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Political Science Doctoral Program

The main research profiles of the Doctoral Programme in Political Science are political theory, comparative politics, general and regional issues of the European Union. Other major topics include electoral behaviour, governance, political communication, political institutions (e.g. constitutional courts, electoral systems, parliaments, parties, party systems, social movements), political leadership, political theory and philosophy, administrative models, and aspects of political science and the political economy of specific policies.  Further details are provided in the researchers’ thesis descriptions and in the activities of our doctoral students and doctoral candidates.  

The main objective of the doctoral programme is to train and launch researchers who are capable of pursuing political science and public service as scholars, and who are able to compete in national and international academic and academic careers. At the same time, it is open to those who wish to go beyond academic studies in these disciplines, in order to develop a more professionally sound career. The profile of the school has changed over the years, with the discontinuation of the public administration sub-programme and the introduction of the civil service. The school has changed its focus and now welcomes applicants with a background in social sciences and public service. Our doctoral students also form a professional community, working closely with their supervisors, and our school is developing an increasingly diverse network of contacts with the wider Hungarian political science community, including training institutions beyond the borders. Our international links are also constantly developing. 

Corvinus University of Budapest

Róbert Csehi

Director of Doctoral Program

Corvinus University of Budapest

István Benczes

Head of Doctoral School​

The application deadline is 18 March.


“You live with your research”

The PhD story of Hamid Ait-el-caid  

“If you research a rare subject, it is easier to publish it”

The PhD story of Gergely Buda


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Questions about the admission procedure are welcome at the e-mail address phd.office@uni-corvinus.hu.

Miért a Nemzetközi és Biztonsági Tanulmányok doktori program?

Támogató tantestület

Nemzetközi alumni

Módszertani alapelemek elsajátítása

Kiváló elhelyezkedés Közép-Európában/Európai Unióban

Ösztöndíj támogatás elérhető


Documents to be submitted:  

• Research proposal (max. 8000 characters without literature, which should not exceed 10 items), including the research question, methodology, knowledge about the state of art and the relevance of the research, and its consistence with the research foci of the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science.

• Curriculum vitae, including previous research, awards, publications (if any), the title of the Master’s thesis, language proficiency. Applicants should write a paragraph about their motivation.  

On the basis of the submitted documents the Doctoral School makes a preselection decision. Applicants invited for an oral interview – to be expected in the course of April 2024 – should be avalaible via Teams or Skype. Questions will be asked concerning the details of the research plan, motivations, previous research experiences. The date of the interview is to be fixed later.  

The final decision is made by the University Doctoral Council at the end of May.

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Subscribe to our newsletter to automatically receive the latest information on further education and admissions!

Questions about the admission procedure are welcome at the e-mail address phd.office@uni-corvinus.hu.


Please make an appointment by email before a personal consultation!

Corvinus University of Budapest

Róbert Csehi

Director of Doctoral Program

Corvinus University of Budapest
Kata Erdős

Doctoral Study and Administration Expert

Corvinus University of Budapest

István Benczes

Head of Doctoral School​

Corvinus University of Budapest
Marcell Kiss

Doctoral and Habilitation Procedures Expert

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