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Programmes and educational activity

The Institute of Finance is managing the Finance and Accounting Bachelor program, the Finance Master program, the Quantitative Finance specialization of the Insurance and Financial Mathematics Master program, which is a joint program together with ELTE-TTK, and the Financial Mathematics specialisation of the Economics and Financial Mathematical  Analysis program. Detailed information about the programs, and thier curriculum can be found under the “For Students” section.


Talent Management

Specialized Program in Financial Mathematics

The Specialised Program in Financial Mathematics (SPM) is a supplementary program in Hungarian for undergraduate students. The SPM is primarily intended for students at Corvinus University of Budapest who wish to pursue a Master’s degree in Finance or other methodological intensive fields. Under the SPM programme, students can take a block of advanced level finance and mathematics courses as part of their elective course load. The primary objective of the programme is to provide and practice the methodological basis for the courses in the Finance Master’s program. Completion of the SPM is not a prerequisite for any future career choice, but the knowledge acquired and deepened here is the benefit for the graduates. The SPM programme can also be seen as a series of master’s preparation courses.

Scientific Student’s Conference (TDK)

Our colleagues actively mentor students participating in the Scientific Student’s Conference. Our students have traditionally performed well and in large numbers at both institutional and National Scientific Student’s Conferences. More information on our TDK page.

Doctoral program 

The Institute’s activity involve 3-4 newly recruited PhD students each year. The PhD students working in the institute study in the programmes of the Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola (ANGOL LINK KELL – Doctoral School of Business Administration)  or the Közgazdasági és Gazdaságinformatikai Doktori Iskola  (ANGOL LINK KELL – Doctoral School of Economics and Economics Informatics). 

Other activities related to teaching 

Corvinus Lectures in Finance

In the Autumn of 2012, we launched a series of lectures for our students and all interested parties.  

We invite experts and company executives to give presentations on, for example, a major market event, a company transaction or a new scientific research.  

Our aim:  

1. to give our academic and business partners the opportunity to present to a well-educated, knowledgeable and interested audience.  

2. to provide our former students (alumni) with the opportunity to meet, network with the university and for professional development.  

3. to give current students the opportunity to broaden their horizons and learn about the latest developments in the field.  

To apply to be a speaker or sponsor of a forthcoming lecture, please contact: peter.csoka@uni-corvinus.hu 

Organiser: Dr. Csóka Péter

Financial Laboratory (FinLab)

Contact person: Szűcs Balázs Árpád

On 21 November 2013, the Bloomberg Trading Room, which provides access to trading data from the world’s largest stock exchanges, opened at Corvinus University of Budapest. The main objective of the establishment and operation of the university trading room is to support the methodological innovation of financial education and research at Corvinus University of Budapest in line with international trends, and thus to further enhance the attractiveness of our university programmes and the recognition of financial sciences in all fields. 

The exclusive Computerised Financial Laboratory is located in the glass-walled room of the University’s Central Library, so that the visitor feels as if they are in the trading room of a large financial institution. The two-monitor workstations offer 15-minute latency on all the world’s major stock exchanges, a wide range of economic news and a historical Bloomberg database of all the major market data, sometimes going back several decades. Unique in Central and Eastern Europe, the facility has been developed based on trading rooms in leading US universities such as Richmond and Bentley. 

Press coverage of the opening: 

Opening hours

During the academic term, the opening hours are adapted to the timetable of the classroom, and the FinLab room can be used during the consultation hours, every weekday between 8 and 21 hours. You can register to use the room via Moodle. When you enter Moodle, a small window on the left will open with “FinLab Reservation//Reservation”. Click on this to book a block (1 block 45 minutes on weekdays, 60 minutes on Saturdays). The rules for using the room are as follows: 

1. For the time being, only Corvinus students can use the room.   

2. Coats, food and drink are not allowed in the room. Mobile phones must be silenced.  

3. If not all computers are booked, the room can be used without a reservation.  

4. During class hours, the room is only accessible with the prior permission of the professor of the course. 

The room is located on the 1st floor of Building C (Közraktár utca 4-6), in the Central Library, to the right of the entrance.  

The Bests of the Stock Exchange 2013: The award for the develpoment of the Hungarian capital market

The Budapest Stock Exchange awarded the best performers of the Hungarian capital market at a ceremony on 12 December 2013. At the Bests of the Stock Exchange Awards Ceremony, it was revealed, among other things, who was the “Dealmaker of the Year”, which were the most successful companies and who received the “Award for the Development of the Hungarian Capital Market”. At the Budapest Stock Exchange’s awards ceremony, a jury of seven experts decided on a total of nine awards, most of which were based on objective factors and indicators. The winners received a custom-made award designed by the craftsman Péter Botos. 

“Award for the Development of the Hungarian Capital Market” – The winner of the award is the Foundation of the Department of Investment and Corporate Finance of Corvinus University of Budapest, in particular for its FinLab project.  

An important objective of the lab is to promote the long-term development of the quality of Hungarian economics and finance education. The FinLab also develops students’ financial literacy, encourages investment thinking, personal financial decision making and entrepreneurial mindsets, and brings investment analysis and risk management to life. 

Inspiration – This is where we got the idea

In Richmond, the Trading Floor basically supports an experimental learning programme, whereby volunteer finance graduate students perfectly mimic the internal processes of an investment fund and manage a part of the university’s funds (they sign contracts, write the fund strategy, hold board meetings on asset allocation, order transactions through a broker, evaluate performance, do the bookkeeping and all the administration, etc.). As all decisions have to be backed up by research and analysis, they can put their theoretical knowledge into practice by “learning by doing”.  

Several articles and full documentation of the programme have been published: 

At the Bentley University the Trading Room occupies a relatively large area on campus, with a total of 45 (large room) + 12 (small room) computer spaces. The reason for the larger capacity is that many more formal classes and external training sessions are held here than in Richmond. In addition, the number of potential students using the room is larger. Classes, training sessions and company presentations are held in the large room, while the small room is free for private study and research. The Trading Room as a whole is managed by Richard Gibble (Director of HCFS). 

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