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Institute of Accounting and Law

Departments of the Institute of Accounting and Law

The Institute of Accounting and Law consists of two departments: the Department of Accounting and the Department of Business Law. The first head of the Institute’s predecessor, the Institute of Finance, Accounting and Economic Law, was Tamás Bánfi, who was followed by János Bosnyák and, from 2012, János Lukács. Since the renewal of the Institute in 2022, László Péter Lakatos is the Head of the Institute.  

One of the main objectives of the Institute is to equip students with the theoretical, factual and methodological knowledge of modern economics, accounting applications and international standards, which will enable them to produce and use data in a realistic way, to increase knowledge capital as an organisational asset, to understand, operate and improve accounting systems and to make strategic decisions, to effectively apply modern planning, management, accounting, controlling and management control procedures and methods, to formulate institutional conditions, to review and operate information systems of international, national and regional enterprises, to assess and make proposals for the achievement of development objectives, to coordinate the processes of reconciliation of interests, to set up a learning system. We also attach importance to developing students’ critical faculties and communication skills, as well as talent management. The latter is clearly demonstrated by the many winning TDK theses, the organisation of academic competitions, the significant number of demonstrators and PhD students, and the achievements of the student organisations under our care, Luca Pacioli Society BCE and Corvinus Tax Club.  

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