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Research, projects

Colleagues at the Institute carry out research in a wide range of areas related to the specialisms that the Institute covers. In order to ensure successful research work, several research groups and workshops have been set up to focus on specific areas. A major focus of our research is on issues related to sustainability, including ESG reporting and ESG indicators, and challenges related to CSRD. The other focus of our research is on the development and future of our professions, with a particular emphasis on possible reforms of the Hungarian Accounting Act and related regulatory issues, and on the possibilities for reforming auditing, the possible development of the tax system, the possible development of controlling, the history of the accounting profession, the possibilities of reforming the forensic accounting process and the rise of artificial intelligence within the professions concerned. At the same time, our colleagues also carry out more general research aimed at assisting everyday practice, such as transfer pricing dilemmas, the potential impact of the introduction of certain international accounting standards, or current issues in international trade law and private international law. 

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