurostat’s statistical databases and electronic publications. The database is available in 3 different languages: English, German, French. It is updated twice a day and covers data for the following countries: EU, EU member states, euro area, candidate countries, and EFTA countries (European Free Trade countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland). It also gives a detailed explanation about statistics and helpful visualization tools. Corvinus University is a registered research entity, so users can access to microdata after submitting a research plan. More information is available here.

The British daily newspaper focuses on current business and economic affairs. The subscription provides unrestricted access to all areas of FT.com, including Premium content such as Europe Express, LEX, Moral Money, and Business School Insider.

Other available functions:

  • myFThelps faculty/students track topics, stories, and journalists that matter.
  • FT Markets provides data & 20-year archive & E-paper in 6 international editions
  • It regularly publishes business case studies that faculty can utilise in the classroom
  • Offers access to new tools such as FT Highlight / FT Workspace & ASKFT (Gen AI search)
  • Free digital passes to all FT Live Core Events
  • Dedicated Customer Success Team that specialises in Universities.

Access is available via IP, but registration is necessary. To register, click on Financial Times access and follow the instructions. If you experience any problems at registration, let us know: szolg@uni-corvinus.hu

GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

Harvard Business Publishing – case studies

Browseable database of case studies, simulations and other teaching materials. For further information please check Literature Acquisition

IMD World Competitiveness Online

Our subscription gives access to the IMD World Competitiveness Online database including the World Competitiveness Yearbook printed + online version. The database is a unique and comprehensive one on the competitiveness of nations. It includes time series from the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, since 1989, including the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking since 2017.

IMF eLibrary and Datasets Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

The database gives access to IMF documents (books, journals, reports, etc.) and all Datasets (including Direction of Trade Statistics, Financial Development Index, International Financial Statistics and many more), in the field of macroeconomics, globalization, demography, financial integration, trade, etc.

Legal source for Hungarian and EU Laws in force. All Hungarian laws in force are available and some selected in German and in English. To access foregin language laws in force, please contact us at szolg@uni-corvinus.hu

JSTOR – Full access (EISZ) Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Multidisciplinary archive journal database with usually 1-5 years embargo.
User guide.

Hungarian Official Gazettes from the Publisher in pdf. Current gazettes are mainly downloadable full-text, while at others only Table of Contens is available. Some former gazettes are also represented.

The access to KSH (Hungarian Central Statistical Office) statistical data (STADAT) is free of charge. The database contains all kinds of statistical data about Hungary from 1997. The homepage and the data tables are available in English. A lot of visualization tools (graphs, infographics, maps) help to understand statistical data. Corvinus University is a registered research entity, so users can access to microdata. More information is available here.

KRTK Databank (KRTK-Adatbank)

The Databank of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK Adatbank) offers access to their micro-level databases to support empirical research in Corvinus. Available databases are:

  • Admin2 database: linked administrative data, 2003-2011
  • Admin3: linked administrative data, 2003-2017
  • TSTAR: municipality level data, 2000-2020
  • KIRSTAT public education, 2001-2020
  • MTA-GEO: census tracts and their transport connections, 2011 (2015)
  • NAV-SZJA: NAV income tax returns 2019-2021

More detailed information about the databases’ content is available here.

To use the database sumit a research plan using the form below. Fill it in, sign it and send it to KRTK_adathozzaferes@uni-corvinus.huThe research plan will be evaluated by the University. If accepted, potential users will receive other necessary forms (Researcher profile, Statement of liability) to be filled in. The whole package will be forwarded to KRTK.

Usage is restricted for Corvinus Faculty/Researchers, Corvinus Students (under the supervision of a Corvinus Faculty member).

Application form

L’Harmattan (EISZ)

Mainly Hungarian language ebook-collection, including textbooks, in the field of Humanities and Social sciences.

Matarka is a Table of Contents database. It gives access for TOCs of scientific and technical journals published mostly in Hungary. Besides its basic function, it offers links to the periodical’s website and also for open access articles.

