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Company and industry profiles

EMIS Next (EISZ) Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés

Our subscription provides access to Central Eastern European materials focusing on company profiles, financial information (corporate profiles, financial statements, and earnings estimates), M&A transactions, macroeconomic statistics, forecasts and many more. The database provides access to Central Eastern European materials focusing on company profiles, financial information (corporate profiles, financial statements, and earnings estimates), M&A transactions, macroeconomic statistics, forecasts and many more. Besides economic indicators, news from the region are also available, an integrated translating machine helps to read foreign language ones.

ORBIS EUROPE recommended with Chrome

ORBIS Europe is a comprehensive, global database that contains company information in a standardised format. It includes public and private, very large, large, small- and medium-scale enterprises’ data, among others, financial strength metrics, associated news, ownership structures, global M&A deals, etc. Our subscription is limited to 5 concurrent users. The database can be browsed without having an account but for data exporting an account is necessary. To get it, please drop an e-mail to szolg@uni-corvinus.hu with your name, job title and e-mail address. Using Orbis is recommended under Chrome.

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