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For current students

For prospective student assistants  

We welcome students (with at least 2 completed semesters) to apply for teaching assistant positions in two key areas: 

Teaching support 

We particularly welcome student’s help in supporting seminars. Depending on the student’s interest and preparation, the tasks can involve: supporting students in computer clusters, preparing teaching materials, identifying readings for in-class discussions, exam supervision etc.  

Peer Mentoring (BA/MA Sociology) 

  • A Peer Mentor is a current student in their second year, with good communication and organisational skills, who is keen to help a small group of incoming sociology students integrate seamlessly into the social and academic life at Corvinus University and that of the sociology department.  
  • Peer Mentoring begins in September with mentors contacting their mentees to organise an initial meeting to take place during induction week. Mentors will keep in touch throughout the semester, helping their mentees to find their way around campus and showing them how things work in the department. 

Coordinator: Dr. Adél Pásztor  

Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (TDK) 

Sociology session 

In the sociology section, we invite papers that use sociological methods to investigate a social, economic problem or cultural phenomenon. The diversity of the discipline makes it a difficult undertaking to define the exact topic and method. In line with the research profile of the department, we invite papers on  

– the study of a social problem of relevance to social policy (e.g. poverty, ethnic conflict, segregation, deviance, gender, elites, education,) – or  

– critical analysis and/or empirical testing of an important sociological theory or approach 

Papers using either qualitative (e.g. interviews) or quantitative (e.g. questionnaires) methods are welcome. 

Secretary of Section: 

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