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Hungarian Scientific Bibliography Database (MTMT) at Corvinus University, Budapest

MTMT uploading system

The scientific publication data of the University’s authors are uploaded into the MTMT database by the Research Support Librarians (Provisions of the Vice-Rector for Research 3/2024.).

We ask the authors to submit their data upload requests by filling in this form. This is also where our lecturers can request the checking of their full publication (scientific, educational) list in MTMT. Due to the meticulous and time-consuming nature of this work, please make sure you inform us about 3-4 weeks before the deadline, as we might have to arrange meeting times with you. You can request the uploading of citation works as well.

The librarians’ task is to make entries of scholarly, educational books, book chapters, journal articles, research reports.

We cannot provide the uploading of data generating from works of public interest or popular science. To record these, the Library provides consultation sessions for the authors. At least once a year, librarians enter the data of citing works referring to university publications, and data found in subscribed international bibliometric databases (Web of Science, Scopus). It is possible to request the recording of citing works collected from other, checked sources by filling in the MTMT data form. We offer regular training and consultation sessions about uploading for authors.

Please turn to our staff with your problems and questions in person or via email: oktkut@uni-corvinus.hu

Please see the MTMT contact button below for librarians assigned to specific institutes.

Consultation opportunities, workshops

We offer group trainings  and personal consultations for our teaching staff. We look forward to seeing you at the following times:
MTMT workshop: 

Personal consultation – Application

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