This database offers Hungarian textbooks, coursebooks for higher education students.

This database contains Hungarian or Hungary-related television films, radio programs, etc. NAVA is accessible free of charge for research and education purposes at so-called NAVA Access Points (affiliated educational institutions).

This legislation database contains Hungarian laws in force, repealed laws and laws which will be effective in the future. A secondary legal source, the official is Közlönyök Online (see it among the databases.) Besides the laws, it contains municipal ordinances, preambles, international contracts and translated legislations.

Online library of OECD. Access to OECD-publications (books, journals, statistics) is free of charge to anyone. Corvinus’ subscription gives access to datasets, they are exportable and downloadable.
OECD iLibrary User Guide

OKFŐ (Országos Kórházi Főigazgatóság) Pulvita Egészségügyi Adattárház

PULVITA Healthcare Databank combines the most important health information sources from Hungary. Data are collected from the following institutions: NEAK (National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary), KSH (Hungarian Central Statistical Office) and OTH (National Public Health and Medical Officer Service.) To use the databank pre-registration is necessary, it can be done at the opening page of the database. For the pre-registration use your institutional e-mail address (@uni-corvinus.hu). After filling in the online pre-registration form, applicants get an e-mail with the registration form in it. Fill and sign this form and send it to pulzusreg@okfo.gov.hu (documents are available only in Hungarian).

ORBIS EUROPE Recommended with Chrome

ORBIS Europe is a comprehensive, global database that contains company information in a standardised format. It includes public and private, very large, large, small- and medium-scale enterprises’ data, among others, financial strength metrics, associated news, ownership structures, global M&A deals, etc. Our subscription is limited to 5 concurrent users. The database can be browsed without having an account but for data exporting an account is necessary. To get it, please drop an e-mail to szolg@uni-corvinus.hu with your name, job title and e-mail address. Using Orbis is recommended under Chrome.

Osiris Kiadó (EISZ)

Hungarian language e-book collection from the Publisher. Represented fields are: human and social sciences, higher education textbooks, literature  

Full-text journal database from OUP. CUB’s subscription contains Social Sciences Collection. This collection includes a selection in economics, business, finance, communication subjects.


Qualtrics software facilitates and automates the process of conducting surveys, polls, the platform is user-friendly, no IT-skills is needed for using . It contains more than 100 different types of question, so it can be costumized easily, even multimedia content can be inbuilt into the surveys. Results are downloadable immediately into analysis softwares (e.g. SPSS). Service is restricted to use for research purposes for Corvinus Faculty members, researchers and students.
Please send your registration request to qualtrics@uni-corvinus.hu. 

Refinitiv Workspace for Students (Workspace + Datastream)

The database offers company specific and market information for more than 60,000 international corporations. Workspace for Students includes a huge range of financial ratios, the whole stock market, fixed income securities (market movements, research, analysis and settlement bundled in one location), detailed information on money and foreign exchange markets in conjunction with customised analysis tools. Much of the data can comfortably be downloaded through Excel-Add-in. For more information please turn to Zsolt Lakatos (Insitute of Finance – zsolt.lakatos@uni-corvinus.hu).

The database can be accessed remotely.

Besides Workspace database, Datastream and Securitised Derivatives Network (SDN) are also available. For further details about their content see Guides below.


To get access submit the form. Service is restricted for Corvinus community.

If you find currently unavailable data in the database inform us using szolg@uni-corvinus.hu  e-mail. Requests will be forwarded to our company representative.

Full-text journal database from SAGE Publisher. The university subscribes to the Social Sciences Collection which contains more than 1000 high-quality scholarly journals.

This database supports research by providing materials to guide users through the research process. It contains different document types (books, reference works, journal articles) and some unique tools, e.g. Methods Map, Project Planner, etc.

ScienceDirect (EISZ) Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Full-text multidisciplinary journal collection tailored for the EISZ-consortium. Freedom collection (about 2500 titles) gives access to the current and four previous years of content, representing all fields of science.

