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Department of Infocommunication

The Department of Infocommunication was founded in 2011, as the successor of the E-business Research Centre. The members of the department take part in several ongoing programs, but most of their resources go into the business informatics programs, including the BSc, MSc and PhD levels. Apart from that, we also have courses available for students majoring in business and management BA, commerce and marketing BA, communication- and media science BA and MA, marketing MA, and several English language programs of the University. 

Among our main research areas, the most important ones are: the economic and legal environment of the ICT sector, the sociological dimensions of changing consumer behaviour, the business and regulatory challenges related to the transformation of media and the content industry, current topics in media politics, the advancements of B2C and B2B markets, and the development of e-learning systems. Regarding these topics, we publish papers and host presentations during domestic and international conferences on a regular basis. 

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