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Department of Management and Organization

The aim of the Department of Management and Organization, as the center of excellence of Hungarian organizational and management theory, is to combine high-quality educational activities with academic rigor and practical focus, to provide internationally recognized answers to the management and organizational challenges of the private and the public sector, thereby contributing to the competitiveness of the students on the international labor market.

The roots of the department go back to the early fifties, when the Department of Industrial Business Economics was established. In 1976, Professor Antal Máriás renewed the institution as head of department, which was later named the Department of Management and Organization. With this, the departmental community also indicated that it would like to teach and research the topics of management and leadership instead of the more narrowly interpreted concept of business economics.

Separated from the Department of Management and Organization, the Department of Organizational Behavior was established in 2009, and later the Department of Management and Strategy, and finally the Department of Management and Control. From the former Department of Management and Organization, it was rooted the Institute of Management and Strategy, which still operates today.

In the past decade, the Department of Management and Organization has taken a pioneering role at Corvinus University of Budapest in the development and application of innovative, blended learning teaching methodologies in both undergraduate and masters courses, both in Hungarian and in English.

For the Department of Management and Organization, it is of utmost importance that the students acquire internationally competitive knowledge from both a theoretical and practical point of view, and become successful leaders within a short period of time. This goal is effectively supported by the main curricula taught by the Department (Management and Organization, Management Theory and Methodology, Organization and Management Theory, Change Management, Corporate Governance, Management and Leadership, Management of Inter-Organizational Networks and Groups of Organizations, Management of Innovative Organizations, Management of Far Eastern Organizations, Management History) and corporate collaborations (e.g. PwC-Corvinus Future Trends Case Study Competition).

The Department of Management and Organization undertakes extensive domestic and international research, its publications are available in the Library of Hungarian Scientific Works, international scientific databeses, in text collections related to specific curricula, and the research results are integrated into education.

Since 2017, the head of the Department of Management and Organization is Dr. Zoltán Csedő, habilitated associate professor.

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