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Research, Projects

The teaching and research activities of the Department of Decision Sciences are complex. The joint elements are the trends and approaches discussing decision-making, preparation, support, understanding and formation of the problem solving process to encourage participation, responsibility, involvement – at individual, group, organisational, community and social levels. The five biggest themes, in which our colleagues perform research are:

  • Research of decisions concerning organisational decision-making (e.g. strategy, performance management, future construction, stakeholder approach, corporate social responsibility, responsible and sustainable decisions)
  • Research of the characteristics of individual decision-making (e.g. management skills and decision-making styles, the presence of rationality and creativity, behavioural science approaches and flow in management)
  • Research of social decisions (e.g. participation decisions; social innovations)
  • Responsibility and sustainability (e.g. ecological economics, degrowth, ecosystem services, social changes in the service of solidarity economy)
  • Teaching method innovation (e.g. methods of experimental and transformative learning) 


Köves Alexandra; Gáspár Judit; Matolay Réka (2020) Művészet és társadalomtudomány együttműködése a posztnormál tudományfelfogás keretein belül: backcasting kutatási eredmények egy interaktív színházi kalandjátékban (Cooperation of art and social science within the frameworks of post normal science approach: backcasting research results in an interactive theatrical adventure game), MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY (0025-0325 1588-1245): 181 2 pp 210-221 (2020)

Szántó Richárd; Köves Alexandra; Gáspár Judit; Esse Bálint (2019) Döntések a sportban (Decisions in sports), Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, (2019)

Toarniczky Andrea; Matolay Réka; Gáspár Judit (2019) Responsive Higher Education through Transformational Practices – The Case of a Hungarian Business School, FUTURES (0016-3287): 111 pp 181-193 (2019)

Kiss Gabriella, Pataki György, Köves Alexandra, Király Gábor (2018): Framing Sustainable Consumption in Different Ways: Policy Lessons from Two Participatory Systems Mapping Exercises in Hungary. J Consum Policy 41, 1–19. (view here)

Kiss Veronika (2018): Energy use caps under scrutiny: An ecological economics perspective, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY 40 : 1 pp. 45-67. , 23 p. 

Kovács, E ; Kelemen, E ; Kiss, G ; Kalóczkai, Á ; Fabók, V ; Mihók, B ; Megyesi, B ; Pataki, Gy ; Bodorkós, B ; Balázs, B et al.(2017): Evaluation of participatory planning: Lessons from Hungarian Natura 2000 management planning processes. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 204 : 1 pp. 540-550. , 11 p.

Király, Gábor; Köves, Alexandra; Pataki, György; Kiss, Gabriella (2016): Assessing the Participatory Potential of Systems Mapping. SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE 33 : 4 pp. 496-514. , 19 p. 

Research Projects

In the first EU Horizon 2020 project of the University Réka Matolay and Judit Gáspár aspired to interpret the characteristics of Responsible Research and Innovation for management higher education. Within the framework of Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Higher Education Curricula (EnRRICH) they worked with the colleagues in the workshops of the Faculty Research Weeks on how RRI may support the reflective reform of our teaching and research practice. Mentorship of the experienced science shop members of the consortium helped the preparation of Corvinus Science Shop, which was officially established in 2018. The department members of the Corvinus Science Shop team are: Réka Matolay, Judit Gáspár and Gabriella Kiss.

Alexandra Köves has been performing backcasting researches since 2012. Backcasting is one of the futurology methods of normative scenario construction exploring the potential visions of social organisations. The novelty of the method is using an ideal normative vision instead of the present situation as starting point to forecast an expected future and linking this vision – progressing backwards in time – with the present, and identifying the steps, which may lead to the envisaged future. There have been five participatory backcasting researches performed in Hungary to date in four different themes: sustainable employment; future of economic higher education; responsible and sustainable businesses; cosmo-local networks and the future of marketing communication.

In 2016 Alexandra Köves, Judit Gáspár and Réka Matolay launched the ‘What will the business of the future look like? – Sustainable and responsible economic actors in 2050’ backcasting research together. In 2018 up to the philosophy of post normal science, within the framework of a methodology innovation we examined how art and social science can cooperate in understanding such a social issue and in the dissemination of the results of social science research. We financed an initiative from prominent publication award, in which the results of the research were processed by a theatrical company and put on the boards at the Bánkitó Festival (Tünet Group, directed by Péter Valcz).

Our colleagues have been participating in the research program titled ‘In global competition’ – Microeconomic factors of the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy since 1996, its beginning. We continued our previous research related to the 2018 questionnaire survey (the sixth one covering over two hundred businesses) of the research program, examined and continue to examine the subjects of, among others, corporate and management skills, management decision support, decision-making approaches and corporate performance measurement, the connection between stakeholder related approach and business performance, the characteristics of supplier selection decisions, attitudes in the relationship between buyers and suppliers from the point of view of corporate competitiveness. The results will be incorporated in the teaching, have been and will be published in the form of conference presentations, articles and studies. Our colleagues participating in the Competitiveness research are Zita Zoltayné Paprika, Ágnes Wimmer, Richárd Szántó, Réka Matolay.

