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Degree Programs 


B.A. in Political Science 

B.A. in PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economy) 


M.A. in Political Science 

M.A. in Political Economy 

IMCEERES Double Degree Program 


Political Science doctoral program  within the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science 

Specialized Training: 

Political Marketing and Communication Advisor  

Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (TDK) 

Political Science  

Papers in Political Science which deal with one or several elements of the political system meant in a broader sense are invited in the section. Writings can be directed at  the description and comparison of political institutions, the survey of political actors (parties, politicians), the presentation of elections or voters’ behavior, the explanation of various political events but they can be of topics in Public Policy, Political Theory, History of Politics or Political Communication.  

Section Secretary:


We take all the papers of philosophical profile or character in the section. We offer supervision in the following fields: History of Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, Religion and Theology, Philosophy of Science, philosophical questions in Mathematics and Logic, and Culture Theory.   

Secretary of the section:

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