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Institute of Strategy and Management

Dear Visitor!

Welcome to the website of the Institute of Strategy and Management at Corvinus University of Budapest!

The Institute of Strategy and Management (and its predecessors, the Department of Management and Organization and the Department of Industrial Economics) has been Hungary’s leading management education and research institute for almost 50 years. As in the past, the Institute is characterized by educational and student excellence, international recognition and a balance between theoretical knowledge and relevant practical experience nowadays as well.

The Masters in Management and Leadership, developed by our colleagues and redeveloped in 2021, is ranked among the top 100 in the world by the Financial Times Masters in Management ranking. We are also major contributor in the CEMS Global Alliance in Management Education’s Masters in International Management program. In addition to the above-mentioned Master’s programs, we also contribute to the undergraduate programs with a number of regular and project courses to provide students with practical, theoretically grounded, current and relevant knowledge and to facilitate student development.
Our colleagues are active members of national and international professional and scientific organizations, such as the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, the Strategic Management Society, the Project Management Institute, the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, as well as the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian Society of Organizational Development, the Hungarian Psychological Society, the Hungarian Society of Sports Science and other relevant scientific communities.

I wish you a pleasant browsing through the rest of the Institute of Strategy and Management’s website!

Best regards

Miklós Stocker, PhD. Habil.
Associate Professor, Head of Institute

Mission and philosophy of the Institute of Strategy and Management

In the course of completing our mission, we still follow the “philosophy” formulated almost 25 years ago by the staff of the Management and Organisation Department:

  • the trio of education-research-practice;
  • the high importance of the theoretical background;
  • the pluralism of theories;
  • critical approach;
  • network of international relations, testing of our scientific activities at international level;
  • establishment of contacts with companies, businessmen, their involvement in teaching;
  • continuous perfection of the curriculum, integration of the latest results and experiences;
  • treating students as partners;
  • contract-logic: high-level training, consequent examining;
  • performance principle;
  • open and honest atmosphere;
  • personnel management to find and educate the most talented students who could be the new generation of trainers at the departments 


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