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Managing Expert

Füleki Péter – (E313, peter.fuleki@uni-corvinus.hu)


Office hours

Benczes Réka Thursday 13:15-14:00
Bokor TamásTuesday 10:00-11:30
Havril ÁgnesTuesday 13.40-15.10
Jessie LabovFriday 10.00-11.00
Kárpáti AndreaTuesday 12:45-13:30
Kovács LajosMonday 14.00-15.00; Tuesday 17.00-18.00
Nagy-Béni AlexandraWednesday 13.40-15.10
Pelle VeronikaTuesday 15.15-16.45
Rétvári MártonMonday 9:50-11:20
Szabó Lilla PetronellaWednesday 10:00-11:30
Szántay AntalWednesday 14:00 – 15:30
Székely László LeventeTuesday 14.30-15.30

PhD students

  • Adámi-Rózsa Zsanett – zsanett.adami@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Bialkó-Marol Petra – bialko.petra@gmail.com
  • Bozdag, Utku – utku.bozda@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Cziráky Fanni – fanni.cziraky@uni-corvinus.hu
  • Esküdt Judit – j.eskudt@gmail.com
  • Hegedűs Krisztián – krisztian.hegedus2@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Illés Tekla – tekla.illes2@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Janzsó Péter – peter.janzso@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Kelemen Fanni Ráchel – kelemen.fanni.rachel@gmail.com
  • Kristóf-Csáki Csilla – csilla.csaki@uni-corvinus.hu
  • Mezriczky Marcell – marcell.mezriczky@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Mwangi, Zipporah Muthoni – zipporah.mwangi@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Mukhangali, Kundyz – kundyz.mukhangali@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Rétvári Márton Gergely – martongergely.retvari@uni-corvinus.hu
  • Strausz Kamilla – strauszkamilla@gmail.com
  • Szabó Kincső – kincso.szabo@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Szabó Viktória – szaboviktria@gmail.com
  • Szőke Katalin – kszoke@metropolitan.hu
  • Taxner Tünde – tunde.taxner@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Till Anilla Fatima – anilla.till@stud.uni-corvinus.hu
  • Varga Dóra Eszter – dora.varga2@stud.uni-corvinus.hu

How to email your professor and administrative staff?

Emailing a faculty member or a member of the administrative staff can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know them very well. Getting an email started can be the hardest part of reaching out.  Thankfully, there are a few guiding rules that can help you start off on the right foot! 

Your email should: 

  • have an informative subject line; 
  • be concise and short; 
  • be formal. 

Proper salutation 

  • Professors: Alwaysstart out your email with a polite “Dear” followed by your professor’s name/title (e.g., “Dear Dr. Nagy”; “Dear Prof. Nagy”).  If you’re not sure what their proper title is, using “Professor” followed by their last name is almost always a safe bet. Tip: If you want to know their proper title, check the class syllabus! 
  • Administrative staff: Alwaysstart out your email with a polite “Dear” followed by the staff member’s surname: “Dear Ms. Nagy” or “Dear Mr. Nagy”. No other option is acceptable. 

Introduce yourself 

  • Even if your addressee knows who you are, it can never hurt to give a brief introduction. Simply giving your preferred name, year, major, Neptun code and the course you’re enrolled in can provide a great deal of context. 

Use correct grammar and spelling 

  • An email is more formal than a text or message on social media, so be sure this is reflected in your writing (no abbreviations/acronyms).  Be sure not only to use spelling/grammar check, but also proofread the email.  You can even ask a friend or roommate to give it one final read-through. 

Use a formal closing 

  • Conclude your email with a closing, such as “Best regards”, “Sincerely”, or “Thank you” followed by your name. Tip: Set up a signature on your Corvinus email account that include your full name, Neptun code, program name.  

Example Email to a Professor 

Dear Professor Nagy, 

My name is Emma Jones, and I am a first-year BA student in your The Realm of Communication class held on Thursdays. I am writing to let you know that I was very intrigued by the discussions in our latest class. I would like to know if you could share with me additional sources on the subject that would help me understand it even better. 

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Best regards, 

Emma Jones 
Communication and Media Science, Year 1 

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