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MTMT – frequently asked questions

How do I register?

Click on the registration button and fill in the webform. At ‘Institute’, please select the applicable organization unit of CUB. You have to confirm the registration through an automatically generated message. Your registration will be approved within two workdays, after which you will be able to enter the database.

How are publication data entered into MTMT?

Based on the applicable Provisions of the Rector 3/2020 (X.6), the Research Support Librarians will perform the data upload of publications that can be considered from the aspect of scientific performance into the MTMT database. Authors may submit their data upload requests on the relevant webform.

What does the librarian record? What does the author record?

The Rector’s Provisions define the librarian’s task as the following: making entries of scholarly, educational books, book chapters, journal articles, research reports. This does not apply to abstracts, regardless of what MTMT category they fall into. The librarian’s tasks do not include the uploading of data generating from works of public interest, popular science and non-classified nature, Conference Proceedings/Conference paper or the data of publications categorized as ‘Miscellaneous’. Recording these is the authors’ task (if they consider the uploading of these publications important). We are here to help authors with the uploading of data.

Whom do I turn to for help regarding publication data upload?

Do not hesitate to turn to the Library staff with your questions. You will find the names of relevant librarians according to institutes and organisational units under MTMT contacts.
You will find further help and a guide for authors at the Library’s website, on the MTMT page.

If I have co-author publications, will I find them in MTMT?

You will, if the co-author has already recorded the publication data into MTMT.

  • Entering the database, it is advisable to search the title in your publication list. If the co-author has already entered the publication data and you have been assigned as an author, the given publication will appear in the list.
  • If you cannot find your publication there, then you have to run a search in “My possible publications created by my co-authors” on the left side, and check the list.
  • In case the publication is still not found, it is worth running a search in ‘My other possible publications’ or ‘My other possible publications in citations”.

If one of the above three searches brings results, then you can click on ‘Authors’ and assign the author to the publication.

After publications are recorded into MTMT by the authors, who makes them public?

The authors do, after recording and saving the data. By making them public, the author acknowledges the correctness of the data, and the publication data will appear on the MTMT public interface as well.

What are the levels of publication data checking?

The checking is done by the librarians.

Admin approved: a librarian (an MTMT administrator) has formally checked the entered data.
Validated: a librarian has compared the data entered into MTMT with data contained in other databases, or the data shown on the document.
Authenticated: this means data have been compared with the original document, the full text.
The validated and authenticated publication can be considered checked.

Can a thesis or a conference presentation be recorded into MTMT?

We do not recommend the entering of these, as they are not included in the scientific performance.
Technically, though, there is a possibility to record them as ‘Miscellaneous’, by choosing the proper type. In the case of a thesis, select ‘Diploma thesis, Report of Scientific Students Association’. For conference presentations, choose ‘Not classified’ subtype.

Can I delete my recorded publications from MTMT?

Yes, if it has not been made public. Afterwards, you can turn to the librarians for help.

For how long can I edit the data of my recorded publications?

For 90 days after recording the data, the author can edit the publications assigned to their name. If an admin approves or validates a publication within 90 days after its recording, then the author can no longer edit it. In this case, the librarians can help.

Can I upload the full text of my publication into MTMT?

No, but you can place a link or an identifier which points to the full text. The full text can be uploaded to the Corvinus Research Archive.

The peer-reviewed journal articles are not shown at the right place in my Summary table. Why is that?

This happens when the proofread status of the journal is not set in the MTMT yet. This status is set by MTMT’s central administrators based on the following:

  • the journal is indexed by WoS, SCOPUS, PubMed;
  • it is featured in the SCImago database and has an SJR value
  • it is featured in the ERIH and/or the ERIH Plus list
  • it is featured in DOAJ
  • it is proofread by Ulrich’s and the journal’s website, and a major database indexes it
  • it is featured in the MTA class list.

If you meet this problem, please let us know.

How can I download my full publication list?

You can do it by clicking the download icon on the public interface.
After logging in, find ‘Templates’ within the ‘Reports and Templates’ menu on the MTMT authors’ page. Click on ‘Publication list for author’. The list can be downloaded in pdf or word.

How can I download my Summary table?

On the public interface, after selecting the ‘Summary table’, click download.
After logging in, you can also do it on the MTMT authors’ page, selecting ‘Templates’ in the menu ‘Reports and templates’, then clicking ‘Summary table for author’, where pdf or word formats are available. Also here, you can download the Summary table of the appropriate MTA HAS Section.

How can I create selected lists from my publications?

After logging into MTMT, open your publication list by selecting ‘All my pubs’, then select the publications you want to include in your list by clicking them. Then, choose the ‘List’ button from the upper menu. A menu will open to help you create a new list, and here you can also add new publications to the already existing lists, or even delete publications from a list.

How are citations placed into MTMT?

At least once a year, librarians check the data of citations referring to the university’s publications in subscribed international bibliometrical databases (Web of Science, Scopus) and upload them into MTMT.

The uploading of citations collected from and checked by other sources can be requested on the relevant form. We are here to help authors with the uploading of data.

What is a dependent reference?

If there is at least one common author between the cited and the citing work, it qualifies as a dependent reference.

Is there an automatic reference upload into MTMT?

Yes, from Web of Science and Scopus, references are periodically uploaded to the publications that have Web of Science or Scopus identifiers.

Can I record theses and dissertations as references to my publications?

It is possible, however, these references are not considered from the aspect of scientific performance.

Can I also log into MTMT with EduID?

Yes. On the first occasion you should definitely log in with your user name and password. After a successful login, you can set up your EduID login in the top right personal menu. A webform is offered with options to edit your data, and at the bottom there is a button to join with EduID.

Is the Hirsch index visible in MTMT?

Yes, it can be accessed in the Summary table. The value of the row is based on the citation data of ‘All scientific publications’ without dissertations and miscellaneous citations. To calculate the H-index: we line up the publications from most to least cited, and the H-index will be the number of the publication with at least as many citations as its number itself.

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