The organisational level research of social innovations with primary focus on social enterprises and short food supply chains is performed within the framework of project No. HRDOP3.6.2-16-2017-00007 titled ‘Az intelligens, fenntartható és inkluzív társadalom fejlesztésének aspektusai: társadalmi, technológiai, innovációs hálózatok a foglalkoztatásban és a digitális gazdaságban’ (Aspects of the Development of a Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Society: social, technological, innovation networks in employment and digital economy). Active participants in the research from the department are: Julianna Kiss, Orsolya Lazányi and Réka Matolay.

A country report on the status of the Hungarian ecosystem of social enterprises titled “Update of the Mapping of Social Enterprises and their Eco-systems in Europe” ordered by the European Commission was prepared under the direction of Julianna Kiss. Réka Matolay also participated in writing the study.

Within the framework of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, in cooperation with the Department of Tourism and Catering, the colleagues of the department are participating in the project titled EcoVelo Tour controlled by the Municipality of Zugló. The work of CUB is coordinated by Veronika Kiss. In addition to the researchers of our Institute of Marketing and Media the academic partners cooperating in the project are the researchers of BOKU in Vienna, Danube Delta Institute for Research and the traffic, land development and tourism researchers of the University of Passau. The development of cycle tourism is also being performed along the Rákos Stream within the framework of the project running between 2018 and 2021. The Ecosystem Service based Cycle Ecotourism Development Guide and, in the course of 2020, the cycle ecotourism strategy of Rákos Stream valley were prepared based on the concept of ecosystem service.

The colleagues of our department have also been participating in the project titled ‘A Társadalmi Jóllét Ökológiai Alapjai: Tájhasználat és Klímaváltozás Hatása a Vízi és Szárazföldi Ökoszisztémákra’ (Ecological Basis of Social Well-being: Impacts of Land-Use and Climate Change on the Aquatic and Land Ecosystems) running since 2019 within the framework of ‘Support for Centres of Excellence’ of HAS. The research performed at CUB is to explore the social judgement of ecosystem services provided by forests, grasslands and wetlands. 

Research events

The Department of Decision Sciences organised several international conferences in the past years:

2019 IV. Positive Psychology Conference
Importance of positive emotions in life.

2018 Day of Inspiration
A whole day together with Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the founding fathers of Positive Psychology and join a guided tour around ‘Flow’, ‘Creativity’ and ‘Good Business’! These bestsellers of Csikszentmihalyi’s life work shape how we think about past, present, and future. This day of inspiration is dedicated to these ideas by an extraordinary scientist, one of the last “Renessaince men” of our world.

2018 Living Knowledge
After the foundation of the Corvinus Science Shop (CSS) in 2017 we organised the 8th Living Knowledge conference (LK8), the international conference of science shops, at Corvinus. Judit Gáspár, Gabriella Kiss and Réka Matolay, the colleagues of the department participating in CSS, also participated in the works of organising LK8 and the preceding international summer university as well as its workshops. Julianna Kiss, Veronika Kiss, Alexandra Köves and Orsolya Lazányi also participated in the work of the organising committee. The conference attracted 263 participants from 37 countries.

2017 European Society for Ecological Economics – ESEE
The majority of the members of the organising committee of the international conference of Ecological Economists in 2017 were the colleagues of the Department of Decision Sciences. Gabriella Kiss, Alexandra Köves, Orsolya Lazányi and Réka Matolay were among the local organisers. The conference of over 400 participants was held in June 2017. In the course of organising the conference we aspired to include sustainability considerations in the implementation and make the event more sustainable both from social and ecological points of view. The conference made a ‘lasting’ impact on the University: left 2 push-pins in the entrance hall of the Salt House and the Main Building for those interested in culture history and the “green walls” on the internal courtyard created from the registration fees paid by the participants. Website of the conference. Youtube channel of the conference with the plenary presentations.

2016 Degrowth
After Paris, Barcelona, Venice and Leipzig Corvinus University of Budapest housed the international academic discussion on Degrowth. We organised the 5th International Degrowth Conference between 30 August and 3 September 2016, at which over six hundred theorists and practical experts participated from all over the world to discuss whether it is possible to grow or we want to grow continuously in a world of limited resources. In parallel with the conference we organised the programmes of the Budapest Degrowth Week, within the framework of which, at ten locations, in over 100 events – panel discussions, world cafes, tours presenting alternative organisations and solution, artistic, music and cultural events – those interested could become familiar with the philosophy of degrowth. From part of the department Orsolya Lazányi and Alexandra Köves participated in the local organising committee as main organisers. Alexandra Köves also acted as spokesperson of the conference.

2016 EFMD Deans Conference
EFMD Conference for Deans & Directors General 2016 international conference was held in January 2016 in the joint organisation of the Department of Management Training and EFMD accreditation organisation with the participation of around 370 deans, who visited the event from the world leading higher education institutions offering business training. The subject of the convention was organised around the impact of the business schools on the society. One of the plenary sessions was chaired by Zita Zoltayné Paprika. At the request of EFMD several lecturers of our department conducted workshops during those two days (Norbert Becser, Judit Gáspár, Alexandra Köves, Réka Matolay, György Pataki, Richárd Szántó).

2015 SPUDM
The 25th Subjective Utility, Probability and Decision Making (SPUDM) conference, which is the biennial conference of the European Association for Decision Making (EADM) also housing the general meeting of the organisation, was held between 16 and 20 August 2015 organised by the Department of Decision Sciences. The chairperson of the organising committee was Richárd Szántó. 

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