MSc courses
- Health economics
- Health policy and financing
- Health technology assessment
- Health Economic Modelling
PhD courses
- Health Economics
Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (TDK)
Health Economics section
All researchers, lecturers and PhD students in the department regularly supervise TDK theses. Since 2010, a separate English and Hungarian language sections on health economics has been launched every year at the University TDK conference, in which more than 100 papers have been submitted in the past years, of which were mostly supervised by a member of the Department.
TDK section secretary:
Prof. Dr. Rencz Fanni
Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Egészségpolitika Tanszék
Egyetemi Tanár / Professor
C épület, 533
C épület, 533
Beretzky Zsuzsanna
Rektori Szervezet / Társadalom- és Politikatudományi Intézet / Egészségpolitika Tanszék
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
C épület, 533
C épület, 533