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Student information

Office hours of the lecturers

Arbuzov, Vyacheslav Tuesday 14:00-15:00 E256
Bakó Barna Wednesday 9.50-11.20 E225.1
Benk Szilárd Wednesday 13:00-14:30 (by appointment) E224
Csaba László Friday 09:50-11:20 (by appointment) E234
Deák Dániel Thursday 15:30-17:00 E234
Elek Péter Wednesday 13:40-15:10 E225
Golovics József Monday 11.40-13.10 E226
Győrffy Dóra Tuesday 11:30-12:30 (by appointment) E228
Hermann Zoltán Thursday 18:00-19:00 E225
Horn Dániel Friday 14:00-15:00 (by appointment) E225
Horváth László Monday 09:50-11:20 E232
Isztin Peter Wednesday 13:40-15:10 E240
Kálecz-Simon András Wednesday 9:50-11:20 E225.1
Katona Márton Tamás Thursday 9:50-11:20 E226
Kerman, Toygar Monday 13:30-14:30 E256
Kiss Hubert János Monday 13:30-14:30 E225
Kőhegyi Gergely Wednesday 13:30-14:30 E230
Kovács Emese Monday 11:40-13:10 E254
Kuncz Izabella Wednesday 9:50-11:20 E219
Mágó Mánuel László Friday 15:30-17:00 E225.1
Major Klára Thursday 13:40-15:10 E221.3
Mihályi Péter Tuesday 14:00 – 15:20 E260
Misz József Tuesday 9:50-11:20 E219
Németh András Olivér Wednesday 15:30-17:00 E219
Németh Petra Thursday 9.50-11.20 E219
Ndzama Nwabisa Florence Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30 E225
Rácz Olivér Miklós Wednesday 13:30 – 14:30 E254
Reizer Balázs Wendesday 10:00-11:00 E225
Révész Tamás Wednesday 13:40 – 15:10 E240
Rosta Miklós Thursday 9:30-11:30 E226
Sárvári Balázs Monnay 19.10-20.40 E225
Selei Adrienn Tuesday 9.50-11.20 E117
Szabó-Bakos Eszter Monday 9:50-11:20 E228
Szakadát László Monday 15:30:17:00 (by appointment) E222
Takács Olga Wednesday 09:50-11:20 (via register) E258
Telegdy Álmos Monday 15:00-16:00 E224
Tenev, Anastas Wednesday 14:00-15:00 E256
Tőkés László Friday 13:40-15:10 E219
Tóth Gábor Wednesday 13:40-15:10 E254
Váry Miklós Tuesday 13:40-15:10 E254
Venyige Róbert Wednesday 13:30 – 14:30 E232
Vincze János Wednesday 09:50-11:20 E258

Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (TDK)

How do I prepare for thesis defense?

Applied economics students need to:
  • prepare a 10-15-minute presentation
  •  give a very brief (1 slide) account of your work in Project 1 and Project 2
  •  within the time limit, prepare a detailed presentation of the third chapter of his/her portfolio.
Economic analysis students:
  • For the defense, a presentation is required.
  • The presentation should be up to 10 minutes long.
  • The presentation contains the essential elements of the dissertation (it is worth practicing at home to fit the presentation into the 10 minutes)
All presentations should answer the following questions:
  1. what was the question asked in the thesis,
  2. why I thought this topic was worth addressing,
  3. what result I obtained, and
  4. how I came to this result.
It is NOT necessary to review the WHOLE thesis.
After the presentation, the final examination board will ask questions. In the evaluation of the final examination, the committee will also take into account the student’s presentation skills, the quality of the presentation and the content of the paper.

Information on the Final Exam period

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