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Journal rankings

The indexes and impact indicators of scientific journals are currently calculated according to the publications published in the journal and the references made to these publications. The methodical descriptions of calls for papers used at Corvinus University of Budapest, the catogeries and indicators considered at their evaluation, the indicators themselves and the rankings can be accessed at the following pages.

The method to calculate the values of Eigenfactor (EF), Article Influence (AI) and the related Article Influence Percentile (AIp), the indicators related to journals until 2015 are accessible on the project’s website.
The values, like the indicators describing the popularity of journals in general, change every year. In the case of a publication, the indicator related to the year of issue should be taken into consideration. Indicators are usually published with a one-and-a-half year delay. The EF and AI indicators are available in the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports database from 2016 (accessible from Corvinus IT network). Alp values originated from the AI values list can be accessed from the charts below (after individual Cusman identification):

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The Journal Impact Factor (IF, more recently: JIF) indicator is available as a list according to year in the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports database. In the given year, journals with every IF value are divided into thematic groups. Quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) are formed by arranging thematic lists according to IF, and it is important to indicate which thematic group the quartile refers to.

Regarding the method of Scimago Journal Rank (SJR), more information can be found on the project’s website. The SJR indicator is based on the Scopus database’s information, and yearly values are available free on Scimago Journal Ranking’s website. Lists based on scientific fields are created here as well, but they take Scopus database’s categorization of fields of knowledge into consideration (contrary to Clarivate Journal Citation Reports database, which uses the categorization of Web Of Science). These lists of fields of knowledge are divided into quartiles, this is the popular Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 categorization (according to Scimago).

Financial Times Top 50 Journals (FT Top 50) journal list valid from 2016.

The ABDC Journal Quality List is a journal list compiled by the Australian Business Deans Council, and it divides journals into four categories (A*-C). Information regarding the methods of compilation and the contents of the ranking is accessible on the website of the list.

The Academic Journal Guide (AJG) is a journal list compiled by Chartered Association of Business Schools, and it contains over 1.700 titles. It divides journals into four categories (A*-C). Information regarding the method of categorization is accessible on the website of the list. The journal list is free, it can be viewed after registration.

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