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Researches, projects

Research Centers of the Institute

Data Analysis Center

Our aim is to promote empirical economics and data science through three main activities. Firstly, we provide support involving software, statistical and econometric methodology for academics and students. Additionally, we organize competitions for secondary school students who are about to enroll in higher education. Thirdly, we organize professional lectures to promote the subject. 

Insurance Education and Research Group

The actuarial training organized by the Insurance Education and Research Group is advertised as an accredited program at the postgraduate level, for which you can apply with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or economics. The content of the program harmonizes with the actuarial specialization of the master’s degree in Insurance and Financial Mathematics shared with ELTE in the full-time training, which is organized jointly with the Department of Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences. 

Corvinus Center for Operations Research (CCOR)

The Corvinus Center for Operations Research (CCOR) was established on September 1, 2020 with the aim of investigating relevant areas of operations research (continuous optimization theory, algorithms and applications; game theory; decision theory and applications; operations research models and their applications). The five staff members of the Center have split responsibilities: carrying out teaching activities in the Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences and conducting research of international quality in the Corvinus Center for Operations Research.     

Competitiveness Research Centre

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