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CUB publication portfolio

CUB publication portfolio: 2014-2021

The publication charts below, which are available in insitutional groupings, only contain the following types of publication: accessible in MTMT, publicly available scientific, educational books, book chapters, journal papers, proceedings books and proceedings papers. Classifications are the following: articles, reviews, short publications, publications of multiple authors, essays, proceedings papers; publications, parts of books, parts of research papers, proceedings papers, parts of textbooks, parts of educational material, articles, academic books, monographies, handbooks, research papers, research studies, volume of studies, proceedings books, textbooks, educational materials; other proceedings papers, research reports.

Authors: Corvinus University of Budapest faculty members working in education or research, employed on 1 September, 2021 (according to statement T1) , or PhD students, doctoral candidates.

The list of publications contains publications from 2014–2021. Publicational data show the MTMT status of 8 September, 2021. Publications added later are not featured in present data charts. In the case of authors added in 2021, only publications from 2021 are featured.

Sources of journal ranks in charts:

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MTA IX. Section journal lists (available on the MTA sight)
SJR and Q values: Scimago Journal Ranking
AIp values: based on Article Influence Score (AIS) data from the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports. Data of years 2014 and 2015 are available at eigenfactor.org

The Library offers a review of journal rankings on its website.

Briefly, the SJR, the Q, and the AIp values have been defined according to the network centre measures of the relevant databases (Scopus or Clarivate Journal Citation Reports): SJR’s values are based on three-year-old data also containing self-citations, Clarivate JCR’s values are based on data without five-year-old self-citations.

Both Q and AIp values are assigned values referring to the specific database: the Q value is a place within a field grouping defined by the publisher, from the outside (a journal may have more than one classification), whereas the AIp indicates a given journal’s percentage value (e.g. 70 –» the expected effect of the article published in the given journal is bigger than 70 % of journals within the database).

It follows from the above that the publication chart does not show the publication achievement of the Corvinus University of Budapest, but the scientific and educational publications of the above described faculty members between 2014–2020.

Viewing and downloading the charts is possible after logging in with Cusman password.


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Research Centres, Competence Centres

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