SciVal (EISZ)

Analytical platform of Scopus database. SciVal requires registration, to do this easily pls. follow these steps:

  1. Start from Scopus
  2. Create an account in Scopus. This ID can be used in all subscribed Elsevier products  (Scopus, ScienceDirect, SciVal).
  3. After the registration is ready, click on Scival.com from the upper lane.

Scopus (EISZ) Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed scholarly literature (journals, book series, conference materials). It indexes all fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. It is worth using primarily for checking citations and the position of researchers and institutions in the given field. SciVal, the analytical platform of Scopus is also available.

Access problems and solutions

1. Only Scopus Preview platform is visible: VPN-connection is inactive, even though the computer shows it as active. For testing, do the following:

o Make a search through SuperSearch. If you find the following text at the top of the result list ’Welcome, Guest. Please use VPN or visit the library’ then you are not in Corvinus Network. Try connecting again. Additionally, deleting cookies related to Scopus might also be useful.

2. Laptops provided by the University uses Cisco AnyConnect, that currently does not provide access to our databases. Troubleshooting is on. An alternative way of access is:

o Click on Sign-in, enter your Corvinus e-mail address, choose Sign-in with a one-time link – option. You will receive an e-mail, click the link in it, it will activate your access.

Pre-defined full-text ebook-collections from Springer publisher. Our subscription contains Economics and Finance 2017-2019, Behavioral Science and Psychology 2017, Political Science and International Studies 2017-2019.

Full-text journal database from the Publisher. It is a multidisciplinary database, relevant subjects for our university are: Business and Management, Economics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Political Science and International Relations, Social Sciences etc. Journals are accessible from 1997.

Statista – Business Suite (EISZ)

This statistics portal provides access to quantitative data of different sectors (media, business, financials, politics etc.) The linked Business Suite-platform simplifies the search process and let users to create statistics for their individual needs. eCommerce database is also available from Insights/Explore eCommerce, to activate is click on University access in the upper black lane.


StockTrak is a virtual trading platform that simulates managing a portfolio by buying and selling stocks at real-time prices.
Usage is restricted for Corvinus community, in site or remotely. To access the platform click here.
Registration for students is only possible if their lecturer has already created a trading session with all their trading parameters and the link is shared with students.
Technical support: Thomas Reti treti@stocktrak.com

Full-text journal database from the publisher. This collection (Social Science and Humanitites) contains about 1500 journals. Main disciplines are: Business, Management & Economics, Politics, International Relations & Area Studies, Sociology & Related Disciplines.

Mainly Hungarian language e-book collection from Typotex Publisher, which offers higher education textbooks in the field of natural and social sciences.

International trade statistics from 1962. Visualization is supported by UN Comtrade Labs-function.
User guide

Free statistical database about Europe, North-America, Central Asia. It contains economic data, country profiles, country ranking, population and gender data, etc. Pre- and self-defined tables, charts are downloadable.

Web of Science database (from Clarivate Analytics) is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed scholarly literature (journals, book series, conference materials). It indexes all fields of science. It is worth using primarily for checking citations and the position of researchers and institutions in the given field. Journal Citation Reports is also available in the database.


The wiiw Annual database contains key macroeconomic and structural indicators for 23 CESEE countries are compiled on an annual basis with regular updates. Most of the time series start in 1989, for some countries go even back in the 1960s.

The wiiw Monthly database contains leading economic indicators for 23 CESEE countries. Time series usually start in 1990/91.

The wiiw FDI Database contains time series on FDI inflows and outflows by partner country and by activity for 23 CESEE countries. This data allows to generate country-, and industry-specific FDI profiles. The time series are updated twice a year and start from 1990 onward.

Our subscription contains wiiw-forecasts twice a year in pdf format and free participation in the wiiw Spring Seminar. Details will be provided later through the usual communication channels.

WBIS Online is the most comprehensive biographical database available, providing biographical information on over 6 Million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present.

Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH) is an abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics maintained by the European Mathematical Society. It contains about 4 million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts currently drawn from about 3,000 mainly European mathematical journals.

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