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Department of Strategic Management

Within the teaching and research portfolio of the Institute of Strategy Management, the Department of Strategic Management focuses on strategy development, strategic planning, implementation, and feedback. The process of strategic management is approached from a managerial perspective and in its broad context, so that its alignment with organizational structure, processes, and culture, as well as the control of strategy implementation, are given priority. The typical subject of our research is the for-profit firm, but the research and teaching of our colleagues also include the management of not-for-profit organizations, such as public service, public administration, and healthcare organizations.

Our topics play a key role in the curricula of the Bachelor of Business and Management, the Bachelor of International Business, the Master of Management and Leadership, and the Master in Management. We also contribute to several other undergraduate and master programs, and postgraduate programs, including executive programs. Our colleagues conduct research across a broad spectrum of strategic management and the tools that support it. They play a leading role in the academic community in the country and are involved in international academic discourse. In addition to our academic embeddedness, we attach great importance to our links with practitioners, including regular cooperation with leading companies and consulting firms.

Department of Strategic Management


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