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Legal and Administrative Affairs

The organisational unit responsible for legal, administrative and regulatory activity is a functional unit managed by the president, which fulfils the strategic legal, administrative and regulatory activities of the University. It fulfils its duties with respect to all activities and facilities pf the University.

Key duties of the organisational unit

  • Legal counselling related to strategic matters. Legal preparation and fulfilment of international-level developments, legal due diligence.
  • Correspondence with the relevant authorities.
  • Legal management of the core activities, therefore especially the drafting, issuance and keeping records of, as well as providing opinion on contacts, cooperation agreements, unilateral legal statements, contract templates and forms, furthermore, legal countersigning, legal counselling, legislation monitoring, notifying the management of legislative changes, providing opinion on bills.
  • Legal preparation of the internal regulatory documents related to the core activity.
  • In connection with the core activity, starting legal procedures, providing and organising legal representation in judicial and extrajudicial procedures, as well as initiation and complete management of administrative procedures.
  • Establishment of the regulatory framework of institution management, fulfilment of codification duties, issuance and keeping records of internal regulatory documents.
  • Legal oversight of the operation of student councils, legal support of the issues of student councils.
  • Verification and authentication issued related to administrative and other requests concerning the programs and persons without student status.
  • Fulfilment of administrative duties related to the functioning of the President’s Cabinet and the Senate, drafting and keeping records of resolutions, correspondence with the Board of Trustees.
  • Development and improvement of the documents management system. Management and keeping records of notarised signature specimens, management of the electronic signature and stamp records.
  • Fulfilment of the data protection officer duties, fulfilment of general publication, data request for public benefit duties.
  • Fulfilment of data provisions within its scope of duties.


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H-1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8. fjsz@uni-corvinus.hu
+36-1-482-5302, +36-30-552-2982


Dr. Bíró Barbara barbara.biro@uni-corvinus.hu Elnöki Szervezet / Jog, Igazgatás, Szabályozás
jogi vezető, jogtanácsos / head of legal affairs, legal adviser
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Phone: +36 20 318 0818
Dr. Balogh Emese Katalin emese.balogh@uni-corvinus.hu
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Rigó-Loós Olívia Boglárka olivia.loos@uni-corvinus.hu
E épület, 283
Phone: +36 1 482 5302 • Ext: 5302
Bágyi Andrea andrea.bagyi@uni-corvinus.hu Elnöki Szervezet / Jog, Igazgatás, Szabályozás
szenior felsőoktatási szakértő / senior higher aducation expert
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Mráz Viola viola.mraz@uni-corvinus.hu Elnöki Szervezet / Jog, Igazgatás, Szabályozás
felsőoktatási asszisztens / higher education assistant
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