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Institute of Finance

The Institute of Finance is one of the leading academic centres in the field of finance in the Central European region. For decades, we have been teaching our students investment analysis, risk management, business valuation, financial mathematics and macrofinance. Our programmes are aligned with the exam requirements of the leading international professional bodies (CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst; EFFAS – European Federation of Financial Analysts’ Societies) and we work closely with companies in the financial sector in Budapest (e.g. MNB, Erste Bank, OTP Bank, BSE, KELER, Aegon, Morgan-Stanley, MSCI, BlackRock, Citi, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PWC, Diageo).  

 Our aim is to provide the financial market professionals, who have a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, and who are able to work at companies, banks, public authorities and as consultants. Above this, who are able to solve problems independently, creatively, and can carry out valuable research. We are proud that a high proportion of the best students in each year choose our programs. These programs have produced and continue to produce a significant proportion of the workforce in the Hungarian banking and finance sector.  

 The Institute of Finance is focusing on the five main areas in teaching: 

 1. corporate finance and valuation 

2. investment analysis and financial markets 

3. risk management 

4. financial mathematics 

5. macro-finance (e.g. fiscal and monetary policy) 

The Institute of Finance is managing the Finance and Accounting Bachelor program, the Finance Master program, the Quantitative Finance specialization of the Insurance and Financial Mathematics Master program, which is a joint program together with ELTE-TTK, and the Financial Mathematics specialisation of the Economics and Financial Mathematical  Analysis program. Detailed information about the programs, and thier curriculum can be found under the “For Students” section.  

Research centres of the Institute

Upcoming Events

Visit the Institute of Finance Research Seminars website to see our upcoming events.

Academic Staff

Department of Investments

Department of Macrofinance

Department of Corporate Finance

External Lecturers and Researchers

Bukta Gábor
External Lecturer

Carlos Hernandez
External Lecturer

Deák Enikő
External Lecturer

Deák Tibor
External Lecturer

Felcsuti Péter
External Lecturer

Fülöp Enikő
External Lecturer

Gabler Gergely
External Lecturer

Gégény Éva
External Lecturer

Hajdú Péter
External Lecturer

Dr. Kőrösi Gábor
External Lecturer

Kovács Dániel
External Lecturer

Dr. Michaletzky Márton
External Lecturer

Dr. Monostori Zoltán
External Lecturer

Naffa Nóra
External Lecturer

Péntek Gábor Dániel
External Lecturer

Peter Grace
External Lecturer

Rába Viktória
External Lecturer

Steve Balaban
External Lecturer

Soós Imre
External Lecturer

Tulassay Zsolt
External Lecturer

Dr. Veres Pál
External Lecturer

Dr. Fülöp András
External Researcher

Honorary Professors

Dr. Acerbi, Carlo         
Honrary Professor                    

Dr. Farkas Ádám        
Honrary Associate Professor               

Dr. Hardi László          
Honrary Professor                    

Dr. Juhász Jácint
Honrary Associate Professor 

Dr. Karátsonyi Annamária
Honrary Professor                    

Dr. Király Júlia
Honrary Professor                    

Dr. Kóbor Ádám         
Honrary Associate Professor

Dr. Kondor Imre         
Honrary Professor                    

Dr. Lukács Marianna
Honrary Assistant Professor                

Dr. Martin Hajdu György       
Honrary Associate Professor               

Dr. Mohai György      
Honrary Associate Professor               

Dr. Pál Árpád 
Honrary Associate Professor               

Dr. Tomori Erika
Honrary Associate Professor                             

Dr. Surányi György
Private Professor        

Dr. Székely Pál István
Honrary Professor      

Ph.D. Students

  • Bodnár Ákos
  • Czupy Gergely
  • Dudás Fanni
  • Eötvös Soma
  • Farkas Bettina
  • Gergelyné Kása Marianna
  • Grébel Szabolcs
  • Hasan, Nazmul
  • Janosik Réka
  • Jinlong Li
  • Kotró Balázs
  • Léber Dániel
  • Márkus Martin
  • Misik Sándor
  • Ölvedi Tímea
  • Sass Zoltán
  • Tóth Fanni
  • Várgedő Bálint
  • Xia Dehua
  • Xingling Li (Percy)

Office hours and location of Administration office  

Location: 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8. II. Floor 275 door

Office hours during the teaching period of the academic year:

  • Monday 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00
  • Tuesday 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00
  • Wednesday 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00
  • Thursday 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00
  • Friday 9.00-12.00
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