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Department of Public Policy

Welcome to the page of the Department of Public Policy! 

In addition to providing standard, advanced instruction, our Department also offers the following enrichments to academic studies:   

  • International Integration. Our Department possesses an extensive and prestigious network of international relationships. We are frequently invited to prominent international consortia (presently we are participating in two research programs financed by the EU). Thanks to our network, leading academics of our research areas regularly visit our Department and hold seminars, while our course curricula reflects acutely relevant international research. In addition, we assist our students in pursuing studies in Europe’s best public administration and policy institutions in the framework of the EMPA or Erasmus programs. We suggest to participte and try our Double Degree programs in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and in Palermo (Italy) that offer a unique possibility of learning and cultural exchange. More information in the menu. 
  • Exposure to the practice. It is very important that the students do not only study theory. Therefore, it is highly useful to students that a significant part of the Faculty has deep experience in the public sector. Furthermore, we often host guest lecturers to explain new problems and exercises first-hand. 
  • Student-orientated. We consciously strive to build and maintain a personal relationship with each of our students by means of regular consultations–both individually and group-wise–and through professional and informal extra-curricular activities. The Department’s Alumni Network provides extended support. 

The department operates within the Institute of Social and Political Sciences. 

News, events

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Kapcsolódó hírek

Corvinus University of Budapest

Prestigious international organization appointed Prof. György Hajnal as its Chair of the Board

The European Association for Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA) appointed Professor György Hajnal, Head of the Department of Public Policy at Corvinus as the Chair of its Board.
Corvinus University of Budapest

The Corvinus Science Shop and the Department of Public Policy have launched their collaboration

This semester, the Corvinus Science Shop and the Department of Public Policy have started to collaborate to enrich the learning experience of our students and help connect science and society. The Science Shop channels dilemmas and challenges of civil society organizations and informal communities into university courses. Thus, throughout their training, students develop solutions for […]
Corvinus University of Budapest

Two important awards to our colleagues at the NISPAcee Annual Conference

The 31st NISPAcee Annual Conference was held between 25-27 May 2023 in Belgrade.

Nearly 50 Masters students studied in Europe’s top Public Administration programmes

On 11-12 May, the European Masters in Public Administration Network (EMPA) held its annual meeting at our University.
Corvinus University of Budapest

The 2023 IRSPM Conference experience – through the eyes of our students 

The Department of Public Policy organized the annual conference of IRSPM, one of the largest global scientific organizations in public management and public policy in the Spring of 2023. This was an extraordinary opportunity for the researchers and students of Corvinus University to get acquainted with the most recent debates and the leading scholars of […]
Corvinus University of Budapest

More than 500 researchers from 48 countries participated in the IRSPM conference 

The IRSPM 2023 conference at Corvinus University has been a great success.

Archive news on the wesite of the Department of Public Policy

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