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Department of Enterprise development and management

„To teach innovative and creative thinking is only possible with the use of innovative and creative pedagogical.” (János Vecsenyi) 

Entrepreneurship and Innovation institute takes its share almost al form of teaching at Corvinus university of Budapest. Colleagues are responsible for subjects, specialization and special programs. Our founder Peter Szirmai showed us the way, that not only in class, rather with extra curricula activities (Danube Cup), we can prepare students for entrepreneurial life. 


Early years 

  • 1989 A small group of people founded Small Business Research group 
  • 1990 started the entrepreneurial education program 
  • 2000 Founded Small Business Development Centre 
  • 2003 started major on Entrepreneurship 
  • 2004 started ERENET international research network 
  • 2014 Entrepreneurship Specialization 
  • 2021 The Entrepreneurial Avenue program is lunched 

Strategic goals 

  • High quality teaching for large audience 
  • International development with Danube CUP program 

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