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Our Organization

The Doctoral Student Council of CUB was established in 2019. It was primarily created to address the representation needs of students participating in doctoral programs.

Key Objectives of ‘DÖK’

We strive to gather the opinions and needs of students through surveys, and individuals can also turn to representatives if the flow of university life requires it. We aim to channel as many opinions as possible into the decision-making processes of the university. Therefore, our representative organization is dedicated to assisting the successful academic journey and well-being of students. We proactively address potential issues, whether individual or group-related, and facilitate proper communication and information flow between decision-makers, instructors, and doctoral students.

Assembly of Delegates

The Assembly of Delegates consists of representatives elected from each Doctoral School and the president, following the provisions of the DÖK’s Statute.

If you have individual questions related to a specific Doctoral School or program, feel free to contact the representative members via email with confidence.

Doctoral School of Business and Management

Beke Diána Dóra Vezetéstudományi Intézet
Doktorandusz / Doctoral student
E épület, 375

Doctoral School of Economics, Business and Informatics

Tóth Gábor gabor.toth3@uni-corvinus.hu Közgazdaságtan Intézet
Gyakornok / Teaching Assistant
Eépület, 254
Phone: +36 1 482 5364 • Ext: 5364

Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science

Tenczer Ádám adam.tenczer@stud.uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Corvinus Doktori Iskolák / Doktorandusz Önkormányzat
PhD Hallgató / PhD Student
C épület, 410
Phone: +36 30 355 4439

Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Science
Bialkó-Marol Petra


The Presidency serves as the working body of ‘DÖK’. The members include the president and the vice-presidents. The vice-presidents are appointed and dismissed by the president. The president coordinates the professional work of ‘DÖK’, leading and directing the Presidency in the process.

President: Alexandra Bagi- dokelnok@uni-corvinus.hu

Bagi Alexandra alexandra.bagi3@stud.uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Corvinus Doktori Iskolák / Doktorandusz Önkormányzat
PhD Hallgató / PhD Student
C épület, 527

Vice-president: Ádám Tenczer – adam.tenczer@stud.uni-corvinus.hu 

Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science Delegate, Doctoral Social Board Chair

Vice-president: Gábor Tóth – gabor.toth3@uni-corvinus.hu 

Doctoral School of Economics, Business and Informatics Delegate, Doctoral Public Affairs Review Board Chair

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board (SB) consists of 3 members, overseeing the operation and finances of ‘DÖK’. Any member of the ‘SB’ is entitled to access any official documents of ‘DÖK’, request information, and address questions to the president of ‘DÖK’.

The official contact for the Supervisory Board is dokfb@uni-corvinus.hu

  • Áron K. Szabó – Chair of the SB
  • Gábor Rónaföldi-Széll – Member of the SB
  • Anett Zanócz – Member of the SB

Our Boards

The Boards have 4 members each, including 1 university delegate and 3 ‘DÖK’ members. The operation of the Boards is entirely independent of DÖK in legal terms. Moreover, anyone serving on the Boards is fully responsible for their work in accordance with the Board regulations.

  • Doctoral Public Affairs Review Board (DKBB)
    Starting in the spring semester of 2024, doctoral students also have the opportunity to apply for regular and extraordinary social scholarships. Detailed information about the application can be found by clicking here.

    DKBB deals with the evaluation of these scholarships, and its members are:
  • Gábor Tóth (Chair)
  • Zsuzsa Horváthné Krista (University Delegate)
  • Gábor Rónaföldi-Széll (‘DÖK’ Member)
  • Petra Bialkó-Marol (‘DÖK’ Member)

The Board regulations can be accessed by clicking here, and for questions, you can contact the Board chair at gabor.toth3@uni-corvinus.hu

  • Doctoral Social Board (DSZB)

    Starting in the spring semester of 2024, doctoral students also have the opportunity to apply for regular and extraordinary social scholarships. Detailed information about the application can be found by clicking here.

DSZB deals with the evaluation of these scholarships, and its members are:

  • Ádám Tenczer (Chair)
  • Zsuzsa Horváthné Krista (University Delegate)
  • Anett Zanócz (‘DÖK’ Member)
  • Diána Beke (‘DÖK’ Member)

The Board regulations can be accessed by clicking here, and for questions, you can contact the Board chair at dszb@uni-corvinus.hu

DÖK Statutes

The Statutes are a document approved by the Assembly of Delegates and the University Senate, determining the operational framework of ‘DÖK’, which can be accessed by clicking here.

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