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The Doctoral Student Council (‘DÖK’) is the official representative organization for doctoral students at Corvinus University of Budapest, responsible for representing the institutional interests of students participating in doctoral programs at the University. ‘DÖK’, as part of the University, operates independently in accordance with the Act CCIV. of 2011 on National Higher Education (hereinafter referred as Nftv.), the applicable legislation and the relevant regulations of the University (hereinafter collectively referred to as regulatory documents). The position of the ‘DÖK’ is determined exclusively by the interests of the doctoral students.

Pursuant to the Nftv. and in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents, the ‘DÖK’ may express its opinion, and may make proposals in connection with any issues related to the operation of the University and the doctoral students. On the basis of the Nftv, the ‘DÖK’ participates in the evaluation of the work of the lecturers of the doctoral programmes of the University. In addition to the tasks and powers specified in this section, the ‘DÖK’ may carry out any scientific, professional, cultural or other activities that support the objectives defined in these Statutes and serve the interests of doctoral students, as long as they are in accordance with the regulatory documents.     

In which bodies are we present?

Within the framework defined in the relevant regulatory documents, in order to exercise its duties and powers, the ‘DÖK’ participates in the work of the decision-making and advisory bodies of the University where the preparation and ratification of decisions related to the operation of the University and to the doctoral students are adopted.

Such bodies include, but are not limited to the:

  • Senate;
  • Educational Committee;
  • Research Committee;
  • University Doctoral Council;
  • Councils of the Doctoral Schools;
  • Doctoral Cabinet;
  • International Committee;
  • Equal Opportunities Committee;
  • Disability Committee;
  • Student Appeals Committee.

Contact us!    
Email address: dokelnok@uni-corvinus.hu

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